aztec zodiac signs dates

Find out which one is yours to compare your characteristics, it is really impressive. People of this sign can be calmed by the presence of a Flower or Monkey sign. The Aztec signs influence your destiny. Azteca/Mexica Calendar Correlations: the Good, the Bad, and the Completely Useless, Itztli Ehecatl. This sign's planet is Saturn and its divinity is Huehuecyotl. They are intuitive, logical, sincere, charming, but at the same time terrible enemies, who do not forgive betrayals. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. APPLE TREE is your sign in the Celtic Zodiac. Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, often combines two terms to create a metaphoric expression (difrasismo). Since their months were made of no more than twenty days, these were all the days contained in a month, because they were not guided by the moon but by the days; therefore, the year had eighteen months. 2. Souls of people who died from less glorious causes would go to Mictlan. These are cheerful and intelligent people who are in constant need of spirituality, art and joy. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". [4] The table with the current years: For many centuries scholars had tried to reconstruct the Calendar. They need their freedom. They are cheerful, understanding and overly protective of those they love. He gets emotionally attached to him/her. The thirteen day period (trecena) that starts with day 1-Cuauhtli (Eagle) is ruled by Xochiquetzal. The sun god was Tonatiuh. The Maya Zodiac Sign Calculator can work out to which Mayan Zodiac Sign you belong straight away! Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. A circular calendar stone measuring about 12 feet (3.7 metres) in diameter and weighing some 25 tons was uncovered in Mexico City in 1790 and is currently on display in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Your email address will not be published. There is a division between the goddesses and the gods, that gives a special meaning to every single day of the Aztec calendar. 2022 would be 10 tochtli, 2023 11 acati, 2024 12 tecpati, 2025 13 calli. Days of JAGUAR: Well, in fact these names are fake. They are demanding, jealous and romantic. 17. There are 12 different horoscope signs, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, traits, desires, and way of viewing the world. Days of CROCODILE: January 4, 16, 18; February 2, 14, 26; March 10, 22; April 3, 15, 27; May 9, 21; June 2, 14, 26; July 8, 20; August 1, 13, 25; September 6, 18, 30; October 12, 24; November 5, 17, 29; December 11, 23. In addition, each of the twenty trecenas in the 260-day cycle had its own tutelary deity: In ancient times the year was composed of eighteen months, and thus it was observed by the native people. Each day brings with it a quality of strength that once discovered can be utilized by the individual to become more powerful. 2 - Wind (Ehecalt) knows how to overcome obstacles. This card usually carries the meaning of disillusionment and abandonment of things which have not been emotionally fulfilling. The dates are from early eyewitnesses; each wrote what they saw. Find out your Mayan Zodiac Symbol and what it means about you now.. They are very private; they hardly show their feelings or admit that they have problems. They are creative, intuitive, and go-getters. Prominent in the Aztec pantheon were Huitzilopochtli, god of war; Tonatiuh, god of the sun; Tlaloc, god of rain; and Quetzalcatl, the Feathered Serpent, who was part deity and part culture hero. Its influences are inconstant and vain. 3. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This sign's planet is Saturn and its divinity is Tepeyolohti.4 - Lizard (Cuetzpallin ) bears the number 4. The days of the year were counted twenty by twenty. Its planet is the Moon and its divinities are Tecciztcatl and Meztli. The dog represents the maximum goddess in the horoscope. Crocodiles get along well with days of house, Flint, monkey and jaguar. Before going into the Aztec Zodiac Signs, it is important to learn a little bit more about the Aztecs. Along with the reveal of the 4 zodiac signs corresponding to your birthday the astrology calculator will return a short description of your characteristics as symbolized by your sign. The Nahuatl word for moon is metztli but whatever name was used for these periods is unknown. Whats important is to remember that this is the earliest form of astrology created or figured out by the Mesoamericans. They are also prone to anguish and like to have control over their lives. The Aztec Calendar Stone, or Piedra del Sol, was buried a few decades after the conquest beneath what is now Mexico Citys main plaza, or Zcalo. Check out what sign you are according to the Aztecs and see if you think it describes you. The process of buying and / or using the products mentioned herein is entirely the responsibility of the user and the company responsible for the marketing of the product. Delicate and timid, this sign hates conflict. This sign likes other people, and seeks to find balance with its soul mate. What are the Aztec Zodiac signs? One of the most widespread aspects of their culture is the creation of the Aztec Zodiac Signs and also of its own calendar, which some scientists say was inspired by the one developed by the Mayan culture. In love, they can be cold and don't want to attach, since they don't want to get hurt. He is careful and kind to everybody around him. 12 - Grass (Malinalli) is represented by the number 12. This sign likes logic and logical thinking. When a storm blows, this sign always manages to calm itself down in the end. Unlike the Mayan and Western Zodiac, which are governed by estimated periods of one month, the Aztec Zodiac changes sign every day, meaning, each sign covers 24-hour periods. The first is a series of 20 repeating symbols called a 'day-sign'. Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. It was the symbol of family safety, tradition, mothers, home and sunset. 18 - Silex (Tcpatl) bears the number 18, and its colour is red. Zodiac signs and style: Taureans like luxurious and expensive, Libras don't like extravagant shoes, Characteristics of Persons Born on a Particular Day of the Week. Known as 'Oc' in Maya, this day was regarded by the Aztecs as a good day for funerals and for remembering the dead. Reeds get along well with flints, jaguars, flowers, and houses. Stability of Eagles completely depends on their love life. Work out your birth sign by consulting the table below. They get along well with those born under the sign of rabbit, eagle, flint and deer. The 20 Aztec astrology signs are as follows: WeMystic is an information site and its content is not of scientific rigor. Your 2017-2018 Aztec astrology reading is calculated by the day of your birth. A correlation by independent researcher Ruben Ochoa interprets pre-Columbian codices, to reconstruct the calendar, while ignoring most primary colonial sources that contradict this idea, using a method that proposes to connect the year count to the vernal equinox and placing the first day of the year on the first day after the equinox. This is the reason their relationships fail. Rain signs are passionate; they like acting on their whims, and let themselves be guided by their impulses. Cimi The Mayan Calendar is a particularly complex ancient calendar, often confused with the Aztec Calendar, made up of two separate forms of timekeeping: the Tzolkin and the Haab.The Maya Zodiac Sign Calculator uses the Mayan . They are often authoritarian, and move through life without ever complaining! As such, they may be read in any direction which forms the correct sound values in the context of the glyph. The personality of each person is described by these Day Signs. The latter can get them into trouble. The personality of someone born on a certain day has much to do with what god or goddess rules that given day. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to Aztec tradition, the Monkey gave man fire out of love and compassion. They look exhausted, although their hearts are full of love and kindness. Druids believe that the spirits of the trees reveal the personality of every human. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Cayman (Cipactli) Representing the origin of the Universe, the Cayman or crocodile was considered an agile and strong animal. Crocodiles are loyal friends who never forget even the smallest detail. They can't stand mistakes, or can watch others spoil their plans. The tnalphualli ("day count") consists of a cycle of 260 days, each day signified by a combination of a number from 1 to 13, and one of the twenty day signs. They are romantic and would never commit themselves to others if they are not completely in love. He doesnt save money. Days of SNAKE: October 12, 2022September 14, 2022by Anna Howard Cayman (Cipactli) Representing the origin of the Universe, the Cayman or crocodile was considered an agile and strong animal. Ehecatl is a bad day for working with others. Days of HOUSE: In this way, three types of calendars were developed to calculate the signs of the Aztec Zodiac, represented by animals, plants and objects associated with sacred symbols. Its planet is Jupiter and its divinity Tlazoltotl. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 10 -Dog (Itzcuintli) is symbolised by the number 10. They don't like short-term relationships; they will rather wait for the right one. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The second astrology system is the Aztec Zodiac, the zodiac signs that repeat 20 times months during the 366 possible days of the year. Jaguar gets along with crocodile, reed, rabbit and deer. What is the difference between Vedic and sidereal astrology? Date: 1530. This is very similar to the popular astrology except this is less well known, but just as valid. This cycle of number and day signs would continue similarly until the 20th week, which would start on 1 Rabbit, and end on 13 Flower. There are elements (water, fire, earth and air) and modalities (cardinal, fixed and mobile) that characterize each sign. Based on your birth day you will receive four of the zodiac signs you belong to according to four important types of astrology. Dates: January 6, 18, 30/ February 4, 16, 28/ March 12, 24/ April 5, 17, 29/ May 11, 23/ June 4, 16, 28/ July 10, 22/ August 3, 15, 27/ September 8, 20/ October 2, 14, 26/ November 7, 19/ December 1, 13, 25. They are successful businessmen and skilled diplomats. 5.0 out of 5 stars What a , A Marvel fan seems to have figured out the real reason why Bruce Bannerplayed by Mark Ruffalocould not transform into Hulk at will in last years Avengers: Infinity War. It is also synonymous with shyness, tenacity, and being a dreamer. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What does the Eight of Cups tarot card mean in love? They can make their way out of difficult situations and find the light. There are three modalities, with four zodiac signs in each: Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) occur at the beginning of a new season, and are excellent at taking action and. These are 13 days when gambling on happiness, both your own and others', pays off. This email address is invalid or already registered in our system. Taurus : April 20 - May 20. Rabbits are tireless perfectionists who will fight to achieve their goals. Discover the 20 signs below. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. Leo : July 23 - August 22. She discovered her love for astrology at a young age and has been studying the subject ever since. Their ambition helps them to be successful and to reach high personal goals. It represents strength, virility and courage. Aries Zodiac Sign Dates: March 21-April 19 Every year, the sun enters Aries on the same day as the Spring Equinox. Your registration has been successful, thanks for the trust. They need love and attention. Rabbits get along well with people born under the sign of deer, snake, jaguar and dog. With each new day, both the number and day sign would be incremented: 1 Crocodile is followed by 2 Wind, 3 House, 4 Lizard, and so forth up to 13 Reed, after which the cycle of numbers would restart (though the twenty day signs had not yet been exhausted) resulting in 1 Jaguar, 2 Eagle, and so on, as the days immediately following 13 Reed. Being shy lovers, they never give themselves to the fullest, nor can enjoy the relationship. 12. We will tell you everything you need to know about Aztec Zodiac Signs. They are sensual but can be jealous, and like knowing they are in control in relationships. This sign suggests you are curious, versatile, bright, witty and adaptable with a cheerful attitude, although sometimes superficial. 14 - Ocelot or Jaguar (Oclotl) is represented by the number 14, and its colour is black. As long as people treat them kindly and with respect, they will behave the same way. Those born under the sign of the house were appreciated as conservative, supportive and caring people. In Aztec Astrology, this is a positive sign, synonymous with good health, long life, and also responsibilities! To complement what was described above in the first part, about the Aztec zodiac signs. People of this sign make gifted businessmen and women, who move directly and calmly towards their goals. 8. The signs are not divided by dates of months, and the calendar gives specific days to each sign so that according to the day of birth, we will be one sign or another. In an Aztec 52 year cycle there were four counts of thirteen years each. Zodiac Sign Quiz Aries (Ram): March 21-April 19 Taurus (Bull): April 20-May 20 Gemini (Twins): May 21-June 21 Cancer (Crab): June 22-July 22 Leo (Lion): July 23-August 22 Virgo (Virgin): August 23-September 22 Libra Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24-November 21 Sagittarius (Archer): November 22-December 21 This sign's planet is the Sun and its divinity Xipe Totec. Both are shown to emphasize the fact that the beginning of the Native new year became non-uniform as a result of an absence of the unifying force of Tenochtitlan after the Mexica defeat. 6. Tecpatl For your birth day June 15, 1984 your zodiac signs are: GEMINI is your sign in the Western Zodiac. A Flower sign will be full of life and vigour when paired with an Eagle or a Monkey. Manik Whether you're a seasoned astrology enthusiast or just starting to learn about the subject, Anna's blog is a must-read. When you find your date of birth, you will find out what you are in the Aztec horoscope. At present, the Aztec Zodiac Signs are calculated in three different ways: In this article, we will review the characteristics of each of the elements of the Aztec Zodiac of 12 signs, aligned with 24-hour periods, since this system is the most used and accepted. Aztecs, one of the fascinating civilizations of Middle America, entrusted the world art and culture on many aspects. It was a cherished symbol of the union between land and water, and therefore of fertility. 13. Destination sun with Creole astrology. Each world was called a sun, and each sun had its own species of inhabitants. The Aztec Astrology Calendar is made up of 260 days. This symbolizes wisdom. The specialists in Aztec Astrology have identified a horoscope with 12 signs and another one with 20. An opinion? January 8, 20; February 1, 6, 18; March 2, 14, 26; April 7, 19; May 1, 13, 25; June 6, 18, 30; July 12, 24; August 5, 17, 29; September 10, 22; October 4, 16, 28; November 9, 21; December 3, 15, 27. When you find you birth date, you will know what sign you belong according to the Aztec horoscope. All you need is the birthday of that individual to find out what they will be like. 4. Dates: January 11, 23/ February 9, 21/ March 5, 17, 29/ April 10, 22/ May 4, 16, 28/ June 9, 21/ July 3, 15, 27 August 8, 20/ September 1, 13, 25/ October 7, 18, 31/ November 12, 24/ December 6, 18, 30. They are very devoted to their families and friends. Examples are 'atl-tepetl' ('water, hill') for the concept of a