does fiber optic internet cause cancer

I am being forced to have my telephone lines changed to fiber optics. this type of radiation. Watch this: Disabling a Samsung Smart TV: Therefore, we have no smart meter, and zero WiFi in our home. Thanks for asking. Would that do a thing, or is the solution to get them to remove it, I think they were Ok with that. This should be the position of ALL Stop5G groups as far as I am concerned. This signal is then transmitted to a decoder, known as the router. In other words, is it like solar panels, that spread EMI everywhere on the neighborhood grid and everyones electrical wires, except in this case its getting spread on copper wires and internet cables? As always, a collected analysis. Indeed, shouldnt be a big issue.. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. We must recognise the problem and seek mitigation through improved design. Thanks for this Jeromy. But again, these results dont imply the same effects in humans. In new builds (if we wish to have wired, fiber optic Internet connections), would using a CAT9 cable help with lowering magnetic and/or electrical fields? I worked in lasers and electro-optics and I found splicing fiber to be kind of hit and miss. Obviously I am not good with a blade. I had a guy who This process is automatic. Grateful we are getting you closer to a healthier computing setup. Routers and electronic devices, such as cellphones, Hopefully this will help more people understand that EMI does come in from the telecommunications infrastructure so that they can eliminate it. The greater the distance you put between yourself and your Send me a message for more information on EMI filtering options. Can I measure if problem at phone jack or cable outlet (no longer get cable). Thank you for taking the time to read this. I typically just run long Ethernet or fiber cables in my home. Obajuluwa AO, et al. Is there a map somewhere? I bought four 32 x 32 aluminum sheets from Home Depot and I placed them on the floor right above the spot where the modem is in the room below. However, the power supply in peoples microwave ovens and a couple of other specialized but yet under reported low end induction cooktops are far worse for EMI and EFI. Specifically, fiber can help: Control your blood sugar. unplugged as well as remove any connections to the existing wires), would there be *any* EMFs or EMIs emitted from this set up? High Speed Asus AC1900 Eco Router: + the data/voices cables are shielded = electric field only detectable at the end. Im looking forward to reading more of your articles. I ended up going to the hospital and to an IV drip place because I was thinking maybe I was severely dehydrated. The FCC does not endorse the need for these practices, the agency says, but it offers these steps to reduce exposure for those who are still concerned: Try the #1 cancer information skill in the Alexa skill store, CTCA is now City of Hope, a national, integrated cancer research and treatment system. Bluetooth uses the generally harmless non-ionizing type of electromagnetic waves. Fiber optic signals remain Thanks for your info and wish I had read it before we put in that thing! In 2011, the World Health Organizations International I hope I will be around to see it in my lifetime, but a lot is going to happen and is happening. How to check? Again, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors.,,,,,,, How to Install Wired Internet in Your Home. Is there a way I can test to see if this is the cause? Thanks for addressing this. The problem many times is just getting enough fiber to the area, which would have been under estimated in years past when designing the HFC systems. The best way to protect yourself from radiation emissions from routers and electronic devices is to minimize exposure. They are putting high amounts of EMI on the home data lines and electrical system. If it becomes a problem I could then go back to the older technology. However, the only data connection will be at the ONT device. The short answer is that it depends on what type of system they are putting in. Our power system is 240V AC. Im trying to figure out what to do and what to request from the apartments. Examples of ionizing radiation include specific types of ultraviolet light, X-raysand gamma rays. (2018). Opinions vary on whether cell phones and other devices that produce radiofrequency energy It could force animals to relocate and plants to die. Especially, for those who are not savvy with all of it? I use a landline and ethernet cable. They are currently drilling on my street for fiber optic wiring (for upcoming 5G), all underground, installing boxes every few houses to split the wires, including a box on our lawn. There is likely quite an electric field and/or EMI coming to your computer. Im located about 2 hours north of Detroit in Southern Ontario, Canada. Keykhosravi A, et al. They buried wires in the lawn, put an ONT box (modem) on our shed and then wired a non shielded Ethernet cable into the house (under floor in the crawl space). As for the best way to do fiber, read my comment here: Just wondering if you have written anything yet on how to install ones own fiber optic system between cable modem and computer to create an EMI barrier between the computer and internet providers system, as stated in Point 7 of your article? When your WiFi router transmits data, it emits EMFs that the Although AT&T will probably stop maintaining the DLS lines when our community fully converts to fiber. This is a problem for me too when the computer is connected to the internet (even on ethernet), I get symptoms. This will prevent EMI from the fiber optic infrastructure from conducting along the cable and telephone lines in your walls. Excerpted from: Recurrent thalamo-cortical resonance Wikipedia, Gamma-range oscillations are not the only rhythms associated with conscious thought and activity. In effect they are all just light and glass from the ISP to the customer. Consider that the high-speed fiber optic networks being installed in our communities will be used as the backbone for 5G wireless installations. I have several questions for you, and I desperately hope you will help me with this as I am a newbie when it comes to all of this technology. Thanks for writing. If I were to get just one meter, I would get the Safe and Sound Pro II. Also, your mom likely has a flicker sensitivity. Ill publish the article on my website