mold lawsuit settlements amounts california

The manager of the property was notified and nothing was spoken about it again. TO MY BATHROOM IT CREATED MOLD SO NOW IT HAS GOTTEN WORSE I BELIEVE ITS ALL AROUND MY HOME MY KID HAVE BEEN GETTING SICK I HAVE BEEN MISSING WORK AND ON THE VERGE OF LOSING MY JOB PLEASE HELP I BEEN TOLD TO TAKE THEM TO SMALL CLAIMS COURT .. I left you a message on your message machine. Some of these reasons include housing discrimination, illegally keeping your security deposit, and allowing a unit to fall into an uninhabitable state. I experience headaches, sore throats and other symptoms. People (including myself) are getting sick. OR Ask a question to our mold experts! I requested to be moved into another mobile home in the area until After several water problems were supposedly fixed, I discovered mold in my apartment. So I moved that and took a bucket with water to get the dirt down the drain but the paint went with it=[ was able to get most chunks in the trash but a couple of small pieces went down the drain-which is making it take a while to drain the tub when taking a shower. I brought this up to the landlord, who in turn told me to just clean the mold with bleach water and that it was no big deal. Thats it. Our front closet has had a leak in it since we moved in, we have contacted the maintenance company several times and they have came and covered the mold in the closet and attempted to fix the leak on the roof (and failed). She is representing herself (as she cannot afford an attorney and these bullies know this). I just dont know what else I can do. The Mazzas rented a unit in the complex from August 1997 until approximately June 2000. He took his case all the way to the Attorney Generals office and they blew him off just like his own insurance company. I have toxic mold in my condo, was exposed for 8 years previously in a Toronto downtown condo. On December 12th of 2006 I was hospitalized and had an IV of amphitocerin B (or something like that, I cant remember how its spelled but its a very potent antifungal). My other Coworker who sits directly next to me has been suffering from sever headaches and congestion. I have given over 20 lawyers this info and not one wants to help me. I rented a condo on 10/15/2015 when I signed the lease the owner said oh I have to replace the atrium windows it is an entire wall of windows I wasnt happy but I had paid him..After I moved in I started feeling sick stomach issues chronic fatigue headaches breathing issues spitting up blood my husband & son also had allergy like symptoms..I am on SSDI disability & they both work so I was home all day..The contractor was supposed to fix the windows before Christmas but never called or came..On 12/30 i went to my GI doctor & he told me to go to the ER when I went the did a cat scan of my stomach & chest xray and told me I had PVD (clogged arteries in my stomach) and COPD I never had breathing issues before I moved in there I had smoked but quit 5 years ago..To get to my condo there were 40 stairs if I had breathing issues I would not have moved there..In February the contractor came by and said he was coming that Thursday he never came and called Friday & said he had to order the windows (BS)..It had rained a lot so the underneath drywall started caving in and being that I had been sick since I moved there I decided to have a piece of the drywall checked for mold..It came back positive for stachybotrys black mold I then sent my landlord & the Homeowners Association certified letters telling him that he had black mold in the condo & I was not paying him another dime and looking to move out he sent me an email back not even addressing the mold but said it was fine it I moved..I contacted my renters insurance to put in a claim as I was not sure if my belongings were infected and if I needed a hotel to stay in & they came & said it was pre-existing and they didnt cover it I also called the building dept and found out the owner had no certificate of occupancy and had 2 permits he never paid for I was furious as it was an illegal dwelling if he would have gotten the CO it would never had been given because of the windows & probable mold..I then called the heath dept & an inspector came and while she was there the owner had a guy come to clean the dryer vent well it wasnt even hooked up to the outside so it was a fire hazard not to mention all the moisture the lady took note of that too..I then got an email from the owner 4/5 telling me the rent was late & I owed him an additional 5% and if I didnt pay I would be evicted I wrote him back telling him once again that he had toxic mold i finally moved out on 4/23 a month after I found out about the mold it cost me over $5000.00 and I have about $1000.00 in co-pays for procedures done on me I had a bronchoscopy & am seeing an infectious disease doctor and still feel like crap..The landlord refuses to give me my security back unless I sign a document saying I will not sue him above what his insurance pays..I never threatened to sue him but he is a medical malpractice lawyer..He doesnt know that I know he has no CO and the health dept is backed up & has not sent him a letter yet..I have to take him to small claims court as he is holding $2300.00 of my security I am so pissed off and sick and wonder if the furniture I moved here is contaminated..At this point I am going to see a lawyer as he should never had rented that condo till those windows were fixed..It is horrible what people think they can get away with doing I am so upset & still seeing doctors I dont think I will ever recoverAny comments are appreciated. The title of the published study stands as a warning to all of those smokers newly emboldened by legalization