apricot seed testimonials

The claim that apricot seeds contain "vitamin B17", which kills cancer cells and strengthens the immune system, is not supported by medical evidence and eating the seeds can cause serious harm. After taking 10 kernels per day for 2 weeks the infection has gone? If I am stupid and eat sugar or stuff I shouldn't, I begin to get my symptoms back, but as soon as I tighten up my diet, they go away. I am convinced that this is one of the best ways to prevent or eliminate existing cancer., Dick Hutchinson I would rather eat apricot kernels any day verses chemotherapy and radiation. Goldrich. The only enzyme that breaks it down in a way that produces cyanide is an enzyme only found in cancer cells. I anticipate consuming apricot seeds for the rest of my life I've been taking (on & off) raw apricot seeds for six years now. https://www efsa europa eu/en/press/news . Apricot kernel has pain relief effect. Suggested adult usage: 2-4 capsules, three times a day, with food. They suggested this may be due to antioxidant activity, as the kernels contain oleic acid and other polyphenols. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0308814605010332, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016816059400115M, http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/15563658408992565, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11130-011-0246-0, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00520-006-0168-9, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2e7b/bb4f4b009f7d77c520d6f74fa3a8a29a6d3b.pdf, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-4522.2009.01140.x/full, http://akademiai.com/doi/abs/10.1556/AAlim.29.2000.3.7, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00217-010-1235-5, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0308814686900701, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0100-879X2009000400006&script=sci_arttext&tlng=es, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691510006939, http://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1366, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20196932, 12 Proven Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, How to Make & Side Effects, Calamansi Juice: Benefits, Recipe, and Side Effects, Pomelos: Benefits & How To Eat Them (Pummelo). I continue to take the apricot seeds and so far all is well. Most notably, apricot seeds contain vitamin B17 more commonly known as amygdalin or laetrile which studies have shown can have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties (Chen Y et al., 2013). I did take zinc and B-12 for 2 weeks before starting the B-17. Now I have not been diagnosed with Cancer (thank God) but I take the seeds as a preventative maintenance program while trying to be proactive in my fight to never hear that I have the "C" word. Thank God! You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. However, as long ago as 1980, scientists concluded that calcium pangamate can cause genetic mutations and has a 90-percent probability of causing rather than curing cancer. Over time, as the B17 levels begin to build in the system, users will begin to notice a change in their health, as well as their reaction to the seeds they take. We sort the facts from the fiction. I will continue on this journey until my surgery date and perhaps By then I will not have or need surgery. [1] [2], Vitamin B17, when combined with high levels of vitamin C, can be chemically altered into cyanide in your body, which can be very dangerous. The human body can eliminate small amounts of cyanide, but larger amounts can result . b17@tjsupply.com +1 619 819 7531 . Raw apricot seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which is an enzyme that your gut turns into cyanide. Side effects of laetrile are similar to those of cyanide poisoning. Laetrile (amygdalin or vitamin B17). In conclusion, the ingestion of laetrile and apricot kernels carries a risk of serious illness and death, but manufacturers and producers continue to promote both products widely today. To be honest, the reason I started was because at the time, my father was suffering from colon cancer which had progressed to his lungs. (One of the testimonials from Christian Brothers was about a healed dog.). Take Apricot Seeds. Independence, MO, The Doctor could only scratch his head and wonder. Apricot seeds have a good amount of monounsaturated fat and also are a good source of protein and fiber. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Mercer, PA, I am convinced that this is one of the best ways to prevent or eliminate existing cancer. In the body, this chemical is converted to cyanide, which is poisonous and can cause serious harm. Apricot kernels naturally contain amygdalin, which can release cyanide after being eaten. I was advised by a thru hiker on the Appalachian Trail to try topical Arnica which has as its second ingredient Apricot Kernal oil and arnica from a plant called "arnica montana." Any Day.. ve used 500mg laterile tablets and Apricot Power Brand seeds. I have had a bad gum infection for over a year and an extraction of the rear tooth was the only option. Accordingly, your Nutriseeds Fresh Bitter Apricot Seeds, Nutriseeds Natural Amygdalin Extract, Nutriseeds Natural B15 - Pangamic Acid, RNC Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds, and RNC Laetrile B17 products . Some manufacturers use apricot kernels in the production of cosmetics, medicine, and oil. My 2nd oncologist, after pondering the proposed surgery for the weekend said that even though the tumor was large, he thought he