in the coming months. I dont know about Genisco Filters but do you think this is a product that would help me? Get our weekly newsletter that'll tell you exactly what you need to know in the cancer world. Insufficient transmitting power. One plastic electrical cable supplies their artificial hunger. That was my gut reaction from the get-go, although I could not base my instinct on any cold, hard facts, being virtually ignorant of the technology. For a good primer on the 4 types of EMFs, read my book. Feel free to reach out to me for an email or Zoom consult if you wish to discuss. Any tips on how to ground the in house converter to help with this, or opinions on how it might effect my home and the metal/wood within it would be very appreciated. I see so much brain cancer this year. If one does not use fiberoptics in ones house, but it has been installed in the neighborhood, does that mean the EMI and be traveling on the Comcast cables that one is using for internet connection and phone service? Indeed, Ill be sending out an article about these 4G DAS small cells in San Francisco next month. I just found your page and I just need to offer a huge, hearty Thank you for all this great info!! A 2017 animal study determined that Wi-Fi radiation impairs recognition in rats. The differential mode meters (Stetzer / Line EMI) wont pick this up. We avoid using tertiary references. It provides faster mobile communication by producing higher electromagnetic frequencies. Here is what I know about what will be happening: They will be installing the Fiber Optic cables at the street with vaults (presumably the converters you mentioned) and splice enclosure boxes on the outside of each home that has given consent. Yikes! So far, there is no consistent evidence that WiFi routers or WiFi-powered devices increase cancer risk. Due to the high volume of comments we receive, we are usually unable to respond to each person individually. Studies have demonstrated a reduced risk of colon cancer when populations with diets high in total fat switched to a diet high in total fiber and certain whole-grain Additionally, most studies that have examined the link between Wi-Fi and cancer involve animals. I offered to loan him my RF detector so he can check his house. If that doesnt work, then my next article about putting a home fiber optic system between your computer and the modem should do the trick (#7 above). However there are providers in the area that utilize the existing telephone line that I can choose from (at least for now and the foreseeable future). Both use forms of radio waves to send signals, but they differ in other ways. Thanks. Id like to know if theres any difference in EMF exposure. This O.N.T. What to check? In that case, the EMI will be less of an issue than having a powerful RF source next to a newborn: The router can then connect to dozens of devices if you want (all wired hopefully). Pall ML, et al. I know many people who do this. Environmental changes Thanks for this great article and all the other great info that you provide! Additionally, one 2018 animal study also found that Wi-Fi reduces the activity of antioxidant enzymes, which combat oxidative stress. This will greatly increase the RF in your neighborhood. This article discusses how to monitor the freezing depth during cryotherapy using a fiber optic array sensor. Thank you so much, Jeromy. Thank God you and others are on this. Because the body is unable to absorb and For example, AT&T is converting their old HFC pedestals that used power to convert from fiber to coax for Uverse (what is sometimes called fiber to the curb) into passive splitters for their new AT&T Fiber (true fiber) service. Feel free to reach out to me for a phone/Skype call. These operations It feels like I have some superpower to tell such things! While your article does have its merits, you should be investigating the switch mode power supply. I am happy to see this info regrading Fiber Optics because I am very ill from the installation of Fiber Optics underground wiring in my neighborhood (and the whole town) about 5 months ago. EMF SolutionsAffiliate DisclaimerEMF ConsultantsCookie PolicyPrivacy PolicyContact Thank you so much for the article. I apologize if I missed this part, but I couldnt find it. Here are a few: 1.) Did use am AM radio and seems to be noisy there (both phone and cable). What I do is use Skype on a low-EMF laptop where I have grounded out all of the EMI / electric fields between my modem and computer. This comment also explains why staying with cable (co-axial) internet is often your best option. But the researchers didnt state the possible mechanisms behind these results. + the buildings Internet and phone equipment and their electronically hashed power supplies are in a metallic grounded cabinet. WebOptical fiber glass is just silica glass. Grateful this is valuable to you. According to the FCC, only around 33% of Americans have access to fiber internet connections. Some will be enclosed in a metal sheath or have a metal backbone. Great question. Is there a way to locate where the fiber runs? These myths are just that myths. On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). I see that you recommend flip phones are there any smart phones that would be significantly better than the iPhone? Do you or do you have technicians that can go to homes and do all of the things you recommend? Keep all food and beverages out of the work area. I responded with some ideas in an email to you. This answers the 5-month issue I have had with electrical sensitivity. This uses no electrical equipment between the main office and the home. I feel pretty certain those folks who will be moving into those apartments are going to be highly exposed to harmful radiation. Now do I know, I am an EE so I do know a little bit about this stuff. They arent spread via wireless technology. The two pronged adapter cant be earthed, as we use three-pronged 240V AC. I know different ones are present with different sources such as cell towers, fiber, CAT6 & WiFi. Oxidative stress is known to contribute to the development of cancer. Read this: You would only know by measuring properly. I encourage you not to stay there if you are too close to the WiFi routers. Do you think this is a problem? But when the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, the myths began to involve coronavirus. =====, I have a few questions: It may be installed