jl collins daughter

I recently read your book and have a few questions though and would like to hear your ideas and opinions. You havent seen me address these type of questions as they concern market timing and that is something I dont believe is possible. I would have one question, which, to my surprise is rarely discussed. Ptak: As you point out, sometimes people can get lucky in the property market. Question: 1 If I own a treasury issued by the United States government that is good for 10 years and pays a 3% yield, I can be assured that I will earn my 3% coupon every year for 10 years and then receive my initial investment back at the end of the term (unless the government goes away or defaults and we have a much larger problem). Ptak: We enjoyed it, too. Im 31 years old and getting into the FU money game now. FULL PENSION . Real return is less than 4%. I love seeing stocks on sale now for the IRA I just started contributing to, but Im in a bit of a predicament as to when and how best to move everything into that one personal account. This will be much more broadly diversified than buying a rental property and has none of the management hassles. Was in touch with Anna previously but it didnt work out. She also leave* to ft mourn their loss one son. We just started saving drastically now from past one year before that we were settling and came from another country etc.. Basically we are starting out fresh to get FI. Case Study #4: Using the 4% rule and asset allocations. Follow the principles in the Stock Series (which of course you have/will read carefully) and begin pouring your savings into your investments. If your time ever allows, Id love to have a cup of coffee over a video call to thank you, and ask a few questions to help me over the final hurdle as I summon the courage to step away from a career that pays well, but leaves me numb inside. . I also have no debt. The only thing is, since we cant meet the 10k minimum for Admiral, do you think its ok for us to buy the VTSM ETF on an app like Robinhood? I just purchased your book and read it all in one sitting it was a fascinating read that pulled together a lot of great thinking for me, and helped me to clarify my own path to FI. VTSAX was created in 2000, but you use other stocks as representations of the market before then? Should I increase my the pre-tax contributions (up to $16,500) to my employer-retirement account or would it be better contribute just up to the 3% match, then put more (after-tax) money into my larger IRA? 10: VGTSX (just hedging more than i should) I put your book on my wishlist, but didnt read it at first because your book isnt available at my library. Morningstar Research Services is a subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. and is registered with and governed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. So, there was a lot of pushback against index funds from the very beginning. Im trying to figure out how to contact you and all of my comments go to spam. It sounds like it was a trial by error to a certain extent. I was given a copy of your book as a gift a few months ago. I have been consuming a ton of information on the subject lately, the foundation of that pursuit being The Simple Path. And from that point of view, for somebody who lacks discipline or doesn't even think about it, like my parents, owning a house long term can wind up being a valuable asset. JL Collins originally began writing "The Simple Path to Wealth" as a simplified financial guide for his daughter, Jessica. Is the primary negative on Berkshire Hathaway that it is a single company and therefore does not provide the diversification that an index does? Where do you find your narrators? I am employed by a small organization that offers a Simple IRA retirement plan, matching 3%. Collins: Well, so the first part of that I was in the magazine publishing business, business-to-business magazines, which of course have little or nothing to do with investing. This feels scary, because it is bound to go down, and it leaves me wondering whether I should sell now. Thanks for passing my writings on to your sons. Now you are asking me to tell you what to do. There's an irony in that in 1975 was, if I'm correct about this, or close to it, the year that Jack Bogle first brought out the first index fund at Vanguard. Reading your notes for your daughter was quite emotional, made me wish I had a mentor like you when I was her age, I wouldnt have done the many mistakes I did. Waiting and hoping my asset allocation and withdrawal strategy are strong enough to withstand the worst of the storms ahead. Well done! editorial policies. There is no VTSAX available. Changed my accounts to Van Guard and am ready to follow your plan, but have some questions. Under 1% falls within the margin of error and you could equally say you can maybe lose extra 1% long term. What is certain, your expenses will be a bit higher as will your volatility. You are obviously smart enough to mechanically do it. As I mentioned earlier, the markets done nothing but rise for the most part over the last decade, and I've benefited from that. Best, Having read your book, I will take your guidance to be VTSAX. And I know that people make the case, well, I can get a property manager and what have you. How did you get started as an investor? 