efforts: "Too Many Mouldy Joints Marijuana and Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis." This process likely contributed to the deaths at UPMC. In April, a Virginia federal court jury found in favor of Marine Gunnery Sgt. Weve asked the landlord several times to remove the unit but they refuse. The on-site inspection is where the inspector pieces all the clues together about whether theres a mold problem. A few days later we discovered black mold coveted up by new linoleum in the bathroom. All rights reserved. My landlord is very slow at making needed rapirs. Given my current state of health Id do my best to have everything out by the end of February, however I highly suggest they have the house tested before re-renting. Went to the Doctors and they said that it is a good Possiblilty the reason we have been sick is cause of mold. I work a full 8 hour shift and about 4 days a week for the last six months. I used to be a healthy, happy, hard working, successful business owner who didnt use drugs, drink any alcohol, or smoke at all. Could i sue them for this? I recide in the Carolinas the cost of moving can be a bit expensive, due to application fees and gas. I also took other binders such as pure broken cell powder chlorella, charcoal lots of saunas, zeolites, and total detox, I went on fungus free diet Im a vegetarian so it was easy. I have bleached and scrubbed everywhere at least once a week and it still grows back strong as ever. All I get is you need to complain to managers supervisor. The stench never fully goes away. DONT LET ANYONE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE IN THIS AREA. Called the Housing inspector said to pull up carpet in the other rooms as well,manager left the other carpets. Should this be covered by homeowners ins and should the previous contracting company be liable? my 4 month old daughter has been sick since birth, in and out of the drs office. Please Help. Nothing but organ failure and dis- ease cells are being re- grown in your body and the acid and the ph balence and your brain and skin and moods and everything you know is going on is.. Im so sorry for your loss and mine . The average wrongful termination settlement in California is between $4,000 and $90,000. It is myself, husband, my 2 year old and 2 month old with 2 cats. My daughter has asthma and her, my son, my husband, and I are having breathing problems due to the mold, I have told her this repeatedly yet she still wont remove it. He died June 18th 2009 from a fungus/mold called C.Bantiana. Settlements also sidestep the considerable legal costs involved in such cases, such as medical experts and lab testing. Im feeling fatigue and occasionally have troubles thinking. Heres another article on legal responsibility. Email me [emailprotected] if you have any help to offer! He hasnt re-done any of the pipes down here in the basement and none of the damage from all these leaks has been taken care of. But later on in talking to the prior owner of the property and a past tenant found that they knew that the property had mold ever since they purchased the home 10 years before and never disclosed to us in any way the presence of mold in the home. I am a mother who lives in HUD government assistance apt who goes to school full time and cant stay in my apt which is full of mold I cant take any of my stuff where am staying with a boy friend who has CGD my son breathing machine was ruined and I seem to get the run around when ask Attorney to help me and contacted many agency like HUD in KY, Washington, Frankfort the capital of KY franklin HEALth department to Bowling greens Chamber of covers to the city hall code enforcer to section 8 to home land to a lot and I cant get anyone to take me serious and I getting advice say I banned my apt when didnt I just cant be in with the conditions it in bc mold everywhere and they only painted over some spots not addressing the issue of it and through their towel they wiped off my wall into my clothes I need help with this situation, Its this old building i live in, i have been trying to get out by help of a group called H>O>P>E But nothingI been here 5 yearsabout 2 and half years ago the constant itching and ears popping my feet and legs swelling so bad and so painful. Hi, My landlord has made excuse after excuse about how they have never had this problem. Well, this Monday, they are going to bring some type of machines in here to suck everything out so I can hopefully breathe better. I sent a letter to him today with pictures showing the problem. She is furious with them and wants me to be reimbursed for all my doctors bills and past rent. In 2013, in response to comments by other tenants regarding the presence of mold at the complex, McCarney inspected the vents in his apartment and found a black substance. By family room, there is a skylight. Im not sure what kind. Hopefully you are able to get it resolved quickly! Doesnt one if not both of my insurance companies still have to represent me via an attorney although they denied the claim? him being in construction for 22 yrs .. they said the roof was fine and ignored him well with the ceiling wide open now were even more exposed to black mold, we have no other place to go . Help!!!!! Basically, your goal is to have the unit tested for mold. its cold in there even with the door open and the heat on 78-80 degrees. After that it started to happen more often (rainfall picked up). While I was out of my home the manager put Aftershock on the ceiling and the baseboards; after my telling him not to cover up the problem he needed to solve the problem the re-inspection passed because you couldnt see the Mold on the ceiling and baseboards, but they could see it on my furniture etc. In