free right now, but at what price? You are making a great difference. I have a Comcast router that has no RF emissions, and the electric field measurement by my router and desktop computer is 15 V/m. 3. The technique exploited the variations in optical diffusion properties of the 1) If the Fiber Optics were installed right to my house, but not hooked up (leave the O.N.T. Hello Jeromy, is there a meter that can tell me how much dirty electricity my cable modem is pumping into my power lines? In fact, youre likely reading this article on a device thats currently connected to Wi-Fi. millivolts, spikes, frequencies? Some have WiFi built into them and you will have to work with the provider to get this disabled. The fiber optic communication and the routers themselves are the actual problem, its the type of switch mode power supplies many of them use. Yes I can see your point, but things are changing and lucky for all of us God is in charge and making changes and these will ultimately be part of the change. I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain how the fiber optic method creates EMF if you do not choose to use the utility companys internet service, but the wires are running below your front yard, up through the box on your yard, etc. (2020). In 1996, WHO established the International EMF Project. I recently had fiber optic internet installed. As the article points out, it can be on the copper cable/internet lines as well. Im not planning on changing this.). Fiber may be the only venue in the future, but Ill definitely be waiting until that point to consent to the technology if counteractive technology is available at that time to eliminate any EMF/EMI. Its a part of the EMF spectrum that gets very little attention. But if I get even half a microwatt of HF and some crackling or pulse or repeated signals then there is likely something on the line. This is all getting so complicated and it seems the options are limited. I have a wired modem but I am suddenly having such a difficult time being on my computer. Dont know about using a radio and what is the difference. Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. I know the modem is in the room below me and I know the side of the room where it is. Many of my clients who need the information now get the PDF and print/bind at a local print shop (its about 80 pages and costs $20 to do so). All of there terms confuse me. I used an AM radio to detect EMI and found the most EMI was coming from the modem, which is grounded following your instructions and is an Arris TM 7222G/NU with no Wi-Fi capacity. I wont bore you with the details but suffice it to say that during a recent power outage that lasted all night the entire family slept better and woke up feeling more refreshed than we have in years. Ive been to Green Bank . Vila J, et al. While we dont know exactly how fiber may reduce cancer risk, it likely has to do with the fact that it helps improve some of the common risk factors for cancer. I had heard about fiber optic causing problems but didnt fully understand how until you put the pieces together. Perhaps ground the Ethernet connection before it gets to your TV, as I outline here: We got fiber optics installed They said it was low EMF. See his book here: Most neighborhoods wont have those until fiber optics are installed in the community. I look for opportunities to send people to your website all the time. Thank you for reading. WebThe most common causes of fiber optic malfunctions Broken fibers because of physical stress or excessive bending. Consider filtering the EMI before it comes into your home. Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate. So would this solution also work for 5G? What the paper doesnt tell you is that Green Bank is in an MOA (Military Operations Area). EMI, EMFs, RFIs, VHFs They blamed it on the power company. Ill show how I also do this with a fiber connection in my next article (to be published soon). I presume this would (at least in part) be a result of EMI. Theres been controversy surrounding the EMF Project. (2018). Obviously, you want an ONT device with no WiFi as well. Works with the Macbook computer. If you want to have a consultant come over to look at things, let me know your area. However, after reading your article, I have two concerns: 1) I think I may need to know where the fiber optic cables are buried underground, in case they run through my yard. I think that in future it should be part of the sellers responsibility to keep and provide this critical information. And lastly, will devices like the sine tamer which is installed at the circuit box and designed to reduce dirty electricity reduce the EMI? But hundreds of scientists and medical professionals recently petitioned the WHO, claiming 5G will boosts the potential for cancer. EMI on all bands of AM Radio: This activity could be originated by the pyramidal neurons in layer IV. That surge has some doctors and researchers concerned that the daily bombardment of a variety of electromagnetic signals may increase our cancer risk. My town is installing Fiber Optics and theyve already staked the flags/markings on my lawn to begin digging here soon. This is likely what you are reacting to. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! Having a low-EMF home is a key aspect of getting better. I have an iPhone 12 max pro and My hands go numb after only holding the phone five or 10 minutes. Learn More, This is the resource I wish had been available to me when I first started learning about the EMF topic. I hope more people in Japan start to pay attention to this topic. [3] This is contrary to gamma wave oscillatory frequencies which emerge in selective focus tasks., Ive read nearly 100,000 pages of such data, and non-intended electromagnetic induction of neuronal cells and tissues are at the bottom line of altered and chaotic modern behaviors, I know Im not being helpful, but ducking for cover whilst we destroy the Earth is a bit counterintuitive We are murdering the planet with electromagnetic infrastructure so we can talk endlessly about how to stop doing it. Thanks for your comment Dave. Nope. Its just glass & light, and the fiber doesnt want to lose light - almost all of it stays inside, and what does leak out is quickly absorbed I have been enjoying the challenge for 31 years. Not soI will print this and bring it to our next meeting! 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