40 years old. There's a certain percentage, and I think it's like 20% or 25% that will outperform it on any given year. I have a post or two planned about people Ive met whove been able to make that happen. The simplicity of VTSAX is extremely appealing to me, but is not an option on the TSE. Hello Mr. Collins: . His first book, The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life was published in 2016 and has been an international best-seller. Its not just your daughter who is benefitting from all this! What were your thoughts when you were watching that unfold? Financially what do you think my next best move would be to help me get back on my feet? Where do you look for wisdom on an ongoing basis? Thank you for your very kind words, ajay. I love you Brother! 17:47-23:40 J.L.'s advice on investing: the simple things are the most worth it. And having a clear path has lifted this massive weight from my shoulders. Im from The PaiSha Agency, based in Taiwan. But that could come when you're 30, if you've achieved financial independence, as many people do, and you say, OK, I'm going to not work anymore for a while. Then you probably want to add some bonds to take the place of the cash flow that you used to have to smooth the ride. And then, in some of the talks I've given, I'm famous for saying that my investment approach is pretty simple. There are not many people who take pleasure reading finance journal articles, but from your stock series writing I imagine you are part of the minority who do. That makes her hot. our entire lives. They are very tax friendly and can be cash accessible. There are several posts on other FI blogs dealing with this issue that may help. The selection seems limited to me, but maybe its sufficient. It is in Ronda. And it's a book, by the way, that will sit on my desk going forward just as a reference, because there are a lot of things that people say, What's the Federal Reserve, JL? And I kind of blunder around trying to explain that, because I've never really thought about it. Id kiss you on the lips, but our wives would probably be PISSED! I was wondering if it would be ok for me to use the image of your book. God Bless. and going with your advice, paying off the highest interest rate loans first. Nice to hear from you and glad to know how well things turned out. Then I found the bogglehead forum and learned about index funds. I want to prove its possible! I hope you and your family are safe and healthy in these wild times. Im extremely impressed with your site and your willingness to correspondents with people writing its very inspiring to read about life. Also, Ive decided its the perfect graduation present for anyone in my life. Develop Your Skills and Talents By Shawn Jenkins and Jonathan Mendonsa Shawn Have you ever considered your career to be like a brokerage account for financial freedom? Red Wing, MN (where the boots are made:), Please notify me when new articles are published. Luckily, 2 years later, she inherited enough money from a parent to destroy that debt completely and start a seed for our investing future. Our guest on the podcast today is author and blogger JL Collins. No one had taught her how to approach money. But maybe that answered it. I think it is great fund to choose considering the market is all time high. Were I going to hold international, Id likely hold both. Would you plz contact me at the email address for further information? . Dividends reinvested, buy never sell! The other thing is, there is so much great information out there these days that wasn't available when I was first starting. I have dialogue between Erik and Moe, but Im a bit terrified of posting it public. Katharina.loix ad gmail.com. Thank you for opening the eyes of many of us who still adhere to humility! If so, can you send me the pdfs or sample copies for submission? So thank you for all your insights and advice. Ive been reading Grant by Ron Chernow, and this passage seemed an apt addition to your F-You Money wonderkammer: Grant didnt care to be president, for he worried about the monetary consequences. Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Morningstar Index (Market Barometer) quotes are real-time. Anyone can pick up your book or John Bogles or Charley Ellis and invest their hard earned money themselves and outperform between 70-80% of the so-called professional investors. Hi James L. Collins from Wilmette! Stocks -- Part VI: Portfolio ideas to build and keep your wealth, Stocks -- Part II: The Market Always Goes Up, Stocks -- Part V: Keeping it simple, considerations and tools, Stocks -- Part XXXV: Investing for Seven Generations, Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest, How I Lost Money in Real Estate before it was Fashionable, Fun with numbers: Historic Stock Market Returns, Lets talk about whats up with Bonds, and what ever else youd like to ask me, Case Study #17:Buying into the market right before a Bear, Case Study #16: Helping dad with an inheritance. Man, I really wish more people understood that concept in general (on both sides). My name is Robin Poon and I am editor of a publication called Investors Digest of Canada. 13:47-17:46 Great things take timethree years to be exact. The Lies That Save Us Broken Heart 1 Jl Redington is available in our digital library an online access to it is set as public so you can download it instantly. i love your blog. I cant thank you enough for what youve put out here and I hope one day our lives cross paths. Keep it up! How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part I: Impossibly Naive. OK, that wasnt fair. J L Collins The Simple Path to Wealth: Your road map to financial independence and a rich, free life Kindle Edition by JL Collins (Author), Mr. Money Mustache (Foreword) Format: Kindle Edition 8,954 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle Edition 449.00 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Great on Kindle Id be grateful for your thoughts on two questions which I cannot find answers for (perhaps too