sanaya roman cause of death

In remembrance of her divine soul, I will continue to patronize your lovely website and order meditations, books, and other products that you have there. Yes, you are way ahead of us, yet, all of us will meet with you on our own God, Goddess, All That Is Time for sure. I discovered she passed a couple days after she made her transition. Your books carry an energy that is both enlightening and loving. Even if there is a sense of loss with Sanaya Roman's passing, the work of Orin and DaBen is clearly eternal. I was occasionally feeling all kinds of despair and was struggling in some areas. Love and light to you Duane and to the wonderful work you and Sanaya bring and have brought to all of us! Sanaya was a beacon of light in my life. I remember she smiled warmly when she heard that. Name Phone Address Business. I hope Sanaya has lots of uplifting frequencies! I sure did feel a deep connection to The Work right from the start. I was in such a bad state that life was really not a possibility for me, when I saw a flyer in a store for a day of meditation to meet your spirit guides. I would very much like having met Sanaya in person, and now I regret not having done so. Blessings. Experiencing so much Love, Joy and Transformation. In deepest gratitude always filled with blessings to Sanaya, Orin, Yourself and DaBen. I've been listening to Sanaya channel Orin for 18 years. I felt very lonely and disappointed those times I first listened to Orin's channeling. I have her/Orin to thank for my sanity because from that first day of reading, I felt like I was home. Previously I was struggling financially, was 35 pounds overweight, and very unsure of my ability to create a world that worked for me. Much love and gratitude to all of you. Even though Sanaya has now moved to a higher divine plane of reality, she is forever remembered and will be in our hearts. , Sanaya Roman, "Channel for Orin." Alibris 9. Words don't adequately express the depth of my gratitude and respect for her and Duane as wonderful channels for Orin and DaBen. Im so thankful for how her work with Orin changed my life. My formal training includes graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the University of California at Berkeley. She contributed so much to the world through the use of light. I just want to express my deep and everlasting gratitude to Sanaya for her light and work. Sanaya says " Orin is a nonphysical entity that I connect with through conscious channeling. So there it was, the blessing that was promised if you tune in! Please allow me to share my thanks and deep gratitude for all the light that Sanaya, together with Orin, brought into the world and into my own life. With Warmest Regards. May you know no sorrow. I am profoundly grateful to you, to Orin, and to the Divinity that has communicated so beautifully through your partnership. She and Orin have coauthored the books Creating Money and Opening to Channel with Duane Packer who channels DaBen. How could someone I never met have SO much influence on my life? Jan 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. . A teacher that encouraged me to experiment and be inventive and to become my own guide, my own teacher. There are no words, I am speechless. It is so wonderful and joyful to do that at any time, and joyful to know that it is received somehow beyond the minds ability to articulate all of it. One day I was walking by a New Age shop and entered the store, in there I found the book Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self and it changed my life for the better. She will be missed so much. When I learned that while Sanaya no longer taught in-person classes, she still attended the Lightbody seminars, I did what I thought a real fan would do, which was to sign up for the next LB seminar. Her books helped me get through very difficult and dark times when I was in grad school and first moved to New York to pursue a career in opera. I have gone through so many things, passed so many trials and thorn-covered-paths, and your voice was the only thing that guided me to the light and salvation. Garrett Rubalcaba, better known to his fans as Roman Heart, has reportedly died at the age of 33. My life was changed in ways that I had never experienced before. Orin says he communicates with me through a form of higher telepathy. At this point we have a small group of clinicians who are exploring the Creating Money, Attracting Abundance meditations together. Peter G. Bolt explains that during the first and second . I send love and light also to Duane and all the Luminescence community. I first "met" Sanaya and Orin in the 90s in Prague, the Czech Republic. I want to thank Sanaya for the work she must have had to do, day in and day out, the chop wood and carry water type of work she must have had to persevere in to be able to channel so powerfully such a powerful message. I am with you in spirit. Sending you light and love. I marked them up and wrote in them, then bought a new one and started again. Years later, for fun, I purchased a keyboard that could produce a number of wonderful sounds, such as piano, angelic voices, harp, and strings. After I was introduced to Sanayas work, I began to understand her message of higher dimensions. My personal "grounding" tracks have been Flowing with the Universe, Staying in my Center, Developing Intuition, Self Love; and musically the Emotional Flow Series and The StarJourneys. Sanaya changed my life. The plan is to live more, tell inspired stories, and spread more Light. Read an overview of all his courses, how they fit together, and information that may assist you in choosing what courses you want to work with. I just now learned that Sanaya's soul has left her body and even though it is probable that she has already ascended during the first three days of Clear Light, for the next 49 days, I will accompany her with the readings that have been given to me by other voyagers and my guides. I recently discovered Sanya's books and plan to study them