caireen celtic goddess

Bladud Location WalesRules Over Protection, employment, any endeavors governed by the SunDescription Sun God who is associated with the sacred English hot spring known as Aquae Sulis. Bear Goddess whose shrine once stood in what is now Bern, Switzerland. Old Goddess who appears in modern Irish legends as the midwife who assisted the Christian Virgin Mary with her birth, and was also a title applied to St. Bridget. Demeter (Greek) Goddess who represents the protective and caring mother figure. Goddess who was the guardian/queen of a magical well in County. Holly King represents the waning year, and battles the Oak King at Midsummer (probably at Beltane sometime in the past) for leadership. Henwen(English) A fertility goddess who ,whilst in the form of a magical sow, birthed strange litters. Boann/Boyne Location IrelandRules Over Healing, fertility, water magicDescription Goddess of the river Boyne. To some, she is a fairy woman, but to others, she is a potent deity of life, death and regeneration. The majority of inscriptions and images bearing her name have been found in Gaul, Germany, and the Danube countries; of the few that occur in Rome most have been found on the site of the barracks of the equites singulares, a foreign imperial bodyguard recruited . Habetrot Location UnknownRules Over Healing, seasonal rites, commemorationDescription A spinning Goddess who is thought to either be a goddess of spell casting or the wheel of the year since spinning refers to them both. Speeches, ideas, impressing someone, mental activity, speaking, love magic, protection for lovers, blessing magical wands. Gwawl Ap Clud/Gwawn Location WalesRules Over Solar magicDescription Son of the Goddess Clug. Crobh Dearg Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription The Red Claw. War Goddess who is possibly a form of the crone Goddess of battle Badb. Nothing is known about him today, though he may have later surfaced as Borvo, a Breton God of hot springs. Thought to be a Goddess of love and beauty. Don/Donn Location Ireland, WalesRules Over Control of the elements, eloquenceDescription Sometimes called a Goddess and sometimes called a God. Her name means "night queen." She is honored at Lughnassadh. The Druids knew him as, Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magick, astrology, herbs, science, poetry, spells, knowledge, wisdom, past lives, divination, Moon Goddess, Grain Goddess. Ratis Location UnknownRules Over Defenses, protectionDescription Goddess of protective fortifications whose name means of the fortress.. after they were banished into the sea. Listed on Aug 27, 2022 who ran in an insane rush to the deep woodlands to give him birth. Lake Goddess who later became a Goddess of ale and mead. All myths aside the ones of Cliodna have been lost. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)right to your inbox. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A Goddess who survives only in her name through a dedication on a stone in Hampshire. She was an excellent healer and drinking water bless her provided an instant cure for all. Fland Location IrelandRules Over Water magic, lakesDescription Daughter of woodland Goddess Flidais. Elen(Welsh) Known as Elen of the ways she appears in the epic myth the Mabinogian. Mercury was regarded as the inventor of all the arts, the patron of travelers and of merchants . Thought to be a minor sun God. Aine (Irish) - Goddess of love, growth, cattle and light. In Welsh literature, Modron is the daughter of Afallach, king of Avalon. Becuma Location IrelandRules Over Overcoming jealousyDescription Tuatha Goddess who ruled over magical boats and had a weakness for sleeping with High Kings at Tara. The crone form of the Goddess. Represents the male principle of creation. Lady of the Lake. Once part of a very old oral tradition which has been lost. Aibell Location IrelandRules Over Protection, music, earth magic, ecological magicDescription Goddess of Munster whose legends were almost lost until she was demoted to a fairy queen. Camma: (Gaulish) A hunting goddess. Listed on Jun 17, 2022 Their names and attributes varied between languages and locations, with some deities worshipped by all tribes while others were specific to a particular region or people. The myths of the Celtic Goddesses span a large area of Western and Central Europe. Symbol was a silver fish, son of. A strong God who became known as a faery king of the Tuatha D Danann. Aeval/Aebhel Location IrelandRules Over Lust, sex magic, wisdom in making judgmentsDescription Goddess who in popular legend is a fairy, who held a midnight court to hear the debate on whether the men of her province were keeping their women sexually satisfied or not. However, some claim he was the consort of Nantosuelta, whose name means of the meandering stream.. War Goddess who is always paired in stories with her husband. Gwynn Ap Nudd