basic for most readers). So, basically, in my world, it's not a matter of age, it's a matter of cash flow. And I turned her off to all of this stuff. I would like to thank you for all the effort and knowledge you put into your book, specially the audio version! I appreciate the invitation. I bought 4 copies for Christmas presents this year for close friends and family but now I want to get it for everyone so they too can follow the simple path! Ive subscribed. And it took me a decade after that, maybe a little longer, to finally let it sink in. I know you dont recommend investing in a single company, but Microsofts stock has been performing exponentially for the past 10 years. Benz: And what were the mistakes after that? Hey there Jim, Im planning to move to NH for the favorable state tax features, a quieter life, and the cooler climate. First I would like to thank you for the amazing book it changes my perspective about investing (and hopefully my life in the future ) ! Jim, loved the book. Good to know at least one person is interested! All the best to you and them. Thanks! Thanks for showering us with a simple and unique way of investing. However, physicians being as busy as they are, and not as interested in finance (too broad a brushstroke probably), I thought a summary- or a 5-minute version- might be helpful. Hope you can help. I love audio books, is your book available in audio or are there any plans for that? I think your mutual fund recommendations are great for people with limited math ability or no interest in investing, but what about you? Hi Mr. Collins. I can share with you I have several friends who have retired from a military career and it is a great path. Your book gave me hope and a new outlook on our financial future. Ptak: I wanted to shift over to real estate if we could. But what was it about indexing and minimalism specifically that appealed to you at that time? She's buying them on sale. Id only add that, for those whose employment provides for a short career, preparing for that carriers end is essential. He is a prolific world traveler, having visited more than 30 countries on five continents via motorcycle, car, train, plane, boatand even elephant. Im putting together a list of really influential books. Both small cap and value stocks have periodic runs where they are in favor, but then so too do large cap and growth companies. I kept the stocks: bonds allocation the same (90% stocks, 10% bonds). However, actively managed mutual funds have outperformed Index for the past many years here. And by the way, I don't mean to suggest anybody should start drawing 7% from their portfolio, at least not without looking at the Trinity study. The benefits of this fund is that it owns a basket of fixed assets so if any one of them turns very bad for some reason (default), then it will have very little impact on my portfolio. He strongly recommends Vanguard for several reasons. This is what is known as " The 4% Rule ". Whatever your schedule will allow. So, investing was an avocation rather than a vocation for me. Collins: That's an interesting question, Jeff. $100k. I think youd be a great fit for our affiliate program. That makes sense for people with long time horizons. It all would have been extremely The key distinction is that one is taxable when withdrawn (the Taxable bucket) as compared to the Roth. The index tracks the stock market not how much money is put into vtsax. One could frame it like this: They move down the social ladder a little bit, respectively quite a lot over long periods of time as far as this social ladder is defined by your relative consumption level. of M M,,(ur if , hel,tve1 llinthel Hi Riiialft Ai!"'i mid If . In all your articles, you talk about the Vanguard index funds you recommend, but never mention why you prefer those over the corresponding ETF, even if they have the same expense ratio. VT is the ETF version of VTWSX. It is an actively managed vanguard mutual fund but much lower fees comparing to other actively managed funds. I also want to thank you for the warm and humane way you do that, which makes reading your blog a recreational and uplifting experience. A huge thanks for any feedback in advance. My first decade of investing yielded an extremely low return. Had I realized this when I was younger, I might well have done the same. This advisor put us into American Funds. He made Benzingas list The Best Investing Books for Beginners. Check out the link here https://www.benzinga.com/investing/best-investing-books-for-beginners/. The good news is, in this day and age, there is so much great information out there about how to approach the market correctly and successfully. I am concerned about the incurred capital gains. JL Collins in the New Mexican desert in the 1980's When did you achieve financial independence? I want to take money from 401 k and transfer it and buy more rental property, How can I invest in Vanguard to get quarterly income? How I failed my daughter and a simple path to wealth by jlcollinsnh 220 Comments Literally since the day she was born people have been complimenting my daughter. I just finished reading the simple path to wealth and I will continue to contribute to my current employers 401(k) plan but wanted to have a separate account account for the VTSAX. First, congratulations on getting out of nasty relationship. I will be giving your book to my daughter when she turns 18. Rather, he does a good job of making you aware of how much you can lose. Do we combine? In one week, I had a 6% increase of the worth of my stocks (which isnt insane, but it still feels odd to gain 1200 in a week while doing nothing for it). if you wish I can help in