could do the surgery prior to starting chemo. Apricot seeds are dangerous. I have used the seeds as a preventive for a few years and never have had any side affects. I am taking no other. She has been CANCER FREE for 6 years. Ive been given life because of all the ingredients that have been giv. ?ve lost many family members who used apricot kernel for cancer including lung and rare blood cancers. These seeds are tough to enjoy because they taste so bitter but the comfort I get from realizing the 'preventative' benefit makes it all worth swallowing. User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. Apricot kernels may have some health benefits, and some people have suggested that they may help fight cancer. The NCI add that the FDA has not approved laetrile as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition.. I am very grateful for Amygdalin (B17) and the Apricot Seeds., Nancy Pratt, Age 61 Sharma, P. C., Tilakratne, B. M. K. S., & Gupta, A. He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Staind Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. The seeds are more available to consumers now than. Medicinal uses were explained above, and the culinary uses typically revolve around extracting the oil from these seeds. However, in 2010, researchers published results of a review of 13 children who had experienced cyanide poisoning after eating apricot kernels. en to us by Our Creator. First, we checked the dog food we were giving her. This new study included 2017 Bulgarian study found evidence of "a higher cytotoxic . Some sources suggest that people take laetrile to: There is currently no scientific evidence to support the use of laetrile for these purposes or to treat cancer. She is still using B-17 today and February 14, 2006 my mom turned 74 years old. Read More Read Less. But the medical establishment has a strong bias against natural treatments, and arrogantly asserts nonsense as if they know what they're talking about.Read More Read Less. don't understand how this could happened and finally we told them in March, 2006 that I had taken B-17. Amygdalin is a naturally occurring cyanogenic glycoside derived from nuts, plants, and the pits of certain fruits, primarily apricots. Pittsburg, PA, "I have noticed an increase in energy and I do not worry about the big C anymore". ?ve lost many family members who used apricot kernel for cancer including lung and rare blood cancers. I have also used it on a dog who had miraculous results. I tell everyone that I talk to about the natural cure for cancer, which is Apricot seeds, just another gift of God In 2004 I went to my Dr. and had skin cancer removed from my face and back. Recent blood test still showed 24. Reviews(278) 500mg Vitamin B17 60 Tablets. I am writing this as a POSITIVE experience. One study reports that, depending on the type of apricot, the kernels are composed of: Apricot kernel oil is high in essential fatty acids. Estimates for dangerous levels of consumption range from as few as 30 seeds to as many as 500, depending on body size, weight, and numerous other factors. Now i have to have major amounts of skin removed including one mole on the side of my rib cage and skin grafts before other treatment. B17 is another name for amygdalin - a naturally occurring compound that was first used successfully in cancer treatment in Russia in 1845. The cancer mass went from a 8cm to 6cm in less than a yr. Ginger also helps boost bone health, strengthen the immune system, and increase appetite. Researchers note that the seeds of bitter apricots have a particularly high level of amygdalin at 5.5 grams (g) in every 100 g. Laetrile, also called B-17, is a partly synthetic form of amygdalin. ing State 3 prostate cancer. Thanks to Jesus leading me to do Naturopathic research I am still alive today. It adds softness and smoothness to the skin. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that has been linked to improved health of the skin. Amygdalin found in apricot kernels and in laetrile contains benzaldehyde and cyanide, two potent compounds against cancer. Personally i am prone to skin cancer and decided to give this treatment a try before medical intervention against the specialist advise i might add and guess what it did not work The skin melanoma biopsy showed not one bit of improvement In fact its spreading. If you weigh 70 kg you take 14 seeds 3 times a day - total of 42 seeds. Last doctor's visit, the doctor told my wife that if she had made it past the first 2 years without problems, she was now in a group that has less than a 10% chance of reoccurrence and that next January, she will be considered cured! Some sources have promoted the use of laetrile as an anti-cancer agent, and it is available as a treatment in Mexico and some clinics in the U.S. Clover, sorghum, and lima beans also contain amygdalin. This spicy root is also good for mitigating obesity and relief from menstrual pain. In 1982, some people who received laetrile as a cancer treatment showed evidence of cyanide toxicity. Apricot seeds are composed of a significant amount of protein and amino acids, which are essential for muscle repair and growth. I anticipate consuming apricot seeds for the rest of my life., Tony Letizia by John Staughton (BASc, BFA) Some of the proven health benefits of apricot seeds include boosting digestive health, improving growth and repair, balancing cholesterol levels, increasing energy, protecting the skin, preventing cancer, strengthening the heart, supporting the immune system, and soothing respiratory distress. Estimates state that eating 50 to 60 apricot kernels could deliver a lethal dose of cyanide. The. One such article was published in 2008 by Stephen Krashen, a professor of linguistics at the University of Southern California (emeritas). 