summer, they would come to fix the unit but it would only work for a couple of hours or one day and then it would not cool . They claim I did not want them to come fix it. In McCarney's case, he presented the testimony of his treating physician, an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist, that he had removed mold from plaintiff's sinuses during the surgery. Let us know in writing at your earliest convenience as to your expected move-out date. This is out of control and time to do something. Recently they evicted the last tenants and sold the house to a long distance buyer. At that point, I called my renters insurance and asked if there was anything they could do about this. Stachybotrys chartarum often begins colonizing in specific areas, like alongside improperly sealed windows and ceilings. The estate of a man who had toxic mold in his apartment received a $250,000 settlement even though his death was from other causes. It took her a couple days to figure out where it was coming from. It get so black around edge of room. Yes I told my landlord that the ceilings needed to be fixed, and after 6+ months the living room ceiling was finally fixed. Its mold thst grew on the petri dish and I am sending it out to test which type of mold it is. that statement hit me suddenly after fopur years went by and discovering that my son and i were very sick. Sincerely, $300,000 Recovery for family of five suffering from injuries from toxic mold located in rental home in Glendora, California $256,000 Recovery for family of six living in mold-contaminated single family home in Hemet, California $235,000 Confidential Recovery for single family home for issues related to failure to disclose I just found out today that the apt I lived in for eight years was gutted due to black mold. Is there a way to take my landlord to court and get my rent back that I paid him in July, Aug., and Sept.?????? My husband is having respritory infections and bronchitis, which he has not had in the past. If you have an issue with these, you should talk to your landlord. months, their health and even lives could be at risk. What should tenant do if there is mold in the apartment? Need a good lawyer, I won already against Board of Directors in HRTO, human rights ontario. About a week after that meeting the roofers came out and patched a few issues they found. which Ins. They told me not to worry about it, they had just used too much liquid when they cleaned the carpet. Patio door/front door would get saturated with water ODOR increased, immediately notified manager of complex he would have the company that cleans the carpets for the complex come to extract the water and shampoo that carpet. Thanks Tina. Explain kindly that your mother is now suffering because of the exposure and that it is imperative to her health that the HVAC system (or A/C unit) be tested for mold. Called the leasing agent and maintenance guy down to the place. I need help and advice I just want a peace of mind. hi and my four year old daughter live in low income housing i resently had our apartment tested for mold and 84 percent aspergillus penicillum was found in my daughters roma and 43 percent in the kitchen me and my baby have been suffering in this apartment since we moved here in 09 my apartment mnager, is well aware of the problem but is going on every day as if its good for our health do i have legal grounds to file a suit. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. she is over 55 and we have three dogs, two are hers and one is mine. We even backed dated all of Josephs Dr. Since we have lived in this home we have had many mold issues due to a leaking roof and the water coming into the house and cause areas of the home to become moldy, such as bathroom, kitchen, living room and bedrooms. Your maintance man or whom you lese your place from does not have a degree or certification in mold extraction! I had 3 different crawl space inspectors come and give me bids to repair the problem. I am at my wits end. My assistant began experiencing the same symptoms and as a healthcare provider myself I began to feverishly research are declining health. You have been a great help. It colonizes and grows in homes, apartments, and condominiums where moisture levels are overly high, typically due to leaks, high humidity, or running water. Future consumers of newly legalized marijuana, both medicinal and recreational, should be aware of this hidden health risk. Do you have homeowners insurance? I am trying to find out who and where I contact regarding BLACK MOLD exposure in my residence and whether we would have a legal case against the landlord if it is indeed determined that this could be contributing to our families health problems. All rights reserved. During the first week after moving in, I started to get short winded. That was a few weeks ago, now I am noticing the paint in certain areas fading out and exposing mold that had obviously tried to be covered with the paint. They seem to be sick all the time and thick its just the flue or whatever. huntington by the sea sent contractors to our home and both barthrooms had to be redone after the lenght of the leak, the kitchen had large amount of black mold and green dots. Id definitely get your home checked for mold by a local mold remediation company. Upon moving in I was told I couldnt hook up washing machine due to leaking pipes. Alot of drywall got soaked only a few inches around the bottom of my daughters room because the ac is located behind her closet . The small claims court lawsuits involving mold allows you to file for compensation if you think your claim is in the range of $3,000 to $10,000. My kidneys shutdown. 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