Location WalesRules Over Spirit contact, strength, passing over rituals, seasonal ritesDescription King of the Fairies and the underworld. Oanuava Location BritainRules Over UnknownDescription Very old Earth Goddess from Celtic Gaul. The Crone Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Third aspect of the Triple Goddess. She is the deity who brought abundance to the land by giving birth to an array of litters throughout England. Woodland and animal Goddess who stalked the forests of. Gaulish Celtic God of fortifications. She was a Goddess of the. MacCuill Location IrelandRules Over Water magicDescription Minor sea God of the Tuatha D Danann. Examples of this include the stories of Cerridwen and Arianrhod which appear in a collection of Welsh myths known as the Mabinogion. Goddess of County Wexford and source name for Loch. Mother Goddesses. A triune of earth Goddesses given this singular Latin name on the continent. Rhiannon Location IrelandRules Over Horses, enchantments, fertility and the Underworld, overcoming enemiesDescription The Great Queen. Goddess of birds and horses. A guide to the Goddesses. Death, destruction, plague, battle, Otherworld, rebirth, fairy contact. White cow. This is how she manifested long ago on the barren and fruitless mass that would become green Ireland. They did not consider punishing someone after death. Corchen Location Ireland, ManxPast lives, earth magic, reincarnationDescription Ancient snake Goddess about whom very little is known. Ceridwen is a Celtic shape-shifting goddess of poetic inspiration. She rides a swift white horse. This Figurine Statues & Sculptures item by AncientGods has 6 favorites from Etsy shoppers. War Goddesses considered red-hair females very sacred, as their hair was the color of blood. She rides a swift white horse. Depicted as a very virile male figure with flaming hair. Dog Goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders, perhaps an image derived from Sirius (The Dog Star, which was once an important navigational star. Once a protective Mother Goddess, a defender of youth and patron of children. Ardwinna Location BritainRules Over Animals, familiars, woodlandsDescription Woodland and animal Goddess who stalked the forests ofArdennes riding a wild boar. In Irish mythology, Neman or Nemain (modern spelling: Neamhan, Neamhain) is the spirit-woman or goddess who personifies the frenzied havoc of war. Contents Ana or Danu/Dana - The Primordial Celtic Goddess of Nature Dagda - The Cheerful Chief of Celtic Gods Aengus (Angus) - The Youthful Celtic God of Love Lugus / Lugh - The Courageous Celtic Warrior God Morrigan(Irish) - A terrifying crow goddess associated with war and death. Cairenn Chasdub; Caireann ("curly-black (hair)") was, according to medieval Irish legend and historical tradition, the daughter of Sachell Balb, king of the Saxons, the second wife of the Irish High King Eochaid Mugmedn, and the mother of Niall of the Nine Hostages . , most likely with origins in Gaul. Albion Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Son of a forgotten Sea God who may have been part of a lost creation myth and was once said to rule the Celtic world. Goddess of abundance and prosperity who was later demoted to a mere witch in medieval English lore in order to strip her of her great power in the minds of the rural folk who depended upon her benevolence for their crops and herds. Tuan MacCarell Location IrelandRules Over Past-lives, shape-shifting, animals, ecological magic, woodlandsDescription Nephew of Partholan was a hero who was created a God of animals and the woodlands by the mother Goddess Dana. Goddess whose legends have been lost. Cronos Location UnknownRules Over UnknownDescription Minor harvest and Sun God with Greek roots who was imprisoned with his subordinate deities on a western island which could have been a Land of the Dead. Well-known Goddess and namesake of the River Clyde. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! Originally from Gaul, where this Celtic identity was lost during the Roman seize where he took all the characteristics of the Roman God Jupiter. King of the Fairies and the underworld. Bronach Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Crone Goddess linked to forgotten Samhain rituals. She is an aspect of Morrigan. Artio ( Dea Artio in the Gallo-Roman religion) is a Celtic bear goddess. Fachea Location IrelandRules Over CreativityDescription Goddess of poetry and patron of bards. Offerings were made to the war goddesses and observations and divination were used to predict the outcome of the battle. MacGreine Location IrelandRules Over Sun, prosperityDescription Son of Oghma, minor sun God of the Tuatha D Danann and husband of Eire. Condatis Location UnknownRules Over Water magicDescription God of confluence whose sacred places were wherever two rivers or bodies of water met. A minor sun Goddess in her own right before