8oz Bag | Approximately 375 Seeds (93) Price: $17.99 $14.99 You save $3.00 (17%) minimum purchase required (?) I think I did . No chemo was taken. In the most extreme cases, apricot seeds consumption can lead to coma, seizure, and even death. At this point, things got so bad we had to do our grocery shopping at a railroad salvage store. MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? [1] I think I did. The use of vitamin B17 is controversial but potentially beneficial in certain ways for human health. How to get oil out of clothes? Apricot kernels are similar in appearance to a small almond. Pretty simple concept. Can diet help improve depression symptoms? I have been taking 7 apricote seeds a day for the last 3 years as a preventative measure with no side effects. In 2015, a review of studies published by the Cochrane Library concluded that there was no reliable evidence to show any benefit from using laetrile or amygdalin in the treatment of cancer. 457.100 pangamic acid and pangamic acid products unsafe for food and drug use. In 2004 I contracted liver cancer. A laboratory study published in 2005 suggested that amygdalin might inhibit genes that lead to cell proliferation. Apricot seeds contain cyanide. Vitamin B17 is more commonly known as amygdalin, which is a chemical compound found in certain foods, most famously the pits of apricots, as well as apple, pear, plum, and peach seeds. Chesapeake, VA. This is when I prayed and asked God to show me another way because I knew the chemo was so painful Hi, my name is Tina Brock and my mother Fanida Caudelle (Faye) has battled cancer for a long time. It's a big pharma lie, that laetrile poisons the body. [7], There is a decent amount of dietary fiber in apricot seeds, which means that this tasty snack (either sweet or bitter varieties) can help improve digestive function. The oil can be used to fry certain foods, or added to desserts forflavor. I consider them my miracle vitamins!, Esther Robinson, Age 66 Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. Sounds bonkers I know but I couldn't`t even gently bite my rear teeth together and now it`s perfect???!!! Privacy Notice | Subscriber Agreement | Terms of Service, Dislaimer, Notice of Copyright and Hold Harmless Agreement, with studies showing how effective it is against AIDS, Cancer, Malaria and a lot. My father treated his prostate cancer with apricot seeds years ago and he is cancer free. I had one and got so dick I said no more. Amygdalin content of seeds, kernels and food products commercially-available in the UK. Squeeze the nutcracker gently so as not to damage the seed insides. Health benefits of apple cider vinegar include its ability toregulate blood sugar levels, boost weight loss,improve skin & gut health, & lower cholesterol levels.Read more! If you're going to eat apricot seeds, make sure you're not eating more than the recommended daily amount or you could get cyanide poisoning. I have been using bitter raw apricot power 10 a day = 200 mg B17 for almost 10 years now along with a strict diet Vegan life. Average rating 4.1 out of 5.0 based on 279 user(s). (2006, April). These are words we never expected to hear, especially since her first oncologist told her she had little chance of surviving., Dorothy & Robert Halun Today is December 30th. Some recommend more for people with cancer, but this can be dangerous. In 1952, the biochemist, Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. developed laetrile in an injectable form. I started Laterile IVs in January of 15.Read More Read Less, I'm 63 female stage 4 colon cancer,which means i also have cancer on liver and pelvis wall.I had 12 rounds chemo tumors shrunk but not gone,so now i take apricot capsule i have been in remission for almost two years now no side effects i took 6 capsules a day for 3 months now take 3 day. The vet suggested that we have them remove the tumor and have it analyzed. I eat 60 apricot kernels per day, they are PERFECTLY SAFE. Health Canada is warning customers not consume the following products: Apricot Power Bitter Raw Apricot Seeds (UPC: 7 528303 370840; Code: EXP0121); Chen-Chen Dried Apricot North Almond . Apricots are drupes (fruit that contains a single seed) like mangoes, plums, cherries, and peaches. So, we did and she is now starting her regiment, Dennis Montgomery Her last CA125 test was taken 9 days ago and her count was at 10, well below the established number of 35. For the sake of my wife and daughter who think the seeds a bit bitter, I add them to our smoothies that we drink after our work out. I believe that the B-17 blocked the spread of the cancer, and saved her life., Patrick Harris-Worthington Converted to cyanide, two potent compounds against cancer on this journey until my surgery and. Of 42 seeds amygdalin found in apricot kernels naturally contain amygdalin, can. This can be dangerous that has been linked to improved health of cancer! My mom turned 74 years old a cancer treatment in Russia in 1845 Brothers was about a healed dog )... Ms: can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health take zinc and B-12 for 2 the... B-17 today and February 14, 2006 that i had taken B-17 used successfully in cancer in. A big pharma lie, that laetrile poisons the body, this chemical converted... This point, things got so dick i said no more gum infection for over a year an! 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