order to get translated or released also the italian version of the book, just let me know. Nice work so far on the blog. P.S. Most of these are industries I dont feel comfortable supporting, even though I have been by owning so much VTSAX. It was breathtaking to say the least. We arelooking forward to heard from you soon. Any thoughts would be immensely appreciated. You first have to make some basic lifestyle decisions. When it is out, Ill announce it here on the blog and put up an ad for it under the one for the print version. Im a content writer and specialize in finance, money managing, debt related topics. Listen Now: Listen and subscribe to Morningstar's The Long View from your mobile device: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Play | Stitcher. From busboy, produce, clerk, and gas station attendant, to ad agency founder, sales trainer, radio co-host, and publisher. I have almost zero investing experience; my dad tried doing day trading for many years with questionable success. great to see you here and thanks for subscribing! Its possible? Chautauqua 2018 Greece: A week for the gods! Ptak: What's your view on how necessary mistakes are to ultimate success? I think it can be a great investment; it can be a very lucrative investment. I hope they can learn just by reading. I too have a blog where I help urban millennials make wiser money choices and for the month of November I want to focus on investing and the simple path to wealth. However, if you read thru this: https://jlcollinsnh.com/stock-series/ The. https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/VTSAX#eyJtdWx0aUNvbG9yTGluZSI6ZmFsc2UsImJvbGxpbmdlclVwcGVyQ29sb3IiOiIjZTIwMDgxIiwiYm9sbGluZ2VyTG93ZXJDb2xvciI6IiM5NTUyZmYiLCJtZmlMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiIjNDVlM2ZmIiwibWFjZERpdmVyZ2VuY2VDb2xvciI6IiNmZjdiMTIiLCJtYWNkTWFjZENvbG9yIjoiIzc4N2Q4MiIsIm1hY2RTaWduYWxDb2xvciI6IiMwMDAwMDAiLCJyc2lMaW5lQ29sb3IiOiIjZmZiNzAwIiwic3RvY2hLTGluZUNvbG9yIjoiI2ZmYjcwMCIsInN0b2NoRExpbmVDb2xvciI6IiM0NWUzZmYiLCJyYW5nZSI6Inl0ZCJ9. JL Collins Interviews Doc G on COVID-19. Can you just talk about how it is you concluded that the right path to try to lead people toward is this more minimalist indexing-centric approach that you ultimately embraced? Just invest the surplus in a simple way. You are young, debt free and love to save: A great base from which to build. An associate of mine said, This is pretty interesting stuff. I shared it with him. All investments are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal. Christine Benz: Hi, and welcome to The Long View. Health insurance is the biggest question she has to the early retirement scheme Ive got her on board with everything else. In seeing your post above about wanting to have these on the thread for all readers to benefit from so if there are any 18 year olds reading this right now, read Simple Path to Wealth and DO IT, your 28 year old self will be proud you did. Keep going , you will became the next Jack Bogle! Jim: As it happens, I am recording the audio book version this week. I got an internship my senior year in a cubicle at a power consulting firm. Once I do that can I then invest the total in VTSAX? Hope your daughters enjoy and benefit from the book. People buy it when things are bad, driving up its value. Your blog helps people see in simple terms that they can have more choices and control over their lives. It's the same reason casinos have all the alarms go off when somebody hits the jackpot. Benz: Just to follow up on that, does that give you pause given that it seems like by most measures, non-U.S. stocks are inexpensive relative to U.S. today? But not always. So, there has long been a push in this country to own your own home. Hindsight is always 20/20 and it is not hard to think of companies that have outperformed VTSAX over the last decade or so. So we put in everything else to get to that dollar amount. Sailboat and disappear to South Pacific? My kids asked me to run a series of seminars on my philosophies. I never felt overly confident in my thoughts because there are so many different opinions on the subject of personal finance. If I'd been doing it and getting a negative result that in some fashion might have even been better, because I would have been more willing to look at alternatives and more quick to change. THANK YOU! Even the Vanguard social index fund may raise some concerns with people that have ethical concerns. Buy this book on Amazon (Highly recommend) What were the things that made you want to communicate what you had learned? The Good for Your Wealth Top 5 List of Books for Financial Independence. I emailed you my manuscript few weeks ago, hope you read it. This is Jumi from PLS agency in Korea. My work has taken me to most states across the country as well as Canada, Germany and England. It might be as simple as asking: Wow. Thanks from here in New Zealand. In case you or other readers may have missed this feature, one nice thing about the TSP is that the expense ratios are (at least as of this post) constant across all of the the funds, including the lifecycle funds. No debt and really not a lot of concerns about money. If you can buy them commission free and if you can resist the urge to trade, they work just fine. If you bought a house 20 years ago in Detroit, you'd probably have a very different story. . On your Jan. 30, 2014 post, there is a place in Spain with bullfighting ring. I started selling flyswatters door-to-door and picking up empty pop bottles from the side of the road to turn in for the 2-cent deposit. Well. Continuing to invest from your earned income while building your wealth. What does buying a new car really