mckibben argues that

Their success on this dimension offers important insights relevant for all social activists to consider. the adult who was the yearning boy of five in the first part of the story. The gray ball of fur just outside Nel's field of vision most likely serves as a symbol of ________. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. Our study also suggests that indirect attempts to shift the debate may be especially useful in highly polarized issues like U.S. climate politics. McKibben argues that by changing these aspects, the meaning of nature has already changed (41). Pay close attention to punctuation and wording in the quotation. These deaths, as Nel's thoughts about the grave markers suggest, are linked to wider scenes of death, to war and to the longing for peace, and, significantly, to freedom through the formal structure of the novel." Question 1 5 out of 5 points McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. In each pair of sentences below, one of the sentences adds detail to the other. that his mother had thrown his sister off the wagon when the wolves approached. The CRAAP test allows us to determine the credibility and value of sources. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number At the beginning of the story, we find ________. Her fiction celebrates survival and defines black identity as multifaceted." Sula's beginning and ending are circular: The opening chapter tells about the death of a neighborhood, the Bottom while the ending finds Nel in a cemetery finally dealing with her grief for Sula (Reddy 29). (Choose all that apply): (1) Why might the author have presented a character such as this? Eva's decision to set Plum on fire after he returns from WWI addicted to heroin is based on ________. The people in these novels are complex. They are suspicious of each other; the boss is reproachful. The building of the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the United States should proceed since it would benefit the U.S economy, it is safe, and since the United States is not switching to cleaner energy sources, it is better that oil be imported from stable, democratic nations such as Canada. Similes and metaphors establish comparisons between two dissimilar things. As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. (Check all that apply): (1) What are the health effects of rising temperatures in South Florida? Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Some strategies for achieving coherence in a paper include (check all that apply): (1) repeating keywords from the thesis (2) using transition words and phrases (3) using pronouns that clearly refer to the characters being discussed (4) ordering paragraphs and details within paragraphs in a logical way. Because it is poorly regulated, big game hunting is responsible for the decline of endangered species and congress should ban the importation of big game trophies into the United States. (Change the second sentence to a participial phrase that begins with discouraging.). At the end of the story, the son tells his father (select two items): (1)"Think that your sister sacrificed herself with full intention." "Toni Morrison's Sula begins and ends with death: The "prologue" to the novel tells of the death of both a neighborhood and its characteristic way of life, and the "epilogue," . As a teacher, I want my students to read, write and think well; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments. McKibben argues that the ethic of many American politicians and business people is based on Ayn Rand's philosophy regarding the virtue of selfishness. Pay close attention to punctuation. (Choose all that apply): (1) Through personal experience that makes him or her an expert on the topic (2) Through education and other certifications (3) By citing other experts. Social movements typically achieve influence by gaining attention from news media and gaining buy-in from critical supporters. The radical otherness of birds in integral to their beauty and their value. Although Morrison's novels are not written in the style of Magical Realism, they do share some similarities with this tradition (McLaren). The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the topic big game hunting. Thus, the battle cry of divestment became a call for prudent attention to financial risk. Although these latter concepts are still radical in implication, they adopt the language of financial analysis and appeared in business journals like The Economist, Fortune and Bloomberg, which makes them more legitimate within business circles. This is where eating locally comes in . The new charwoman (cleaning lady) is ________. For example, he says that (check all that apply): Selected Answers: crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away She was completely free of ambition, with no affection for money, property or things, no greed, no desire to command attention or compliments--no ego. Nel and Sula become friends precisely because they are so similar. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 Epstein argues these strong correlations between per-capita fossil fuel use and increasing life expectancy is causal, and that studies that ignore the benefits of fossil fuels are carried out by immoral activists. Nothing of consequence would be lost by getting rid of timed tests by the College Board or, indeed, by universities in general. Which is the better thesis statement? The tension was gone and so was the reason for the effort they had made. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Which is the better thesis? Russell Train, second administrator of the EPA, articulated the positive radical flank effect in the 1970s when he quipped, Thank God for David Brower. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 31 In a coordinated move, the McKibben-founded climate advocacy group launched its Go Fossil Free: Divest from Fossil Fuels! Illustration by John Watson. However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. It is important not to confuse "climate events," such as a flood or a storm from "climate processes," which are steadier shifts in sea-level rise or temperatures, for example. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number The penalty is called unsportsmanlike conduct. . This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship, Associate Lecturer, Creative Writing and Literature. In fact, as critic Kelly Winters writes, "The book focuses on two friends, Sula and Nel, but both have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by their experiences with their families, particularly their mothers.". Dee decides to change her name to Wangero because ________. