A Federated domain in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a domain that is configured to use federation technologies, such as Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), to authenticate users. This feature is not provided with AD FS but can be manually added during deployment of your AD FS implementation, as described on TechNet. To learn how to set 'EnforceCloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsers' see Password expiration policy. If you do not have a check next to Federated field, it means the domain is Managed. Q: Can I use PowerShell to perform Staged Rollout? Under the covers, the process is analyzing EVERY account on your on prem domain, whether or not it has actually ever been sync'd to Azure AD. Option #2: Federated Identity + DirSync + AD FS on-premise infrastructure - users keep their existing username (could be 'domain\sAMAccount' name or could be 'UPN') and your existing Active Directory password. So, we'll discuss that here. We are using ADFS to office 365 & AVD registration through internet (computer out of the office) & our corporate network (computer in the office). When you enable Password Sync, this occurs every 2-3 minutes. Azure Active Directory is the cloud directory that is used by Office 365. There are numbers of claim rules which are needed for optimal performance of features of Azure AD in a federated setting. You can still use password hash sync for Office 365 and your AD FS deployment for other workloads. The operation both defines the identity provider that will be in charge of the user credential validation (often a password) and builds the federation trust between Azure Active Directory and the on-premises identity provider. To do so, we recommend setting up alerts and getting notified whenever any changes are made to the federation configuration. On the intranet, go to the Apps page in a private browser session, and then enter the UserPrincipalName (UPN) of the user account that's selected for Staged Rollout. Then, as you determine additional necessary business requirements, you can move to a more capable identity model over time. Once a managed domain is converted to a federated domain, all the login page will be redirected to on-premises Active Directory to verify. SAP, Oracle, IBM, and others offer SSO solutions for enterprise use. On the Azure AD Connect page, under the Staged rollout of cloud authentication, select the Enable staged rollout for managed user sign-in link. That doesn't count the eventual password sync from the on prem accounts and AAD reverting from "Federated" to "Not Planned" or "Not Configured" in the Azure Portal. Managed domain scenarios don't require configuring a federation server. The first one, convert-msoldomaintostandard, can only be run from the machine on which AD FS is installed (or a machine from which you can remote to said server). If we find multiple users that match by email address, then you will get a sync error. When you switch to federated identity you may also disable password hash sync, although if you keep this enabled, it can provide a useful backup, as described in the next paragraph. These flows will continue, and users who are enabled for Staged Rollout will continue to use federation for authentication. A: No, this feature is designed for testing cloud authentication. Update the $adConnector and $aadConnector variables with case sensitive names from the connector names you have in your Synchronization Service Tool. The second is updating a current federated domain to support multi domain. What is federation with Azure AD?https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/whatis-fedAzure AD Connect and federationhttps://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-fed-whatis. Managed Apple IDs are accounts created through Apple Business Manager that are owned and controlled by your organization and designed specifically for business purposes. Do not choose the Azure AD Connect server.Ensure that the serveris domain-joined, canauthenticateselected userswith Active Directory, and can communicate with Azure AD on outbound ports and URLs. Microsoft recommends using Azure AD connect for managing your Azure AD trust. A: Yes. This rule issues the issuerId value when the authenticating entity is a device, Issue onpremobjectguid for domain-joined computers, If the entity being authenticated is a domain joined device, this rule issues the on-premises objectguid for the device, This rule issues the primary SID of the authenticating entity, Pass through claim - insideCorporateNetwork, This rule issues a claim that helps Azure AD know if the authentication is coming from inside corporate network or externally. Often these authentication providers are extensions to AD FS, where Office 365 sign-in can take advantage of them through federation with the AD FS provider. Call$creds = Get-Credential. Azure AD connect does not update all settings for Azure AD trust during configuration flows. In that case, either password synchronization or federated sign-in are likely to be better options, because you perform user management only on-premises. If you are looking to communicate with just one specific Lync deployment then that is a simple Federation configuration. A Hosting Provider may denote a single Lync deployment hosting multiple different SIP domains, where as standard Federation is a single domain-to-domain pairing. Password expiration can be applied by enabling "EnforceCloudPasswordPolicyForPasswordSyncedUsers". When using Microsoft Intune for managing Apple devices, the use of Managed Apple IDs is adding more and more value to the solution. Because of the federation trust configured between both sites, Azure AD will trust the security tokens issued from the AD FS sever at on-premises for authentication with Azure AD. Can someone please help me understand the following: The first one, convert-msoldomaintostandard, can only be run from the machine on which AD FS is installed (or a machine from which you can remote to said server). Azure AD Connect does a one-time immediate rollover of token signing certificates for AD FS and updates the Azure AD domain federation settings. If you have groups that are larger than 50,000 users, it is recommended to split this group over multiple groups for Staged Rollout. The file name is in the following format AadTrust--