the time when the Celts banished the majority of their sun images to male deities and their moon images to female deities. Caolainn Location IrelandRules Over Wisdom, healing, fertilityDescription Goddess who was the guardian/queen of a magical well in County Roscommon in western Ireland. Cliodna Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Spirit contact, appreciation, beauty, water magicDescription Tuatha D Danann Sea and Otherworld Goddess who usually took the form of a sea bird and therefore symbolized the Celtic afterlife. ), in ancient Celtic religion, one of the major gods. Nehalennia Location BritainRules Over Protection on the waterDescription Dog Goddess who was the patron deity of sea traders, perhaps an image derived from Sirius (The Dog Star, which was once an important navigational star. There is very limited knowledge about Celtic Gods and Goddesses because the Druid priests of the Celts would not write down their stories and existence. Today in Welsh folklore she is a faery who brings nightmares and is a midwife to the Welsh fairy folk. Goddess of summer flowers. These cookies do not store any personal information. Science, healing, hot springs, fire, success, prosperity, purification, crops vegetation, fertility, cattle. Most likely as much a protective force as she was a water deity. The stories were transmitted orally till the Romans of the 1st century B.C., the Irish monks of the 6th century, and the Welsh writers wrote the traditional stories. He invented the Ogam script alphabet. Uairebhuidhe Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Bird Goddess whom little is known about today. Airmid Location IrelandRules Over Magic, healing, learning, herbalism, understanding family loyalty, inspiration to craftspeopleDescription Goddess of medicine and all healing arts to the Tuatha D Danann. Once part of a very old oral tradition which has been lost. A Goddess of sovereignty and often thought of as the Brigit of England. They spread their goddess worshipping practices across the areas they conquered. Youth, love, music magic, protection of lovers, dream work, creativity and beauty. We hope you enjoy this website. Hevydd Hen Location WalesRules Over UnknownDescription Father of Rhiannon. Domnu Location IrelandRules Over Leadership, sea fairy contactDescription Goddess of the Formorians, who are sometimes referred to as the Fir Domnann in her honor. Latiaran Location IrelandRules Over Seasonal rites, fire magicDescription The youngest of the three sisters who made up a Triune Goddess. Ard Greimme Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Fire magicDescription Father of the famed warrior sisters, Aife and Scthach. Epona Location Britain, GaulRules Over Fertility, maternity, protector of horses, horse-breeding, prosperity, dogs, healing springs, cropsDescription Divine Horse. Goddess of horses, Mother Goddess, Mare. Seen as a harvest, death and sacrificial God. Maybe even a consort of the better-known bird God. Ialonus Location UnknownRules Over Fertility, gardensDescription Fertility God who governed over all cultivated fields. War Goddess who was aroused on the eve of the battle to bring favor, and possibly ritual sacrifices were given to her. Branwen/Branwyn Location Manx, WalesRules Over Love, beautyDescription Venus of the Northern Seas, of the three matriarchs of Britain. Goddess who in popular legend is a fairy, who held a midnight court to hear the debate on whether the men of her province were keeping their women sexually satisfied or not. Badb(Irish) - A shape-shifting, warrior goddess who symbolises life and death, wisdom and inspiration. Guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway. Mythopedia. Bodua Location UnknownRules Over WarDescription War Goddess much like the Irish Badb. His name was seen in festivals of Beltane/Beltain. Healing, medicine, regeneration, magic, silver-working, Very old cattle Goddess about whom nothing is known about today. Greek Mythology Guide. Self-defense, inspiration of artistic endeavors, blessing tools, God of metallurgy and smithing who worked in bronze. She is also attested in Bath, England, where an altar . Aerten/Aeron Location Wales, CornishRules Over Peace, overcoming enemiesDescription Goddess of fate who controlled over the result of war between several Celtic clans. Dahud-Ahes Location BritainRules Over Pleasure, courage, water and sex magic, sea fairy contactDescription Goddess of debauchery by her detractors, while some recent legends go so far as to make her the destroyer of her own realm through her excesses and her worship of idols.. Some traditions view him as the original being, the first God, first life carved out of the primal void of the divine womb. Protection, general knowledge, teaching, path-working, lessons of the threefold law. Her name means bright as she lights up the dark. Although, this exercise was not used much at all in Ireland and Britain. is named for a.k.a. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! Later, the Romans identified him with Mercury. Life, wisdom, inspiration, enlightenment. Goddess who was brought to Britain with the Romans and survives only through cryptic inscriptions. A Mother Goddess who was regionally worshiped as the source from which all life flowed. Saitada Location UnknownRules Over Passing over rites, mourningDescription She is known only from one inscription in the Tyne Valley. Gavida Location IrelandRules Over UnknownDescription Minor God of the forge. His name became the poetic name for Britain. She keeps a cauldron of wisdom. is the Roman name of a lost Goddess of fields that was probably a fertility or harvest Goddess in Celtic Gaul. Mabon vine harvest, Beltanes blessing of the meade. Goddess of inspiration who was usually found next to the legendary Well of Knowledge from which she filled an endless vessel. [1] Name [ edit] The goddess Artio as depicted in the Muri statuette group. She is viewed as spring personified. Created by. A warrior woman and prophetess who lived in Albion, most likely on the Isle of Skye and taught the martial arts. She symbolizes transcendent knowledge and transitions to the Otherworld. He is now seen as a minor death God. Very old Goddess whose early all-female following was allowed to flourish by the early church. In 1667 Charles I had her face placed on the coinage where it remains today, reviving an old custom, first instated by the Romans who adopted her as their. Blacksmiths, weapon-makers, jewelry making, brewing, fire, metal-working. Do not confuse him with the bard, Taliesin, though some of the famous bards attributes were grafted onto him. This beautiful pendant is crafted in sterling silver and 14k gold and has been Irish hallmarked by the Assay Office at Dublin Castle and comes presented in a beautiful Brian de Staic display box. Caer Ibormeith Location IrelandRules Over Dreams, prophetic dreams, falling asleep, music magicDescription Usually thought of as a Goddess of sleep and dreams and a less violent version of Mare. The Celtic Goddesses page concentrates on names of Celtic Goddesses and qualities of the Queen of the Dead. Bo Ruadh Location IrelandRules Over Fertility, anti-hunger, prosperityDescription Red cow Goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland. war God who is seen as both the husband of, Protection of circles/groves/sacred grounds. Cally Berry Location IrelandRules Over Weather forecasting, animal magic, ecological magicDescription Often equated with the Cailleach Bheur of Scotland, although in northern Irish legends, she appears as a maiden Goddess, representation of spring, the hunt and guardian of animals. from your mind, erasing unwanted thoughts so you can have a fresh start. In one legend, Eriwas at the bank of a river when a man in a silver boat floated down to her on a beaming ray of the sun. Ambisagrus/Bussumarus Location BritainRules Over Weather magic, leadershipDescription Originally from Gaul, where this Celtic identity was lost during the Roman seize where he took all the characteristics of the Roman God Jupiter. Damona Location UnknownRules Over Fertility, abundanceDescription Cow Goddess which little is known about. It is thought she was a Goddess of mourning. Caireen (Irish) A protective Mother Goddess, who is a patron of children. Guides. Leucetios Location UnknownRules Over Weather MagicDescription Thunder and storm God. Dylan/Dyonas Location Wales, BritainRules Over UnknownDescription Guardian deity of the mouth of the River Conway. MacKays legend is possibly a reworking of an old story about a fire God. Her name is derived from the Gaulish word for 'bear', artos. Do not confuse him with the bard, Taliesin, though some of the famous bards attributes were grafted onto him. Keeper of the circling Silver Wheel of Stars, a symbol of time and. Spirit contact, strength, passing over rituals, seasonal rites. A Fairy Queen with a burgh of her own Drumberg. Probably a deity of the standing stones of Brittany. , The Song of Daronwy, relates adventures of this God who does not appear elsewhere in Celtic mythology. Great Mother Location UnknownRules Over Goddess of fertility, the Moon, summer, flowers, love, healing, the seas, waterDescription The Lady. Cethlion Location IrelandRules Over Prophecy, divinationDescription Goddess of the Formorians who was called crooked teeth. She prophesied the fall of her people to the Tuatha D Danann. Cally Berry: (Irish) A maiden Goddess, who represents spring, she is the guardian of animals and the hunt. Perhaps an early version of Dana. Cred Location Ireland, ScotlandRules Over Love magic, searching for the perfect mate, keeping secrets, spirit contactDescription Fairy Queen Goddess who is associated with Danasmountains, the Paps of Anu. Abarta Location IrelandRules Over Understands the destructive nature of jealousy; teamworkDescription God of the Tuatha D DanannPerformer of feats. Known as the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. Rhiannon (Welsh) - One of the Celtic Goddesses of fertility, the moon, night and death. Prince. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess and is honored at the full moon. However, some claim he was the consort of, , whose name means of the meandering stream., Goddess of hot springs whose sacred waters was always hot. Well-known pre-Celtic Mother Goddess figure much like Dana. Canola Location IrelandRules Over Music magic, dream work, inspirationDescription Believed to be one of the oldest of the Irish deities, Canolawas the inventor of Irelands long loved symbol, the harp. Keevan of the Curling Hair Location UnknownRules Over Fertility, huntingDescription Lover of Cliodna who may have been a God of fertility and of the hunt. Forests, woodlands, wild things, wild beasts, shape-shifting. Known as the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise. MacCecht Location IrelandRules Over Fertility, crops, protection magicDescription Son of Oghma. Reclaim this forgotten Samhain Goddess at your own seasonal rites. The Celtic Pantheon believed in 3 aspects of the Irish Celtic Gods and Goddesses, 3 aspects of a single God. The cauldron of ever-producing life, war goddess and wife of Net, mother aspect of Triple Goddess; also, linked with the cauldron, crows, and ravens. Kele-De Location IrelandRules Over Feminine power and sex magicDescription Very old Goddess whose early all-female following was allowed to flourish by the early church. Usually thought of as a Goddess of sleep and dreams and a less violent version of Mare. A Mother Goddess who was regionally worshiped as the source from which all life flowed. Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess and is honored at the full moon. Represents a personal or mascot deity to. These ancient peoples . who had a golden harp that could create incredibly sweet music. She vowed never to sleep until she found a man who could create for her the most majestic poem ever penned. Her name means blessed raven. Bronwyn is a modern day version of this name. She had an exclusive female priesthood at, and an ever-burning fire. Females were equal to males and deemed just as much power, and the priestesses were highly idolized. Across the entire Celtic world, the archaeological facts claim that there are more than 360 Celtic mythology deities, however, only about 20 occur more than once. Celtic deities can belong to two categories: general and local. Campestres Location UnknownRules Over FertilityDescription Campestres is the Roman name of a lost Goddess of fields that was probably a fertility or harvest Goddess in Celtic Gaul. , in this function when her story was patriarchalized. Celebrations for this goddess were held on midsummers eve. It is quite fascinating to learn about these Gods and Goddesses, who once ruled the world we know now. She was known as Cally Berry which means "old gloomy woman" in Irish. The Red Claw. War Goddess who is possibly a form of the crone Goddess of battle, Harvest, dark festivals, death, passing over rituals, otherworld contact, Ancient deity about which little is known about today. Giantess and Goddess of the hunt whose chariot was drawn by elks. Red cow Goddess who helped bring fertility to barren Ireland. The Celts were very spiritual, and conceived the idea of reincarnation and the journey of a soul to the afterlife beyond death. Brigantia/Britannia Location BritainRules Over Sovereignty, self-control, leadership, protection of your land, prosperityDescription A Goddess of sovereignty and often thought of as the Brigit of England. Dispater Location UnknownRules Over Fertility magicDescription Gaulish God, whose name means the father, was a primordial God of creation who later merged with both Don andCernunnos. Erce Location UnknownRules Over Harvest festivals, earth magicDescription Earth Mother and Harvest Goddess represented by a womb or over-flowing Horn of Plenty who is believed to be Basque in origin. He created all the Tuathas weapons with the goldsmith Goibniu and the woodworker Luchtain. , woodlands, wild things, wild beasts, shape-shifting defender of youth and patron of travelers of... Called crooked teeth could create incredibly sweet music, Otherworld, rebirth, fairy contact spread their Goddess worshipping across. Is a potent deity of life, death and regeneration symbolizes transcendent and... World we know now about a fire God she lights up the dark water met and local the... And local excellent healer and drinking water bless her provided an instant cure for all include the of... Otherworld, rebirth, fairy contact the Gaulish word for & # x27 ;, artos confuse... Which appear in a collection of Welsh myths known as the Ninefold Goddess of who. 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