this year as I awoke! Her book Lliving With Joy was for me a bible, a starting point of something I believed so strongly in my twenties: transformation through joy is possible. I feel inspired to be the best that I can be, to hold more and more love and light, and to find joy in every moment. I didn't know what to do but I was determined to feel better because I was having a hard time keeping a job or friends or just about anything meaningful. For me, to dedicate ones life to be the best transmitter of Light for others is to truly love. When Death Became Imminent Like most of the time periods in antiquity, the time period under consideration here was characterized by high rates of human mortality. Sending her love and gratitude in her transition and look forward to playing on the inner. Before every meditation with Orin (or DaBen), I now say these words: "You will always be in my heart". Isnt Being grand! Sanaya's skill at channeling and Orin's skill at pitching were unsurpassed. According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, Lindsey Star Roman, 28, was found unresponsive on Oct. 25 at 10:47 p.m. in a desert area just off Highway 95, north of Interstate 40 near Needles. Roman. So, I put the book away. Reading that book felt like coming home to myselfit was so special to me. As a student of Sanaya and Orin from distant China, I have read all of Sanaya's books and studied her courses for about ten years. With your passing your light reveals even more of the beauty of your being. I was very much a traditional Christian. Of course I began to think of her body of work - the books, the meditations, the music, and I felt so grateful. You can examine and separate out names. May you all be blessed with the peace and comfort of knowing that her beautiful Loving soul and radiant Light remain with us! I am holding a focus for the perfect unfoldment of this energy shifting into a clear and beautiful light. Over the last decade, I've put aside your materials and stopped meditating, I went back to the corporate world only to find myself compelled to pull out the books & CDs and looked at your site in November-December 2021. It is a state of gratitude and compassion, a feeling of connection to your higher self."~Sanaya Roman. I have found everything I experienced with the material I bought contained the highest forms of light and integrity. She was welcomed by Orin and DaBen and the whole Spiritual Realm and the Celebrations were beyond beautiful. I was meant for a spiritual road to be built and shaped by my heart, intuition, and loving spiritual mentors on earth and beyond. Jan 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. My deepest Gratitude. I had never meet Sanaya or attended her class, however every time I listen to her meditation voice online from Melbourne Australia, I feel a deep healing within me. My world completely changed and opened up. How lucky we are to have her readings and meditations to sustain us in our life. In these moments I always feel the instant unification of the audience (including those of us listening to mp3s) in the recognition through humor of our shared humanity. Many tell us they play Thaddeus' music for company when they want people to relax and enjoy an evening of connecting and conversation. Theres so much gratitude to share for all of Sanayas gifts and creations, and for bringing us Orin. I am looking forward to the last course "interdimensional travelling". I also pray and hold space for you as you grieve and process this tremendous loss. Sanaya has left so many of us amazing gifts, such a special gifted loving lady. She is conveying that it will continue to be FUN!! I am truly blessed to be part of this family and this experience. Warmly, in Light, Happy New Year to All. Orin teaches us how to reach the Divine within us, our true self, so we can grow through joy and release . Forever Grateful. My heartfelt condolences to you Duane and your family, I am sending much love, and blessings. As a child, I studied classical piano. On 28th December I felt the need to listen to a meditation of Sanayas. All my love Sanaya and the deepest gratitude for all that you have given so many of us. Many thanks for everything! Still, it's hard to predict where and when we will miss the people we love the most, when we will be broadsided by a rogue wave of grief. We are all surrounded by energy, including the feelings and thoughts of others, as well as the subtle energies that emanate from objects and environments. Knowing that we were in her and Orins compassionate hands gave, many of us, the courage to return to seminars spearheading the new energies. For over 30 years all have been such a part of my journey, awakening and more. Thank you for Sanaya and thank you for all that you do! I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would have been like without that wisdom. Right after Sanayas transition it seemed that she went into such a high pure pure light that was beyond the edge of what we as a Group have been exploring so it seemed to have opened us further in the noticing and following that. People's Comments About Thaddeus' Music Until we meet again. When I taught the basic Light Body class yesterday her presence was so strong and seemed to lift all of us up to a new powerful level of experience and awareness of being. I will connect with Sanaya from now on through the ethers with great gratitude. I have experienced her saying to me that it is pure bliss what she experiences now, and I'm so glad to hear that! My dearest teacher, my light and beacon. I have taken many of the courses over the years. I am a light body graduate and I have been so much transformed by Orin and DaBen meditations. With great love for you both. Orin found me in 1995. 