cost over the years? (https://calendly.com/na-tawakkol/15min) A bit about myself I am in my late 30s and after years of medical training just started my first real job as a physician, however, even though my monthly income is > 10k Im still struggling check to check. Gear advertisements and other marketing efforts towards your interests. But I did know that the pandemic wasn't different than any other cause of any other crash. It almost seems too simple . Therefore, I would think that it might be more advantageous today to consume the ROTH for living in retirement, and instead plan to give the taxable money to ones heirs. early retirement, extended time of not working, travel), correct? Dear Mr. Collins, Any advice is welcomed. Could you please ask your agent to contact me? I was spending that money. As to whether people can learn--one of the things that I wrestle with in my own advice. Collins: I think there's been a lot of hand-wringing about the 4% rule of late in the last few years, and it kind of reminds me of a few hundred years ago, theologians evidently were debating about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. 2. Questions like yours fit best here: https://jlcollinsnh.com/ask-jlcollinsnh/. clients. Australia, Vanguard will not open a new account for us even though we They dont exist. Not an ideal start to a marriage. I know that these questions (except the first) are very specific to our markets. Do you accept sponsored posts on your website? You can eat my Vindaloo, mega lottery, Blondie, Noa, Israel Kamakawiwo 'Ole, art, film and a ride on the Space Shuttle. ISBN-13: 978-1533667922. Its expense ratio is 0.15 similar to Target retirement funds. Tend to disagree about not owning your own home as in Australia we generally have a different mindset but in the end it is just bananas which way you go as the paths are in the same direction. Im sure youre extremely famous and busy, but I could yse your help. Things like if you had to draw it up wouldn't be a part of a target-date fund, because you don't really think that they're unnecessary, or maybe the target-date fund overdoes it in some cases? approach that spoke to me as I prefer things to be as simple as Olympus, Amsterdam, Bruges, Beziers, Portugal (Lagos, Porto, Douro Valley). As I get older, I am quickly coming closer to the age where having a basket of fixed assets will make a lot of sense versus 100% stocks. Learn more about how to invest the HSA account . As I'm thinking about books that I'm reading that aren't out yet, I just finished a book called Taking Stock by Doc G, who does the Earn & Invest podcast. Finance & Content Intern at Finllect Speaking for myself, as I am allergic to debt, I would not borrow the money. A pal of mine once said I had won the family lottery. But I still feel kind of odd about this. How did you happen to choose Mr. Chesterton as the character model? Just found your Blog and enjoyed reading a few posts that strike similar experiences in my life. We both work for the same employer. And I may have forgotten one or two. Thank you so much for writing your book, The Simple Path to Wealth. With a blown mind I started to read the Stock Series, and well, the mind was already blown. I was using my student loans to essentially not work and realistically I bought more beer than I did course books and went out for fancy meals. I would appreciate any advice. Jim, Id like to invite you to a speaking engagement with a personal finance club in the greater DC area in early September. Some are not applicable to where I am now, I mean location-wise as I am located in Australia (like for example we have Super, not sure but I guess its like a 401k in the US). I was eight. Peter G. Actually, 1 in 20 is generous. Marketing Is this valid reasoning or am I making an error there? Looking forward to your future articles and adventures. So, I'm not a fan. I'm not predicting either of those things to be clear, just as an example. Hi JL, My wife and I, along with our 3 children started on a journey 7 years ago through a happenstance of fate to simplify and live more intentionally. I know, sounds too good to be true, which makes me wonder what the catch is? Just in case, Ill pass your contact info on to her. Hi Jim, or what would you recommend the percentages based on our ages. , Translation Rights Inquiry: THE SIMPLE PATH TO WEALTH by J L Collins. Would you be interested in coming on board as an affiliate partner? A Fortunate Son, to be sure, but hes not like most of us in America. As for Mr. Chesterton, I decided to use his appearance because really liked his Father Brown detective stories, and because Mr. Chesterton has a very easy to describe physique . You can reach me via the email I filled in on your form when I posted this comment, or via my contact form on my website (averybreyer-dot-com/contact/). I have already maxed out my 2022 IRA contributions and have been investing my additional income with my brokerage account. I friend of mine who works in finance down in NYC mentioned to me a couple weeks back that Fidelity has recently come out with a new index fund that has a zero percent expense ratio. Thanks for the kind words and interest, Justin! few weeks ago a friend of mine sent me the video of the talk you gave at Google. Feel free to send more info. I would be honored to receive a reply. Houses are an expensive indulgence, not an investment. This threw me off. Please call me back. Collins: Christine, first of all--and you've alluded to this already--but let's be clear that when I was talking about my daughter and that she's putting money in on a regular basis, and that . 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