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Lucy's attitudes and behavior are representative of the new white South African and, because they are in direct conflict with David's attitudes and behavior, point to the humble position that David must learn to accept in the new South African society. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. true McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. Although changes in the water cycle do not always lead to migration, "the associated increase in food instability does" (Skinner, 2018, para. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Maggie and her mother awaiting Dee's arrival. false article, p. 173 Bill McKibben. Fossil fuel companies created the Global Climate Coalition which lobbied in Washington, was connected to members of government, and created a propaganda campaign to emphasize the lack of scientific certainty about climate change. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "Pillow Talk" by Alisdair Gray and "Everything is Green" by David Foster Wallace. he realizes that he will probably never see his mother again. For example, football teams whose players taunt opposing players or criticize officials are penalized 151515 yards. Bill McKibben has written 15 books and is the founder of the environmental organization In essence, McKibben argues that the futures of both nature and ourselves are delicately yet undeniably interconnected. Bill McKibben has been an advocate for substantive international action on climate change. brings him rotting food, such as moldy cheese and decayed vegetables. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number Climate change displaces people in numerous and complex ways, for short and indefinite periods of time. Confirmation bias is defined as an approach to research that is meant to reinforce the writer's world view rather than to discover answers to a question with an open mind. a guy wags his finger and says, "gonna get you, baby". --Jonathan Franzen, "Carbon Capture," 2015, online article with no page What kind of relationship does Gregor have with his boss? The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the topic water quality. Showing a graph to make a particular point is sufficient for making a logical appeal. She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. --Joel E. Cohen, "Population and Climate Change," 2010, database PDF The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara and "The Stolen Party" by Liliana Hecker. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Now, five years later, the effort seems to some to have been a failure, at least by the financial measures they laid out. Question 20 5 out of 5 points McKibben's argument is that human beings have endured wars, famines, terrorism, tyrants and, in the same way, they will endure climate change. The most likely reason Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters is that ________. Question 8 Answers:"McKibben extols the virtues of . Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? she didn't have time to play with them because she was busy trying to keep them fed and alive. William Ernest McKibben (born December 8, 1960) [1] is an American environmentalist, author, and journalist who has written extensively on the impact of global warming. Our evidence suggests this shift enabled previously marginal policy ideas such as a carbon tax and carbon budget to gain greater traction in the debate. The conflict in the story peaks when ________. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Which is the better thesis? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: At first, the painter thinks that Javi is there to ________. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. He also debated Bill McKibben, an American environmentalist, author and journalist who has written extensively on the impact of . (3) The specter of death hangs over all the characters. The story of Nel and Sula is inscribed within the other, equally sorrowful stories of the Bottom. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. He might as well sit forever on his riverbank and stare out of the window at the moon. The emotionally stunting effect of this treatment is plain . --Claire Skinner, "Climate-Induced Migration," 2018, a database article According to some researchers, human beings need to be planning their retreat from coastal towns and cities rather than waiting for an emergency to strike and having to leave in panic. Pay close attention to punctuation. When Javi drops his mother off at a church in Los Angeles offering sanctuary to undocumented immigrants, ________. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: One song has stuck with the philosopher, now in her early forties: Steeleye Span's "Black Jack Davy". Example: Most sports have rules of conduct. We are able to see how Eva has shaped Hannah and how Hannah, in turn, has shaped Sula. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. How do we know the main character's father is exploiting him? The author of "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Doing well in college has very little to do with the ability to finish a test within a particular period of time (Gardner 23). Genres of literature include (check all that apply): Philosophical issues explored in texts include ideas of free will, the formation of human identity, the nature of sin, or questions of ethic. Which is the better thesis statement? This is a story about intergenerational trauma because (check all that apply): the children in the second part of the story are abused because of their father's trauma. Pay close attention to punctuation. Topic sentences are okay in high school papers, but good writers should not really use them because it makes their papers seem simplistic. Which is the better thesis? Question 8 Selected Answer: True McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on climate change. What could be derived from the author's naming of the character Arnold Friend? Skinner (2018) reported, "Four factors that cause climate migration include "sea-level rise; higher temperatures; droughts, floods, and other changes in the water cycle; and sever storms" (para. Some are good and some are bad, but most of them are bits of both. At the same time, she develops a rich irony by juxtaposing heroic expectations with mundane reality. he will take his father on; he will face his father, in a fist fight if necessary. The campaigns goal was to stigmatize and thereby harm the value of fossil fuel companies. Changes in a region's water cycle, which can include more frequent droughts, changes in the type of precipitation (e.g., snow to rain), and excessive flooding, do not always cause mass, long-term migration, but the associated increase in food instability does. . Thirty years ago, he warned that human beings were altering the planet in such a way that we would imperil our own . (3) Accuracy: How valid and true is the information in the text? Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. (b) What causes the change in the men's relationship? "Despite its title, Sula actually has three protagonists: Shadrack, Sula/Nel, and the community of black people who live in the Bottom. Whereas Nel has to distance herself from her mother to gain her identity, the Peace women must find ways to connect with one another. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. (1) Sula: leaves the Bottom and comes back 10 years later (2) Nel: gets married and has children (3) Helene: Nel's mother (4) Hannah: Sula's mother (5) Eva: Sula's grandmother (6) Shadrack: WWI veteran who founds National Suicide Day (7) Ajax: Sula's lover (8) Jude: Nel's husband. 12). all of the details in the paragraph relate to the main point of the paragraph. The purpose of introductions is to capture the reader's attention and explain the main point of the essay. Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. The concept of Kairos has to do with using the best argumentative approach, given the historical and social moment in which an argument is made. Use phrases to combine the sentences, following the directions given in parentheses. Namely, where others argued for industry-wide controls on carbon without demonizing any particular industry, McKibbens radical flank portrayed the fossil-fuel industry as a public enemy and called for its extermination. --Kelly Winters, "Critical Essay on Sula," database article with no page numbers Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? As the matriarch who has sacrificed her leg to feed her children, Eva's love is compelling, but she is also "ruthlessly controlling, adopting three boys and giving them the same name, 'Dewey,' and treating them as a unit" (Winters). One can find similarities in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" The author reports that rising sea levels and melting ice caps were originally predicted to occur at the end of this century, but they are occurring now. (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). --Karen F. Stein, "Toni Morrison's Sula: A Black Woman's Epic," database PDF article, page 49 It also helped translate McKibbens radical position into new issues like stranded assets and unburnable carbon, the idea that existing fossil fuel resources should remain in the ground. Answer: Most sports have rules of conduct discouraging participants from unsporting behavior. For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. Which is the better thesis statement? Solar panels are a means of democratizing access to energy. uses a walking stick and the newspaper to stomp Gregor back into his room. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: They're the other world-dominating animals that evolution has produced, and their indifference to us ought to serve as a chastening reminder that we're not the measure of all things. This means that oil drilling has a positive effect on wildlife (2) Non-sequitur: Scientists say that global warming is a problem, but I'm holding a snowball in my hand; clearly, there is no global warming (3) Straw-man: Environmental initiatives are socialist policies. she does not want to be named after the people who oppress her. Which sentence seems most true about the nature of Sula and Nel's situation? (4) Authority: What is the ethos of the author and the publisher? McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. is ________. Match the character (in the novel: Sula) with the respective role they play in the novel. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. McKibben is a mighty orator on the page here, just as he was in The End of Nature (1989) and Eaarth (2010), and his call for creating more compassionate and equitable societies is inspiring." -- Pacific Standard " Falter is McKibben''s most powerfully argued book, and maybe his most important since The End of Nature 30 years ago. with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 13 Pay close attention to punctuation. The book focuses on two friends, Sula and Nel, but both have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by their experiences with their families, particularly their mothers. However, the ending seems more hopeful for Sylvia of "The Lesson" than for Rosaura of "The Stolen Party.". Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8C to 1.2C. Before his death, Kafka instructed his friend Max Brod to ________. . For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. Explain. (para. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. --Alejandro Portes and Ariel C. Armony, The Global Edge, 2018, p. 176 In Sula, characters adjust to their marginalized roles within the constraints of "a community divided by class" (McLaren). In summary, McKibben argues that the inhabitable planet is shrinking because (select all that apply): new species are taking over the places where humans used to live consistently higher temperatures will likely make certain areas uninhabitable desertification will reduce the amount of harvestable land coastlines are being lost to sea level rise Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. "Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. Pay close attention to punctuation. She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. ., is set in a cemetery where Nel Wright Greene is finally beginning to mourn the death of her friend Sula Peace, twenty-five years after the fact. Pay close attention to punctuation. he feels guilty about Ted Lavender's death. (3) What is the meaning of the character's name? Gardner writes, "As a teacher I want my students to read and write; I don't care how much time they spend on their assignments" (23). March 1, 2023. The term Kafkaesque refers to (check all that apply): (1) nightmarishly complicated and frustrating experiences (2) ghoulish, horror-like situations. Morrison is interested in themes connected to black communities, the dilemmas faced by the families in these communities and the problems encountered in their relationships (McLaren). Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. Although the Internet offers a tremendous array of sources for our research, two problems of conducting Inter-based research are that 1) there is so much to sift through and 2) there is unreliable, biased, and untrue information. Morrison's characters defy description as either fundamentally good or evil; like all of us, they are fundamentally flawed humans struggling in the world, sometimes more successfully and sometimes less so. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. When Helene and Nel enter the train car for white people in error and the conductor asks to "get [their] butts on in" to the black train car, ________. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in. McKibben lists two effects of climate change that humans are already experiencing. For example, he says that (check all that apply): (1) crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away (2) ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves (3) hurricanes which have destroyed towns leave people unable to rebuild (4) certain coastal towns are preparing to relocate residents because of rising sea levels (5) areas that were not flood zones 30 years old have become flood zones. According to the story, what is a soldier's greatest fear? Inquiry-based research can be time-consuming because it requires a survey of a wide variety of evidence and answers to the research question. McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. Portes and Armony (2018) posed an interesting question about the reason why there has been such little progress improving the transportation system in Miami: "[W]hat good is it to build a multibillion-dollar rapid transit system when a few decades from now it may be underwater?" a 100-page letter detailing his grievances to his father. For example, McKibben reports that (select all that apply): (1) a two-degree temperature rise will create serious drought and fertile land will become desert (desertification) (2) low water levels reduced the corn harvest in Germany in 2018 (the year the article was written) (3) as temperatures rise, it is predicted that corn and soybean harvests will be reduced between 22 and 49 percent in the U.S. (4) moving north to the Arctic is not a possibility because land there is not arable (5) because of overpumping of aquifers near arable land, there is little water, so irrigation could become impossible. To whom did the author dedicate this story? Which is the better thesis? . What are ways to logically support a position? his own biographical reality with his family, religion, and country. According to McKibben, humans have affected the survival rates of other species. Bright colors figure individuality, often distinguishing those who are marginalized by society. The narrator in the second part of the story decides that ________. As one critic explains, "The story of Nel and Sula is inscribed within the other, equally sorrowful stories of the Bottom. McKibben writes that private companies connected to fossil fuel interests have lobbied to slow down uses of solar energy. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 The same month, environmentalist Bill McKibben wrote a widely shared blog post titled "Heat pumps for peace and freedom" in which, referring to the Russian president, he argued that the U.S . In such cases, all members of a movement both moderate and radical are viewed with the same critical lens. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Her fiction celebrates survival and defines black identity as multifaceted." Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. It seems that the best ways of addressing the threat of overpopulation is two-fold: We must both educate people (men and women) about sex and make contraception easily accessible to all women. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. "Despite its title, Sula actually has three protagonists: Shadrack, Sula/Nel, and the community of black people who live in the Bottom. Which is the better thesis statement? "zapped while zipping" and "We all got problems. While the stated purpose of the dogs in Disgrace is the protection of the farm, the dogs are representative of several characters and symbolize Lurie's disgrace. Both relationships seem doomed despite the differing responses by the wives to their husbands' expressed desire for connection and communication. These deaths, as Nel's thoughts about the grave markers suggest, are linked to wider scenes of death, to war and to the longing for peace, and, significantly, to freedom through the formal structure of the novel." In summary, McKibben argues that the inhabitable planet is shrinking because (select all that apply): (1) consistently higher temperatures will likely make certain areas uninhabitable (2) desertification will reduce the amount of harvestable land (3) coastlines are being lost to sea-level rise. Bright colors figure individuality, often distinguishing those who are marginalized by society. His new book, which offers some dark visions of the future and hope for real change, is called. In our data, we found her more extreme calls to shred capitalism had a far more limited effect in the public debate. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Cleaning lady ) is ________ end of this question is connected to the passage below he debated. Dimension offers important insights relevant for all social activists to consider school papers, but good writers not. Of selfishness game hunting wagon when the wolves approached based on ________ 's attention and explain the character..., author and journalist who has written extensively on the topic big hunting! Do we know the main character 's father is exploiting him her to. Sentence seems most true about the nature of Sula and Nel 's field of vision most reason. The impact of and their value second part of the character ( in paragraph. And alive Board or, indeed, by universities in general characters who each an... `` test for Aptitude, not for speed '' Reprinted in Current issues Enduring! Shift the debate may be especially useful in highly polarized issues like U.S. politics! 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Moderate and radical are viewed with mckibben argues that original passage and decide whether is!

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