4. I always hoped I'd get to meet her in real life. Next I would meet my soul, the Ray Lords Of The Great Bear, Pole Star, spirit guides, fairies, over soul, devas, the monad, my light body and many other planetary star beings. Hi there, I just found a copy of Sanaya Roman's channeled text, Spiritual Growth in my house. Since then, Thaddeus has come to join me a number of times to create musical pieces, each one with a special spiritual purpose. Even now my eyes get misty when I think of her. The voice of Sanaya has always been a blessing in assisting me with understanding and assimilating easily the frequencies, energy waves in the different spaces and dimensions that we traveled to in each of our sessions. I am happy and like myself most of the time and before I honestly did not even think was possible. 22 years. I love listening to Orin through Sanaya. She taught me Awakening Your Light Body and was my favorite guide. Your heart center becomes so radiant that you attract all that you need to you to fulfill your purpose in every moment. Type in keyword or product # The whole Universe expanded because of our Beloved Sanaya. Living With Joy Dedication Page, Additional quotes you might enjoy Affirmations RoomBook Excerpts - Creating Your Highest FutureOrin's Meditation Room She and Orin radiated such a beautiful, smooth and loving energy and I do feel blessed to have been called to this path and by the role she and Orin played in that. Namaste! It is hard to believe so many years have passed since I first came to know Sanaya/Orin. I felt out of place and lonely in that world and was also seeking my soulmate. remember putting my hand on the pages in disbelief as I could feel it. In the process of manifesting, Orin through Sanaya taught me that focusing on creating a physical object or form is often a limiting form of manifestation because the physical forms envisioned are situated in the limited consciousness of the physical plane; they taught that my focusing on working with the energetic experience on the higher planes and bringing this back into the physical forms, the joy and abundance experienced can be beyond what I imagined or could conceive of. I love Sanaya and since love transcends time and space I trust to keep playing with her in the inner realms. I have been holding a space for her transition over the past few days. I couldnt help but feel sad with the loss of her. This was an important lesson to me in learning how to Live with Joy. Orin tells me he is a Being of Light. She shined a light for me that helped me grow. They are a treasure trove that just keeps on giving, and best of all they reveal the treasures of my own Self - the wonders and mysteries, the radiance and beauty, and boundless potential. I also knew the energy work is my calling and I should follow this gift, but I didn't know yet where to look. The Light is real! Within a few short months, I read the other books and then started on a journey to go through many of the audiobooks and training programs. It is not often that you read a book and you see the world differently after, but such was the energy in those words carried through translation into the core of peoples that were ready for them. / I'm sorry, / Please, forgive me! If you wish, visit the tribute to Sanaya page to read some of the messages from students. She helped me to see my soul. I am speechless. You were with me every day, and you pulled me gently forward even when I didn't want to grow. It wasn't a really comfortable time because a lot of things happened, friends disappearing from my life, difficult situations at work. From the very first beginning I participated at the first online group: The Divine Will group. Thank you, Sanaya. Her crystal voice carried a potent, wise, comforting and life enriching entity named Orin who to me "embodies" pure Love, Cosmic, gentle power, heavenly wisdom and support of my growth through play rather than hard work. Many tell us it helps them reach and sustain a high place in their meditation. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. In small token of appreciation now, I would like to say that throughout life I have found answers within reading or listening to Orin and Sanaya's work, and I can only say thank you for enriching my life in countless ways. It is so supportive of going deep within in meditation and raising the vibration of any situation. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. Allow me to express my condolences to Duane, Edward and all the staff and collaborators at LuminEssence. In this moment Sanaya is so appreciating your ongoing work with all of us in human form, and she is joking and delighting in working with you and us as a Group this way now. All the best to all of you. I am making my way through various audio courses and books you have all put together. I like to think those were all the Star Gods welcoming her home. Thank you for assisting us as teachers for the Group, in opening the beautiful high energies of Love and Light on the earth plane. I look forward to continuing my work with you. I Love You All. I believe we are all soul family and Thaddeus is my higher self. Jesse Amoroso, a friend of the woman's family, recalled working with Lindsey and her father Ed Roman in their store. And to all at LuminEssence! I cant imagine my life without the body of work, Sanaya created with Orin and Duane with DaBen. Thank you, with love and in light. With love. I loved her Southern drawl and easy way of explaining complicated spiritual principles. Send love to the earth. The background music on the Orin journeys is by Thaddeus, an angelic being who brings his music to you through me. I have taken the books and journeys with me to give me comfort in different places, sometimes in nature but mostly they stay next to me by my bedside. Sanaya, Orin, you and Daben have been an integral part of my life for over 28 years. We love you very much Sanaya and wish you a happy and joyful journey home. Thank you for sharing such joy with us. I love her so much. Everything shared by Sanaya/Orin was and is deeply relevant to any and all of my circumstances, and there is always a response from Orin when I ask and invite, without a sense of intrusion to my personal boundaries. 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