settlement, or 'atl-tlachinolli' (water, fire) for the concept of war. Scholars usually refer to these thirteen-day "weeks" as trecenas, using a Spanish term derived from trece "thirteen" (just as the Spanish term docena "dozen" is derived from doce "twelve"). In western astrology, signs is a term that used to indicate the different zodiacs existing within a particular chart. Snake signs are spontaneous, and often act without reason. Decrypt your character with African astrology. It formed a 260-day cycle, in all probability originally based on astronomical observations. As for the Aztec zodiac signs, the name used here is glyphs. They are naturally beautiful and seductive, but who do not do things in their own interest - they are quite simply natural and pleasant. January 1, 13, 25; February 11, 23; March 7, 19, 31; April 12, 24; May 6, 18, 30; June 11, 23; July 5, 17, 29; August 10, 22; September 3, 15, 27; October 9, 21; November 2, 14, 26; December 8, 20. He likes power and influence. When we talk about Horoscopes we are usually talking about the astrology that originated in Mesopotamia (c. 3rd-millennium bc) and spread to India, before it developed its Western form in Greek civilization during the Hellenistic period, per Britannica. According to a theory posted on , The Fool card represents care-free, bohemian spirits. No birth time is required for this. Their nature is somehow grim, so they seek solitude in their shelter. . Astrology Zodiac Signs. Using the same count, it has been the date of the birth of Huitzilopochtli, the end of the year and a cycle or "Tie of the Years", and the New Fire Ceremony, day-sign 1 Tecpatl of the year 2 Acatl,[6] corresponding to the date February 22. People with this sign are usually wise and want to achieve a balance between their emotions and the world and are optimistic. Crocodiles always seek for a stable and long relationship. 7. Itzcuintli, meaning 'dog' in Nahuatl, is the day sign of the 10 th trecena in the sacred Aztec calendar. His proposal was translated to Spanish and English, and codified as an academic webpage in 2023.[9]. The Aztec sun stone, also called the calendar stone, is on display at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. During that time, the Maya developed a complex . Your email address will not be published. They have many friends and are eloquent in any company. What does the fool tarot card mean as a person? Days of RABBIT: Content provided on is intended for entertainment, infotainment purposes only and should not be taken as advice. Your registration has been successful, thanks for the trust. Ozomahtli Eagle is too proud and a bit greedy; he should learn how to give. Knowing Kabbalist or Hebraic Astrology, 9. It symbolises knowledge. At present, the Aztec Zodiac Signs are calculated in three different ways: Following the traditional methods: a different sign every 24 hours; Relating it to the Western Zodiac: one sign per month; Through mathematical calculations that imply the sum of symbolic values, assigned to the month and year of birth. There were many deities, and they were revered in monthly festivities with rich offerings. Flowers get along with reed, rabbit, monkey, jaguar and deer. EAGLEEagle is closely connected to the Sun, the star that gives him courage, happiness, and beauty. These are hard-working people who know how to get money. Discover yours, the one that shapes your destiny and that can enlighten you throughout your life! Although Aztec civilization was destroyed in the 16th century, during the Spanish conquest, it is known that they respected different deities, offered human sacrifices and developed their calendar. Use our app sign: What's My Aztec Sign?1 - Cayman or Crocodile (Cipactli) bears the number 1 and the colour light green. Who was the most powerful Aztec god? They are capable of making it through the dark and finding their way back to the light. He is an excellent friend, but selfish in love. After death, the soul of the Aztec went to one of three places: the sun, Mictlan, or Tlalocan. The reed symbolises gaiety, optimism and life's most simple pleasures. Ollin He is too impulsive and passionate and lets his instinct rule over reason. For the star signs, they used the shorter calendar of 260 days. Symbol of wisdom and spirituality. The Aztecs used a sacred calendar known as the tonalpohualli or counting of the days. This went back to great antiquity in Mesoamerica, perhaps to the Olmec civilization of the 1st millennium BCE. Having understood this, there are 20 different glyphs in the Tonalpohualli. Whatever name was used for these periods is unknown the current years: for many centuries had... To remember that this is very similar to the use of all cookies! Much to do with what god or goddess rules that given day it through dark., about the subject, Anna 's blog is a division between goddesses! And vigour when paired with an Eagle or a Monkey he is too impulsive and passionate and lets instinct. Knowing they are in control in relationships called a & # x27 ; understood this, there 20. Your Zodiac signs the different zodiacs existing within a particular chart, that gives special! Created or figured out by the number 4 is made up of 260 days email, and as!, sincere, charming, but just as valid day June 15, your! 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