saturn return aquarius

Aquarius is an Air sign, so it is about space. Time for some honest talk so both parties understand what they want out of life. Now that you are older, you are asked to be more mature by learning to listen to others opinions and ideas. RELATED:The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology. Saturn Return In Aquarius: Dates & Karmic Lessons, Photo: nasyar, Max Reyes, and Julia Dreams via Canva, 5 Signs You're Experiencing Your First Saturn Return, The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology, Accurate Love Horoscopes For Thursday, March 2, 2023, 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Starting March 2023, 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, March 2, 2023, How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! Saturn comes back to help you overcome the difficulties you have in your twenties, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships and your tendency to be rigid. Is your life going through a lot of rebirths? RELATED:5 Signs You're Experiencing Your First Saturn Return. Humanitarian issues may rouse you, like a calling, and you might start a non-profit, get involved in social justice work or find ways to make your everyday environment a place . While Saturn returns also have the tendency to feel somewhat isolating, its a period of deep introspectionand once you come out on the other side, youll experience plenty of newfound clarity. In either case, you might become aware of the nurturing that you lacked when you were growing up at your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius. Having meetings or virtual gatherings over zoom became more acceptable. The change we need is going to be done through groups, not by the individual. They might be a slight burden to you but see the beauty in caring for them. You may want to assess yourself and your life thus far. You may want to assess yourself and your life thus far. Wow!!! They took action. Along with your systematic approach to planning your goals, your innovative and scientific mind allow you to achieve your endeavorsbut only with hard work and perseverance. With Aquarius in your fourth house, you may come from a quirky and independent family. Once Saturn moves into your natal Saturn sign, the process begins and this planet's presence is known. Furthermore, it is how you think you are perceived in groups. Saturn in Aquarius allowed us to experiment with our creativity and share it through social media. You might begin or end a commitment to a particular career. Do you want to improve things on a larger scale? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If Saturn in Capricorn is concerned with the material world, Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with the spiritual, abstract world. The same month I decided to do an astrology course. I have very little knowledge of Astrology, but I sense a lot of truth in this article. Holding space nailed it for me. What limits and restricts you in your twenties? A list of Saturn repair shops in Sparks, NV. The highest manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius is the sum of the sustained actions of each individual to make the world a better place. You tend to take pride in your own ideas, but you must remember not to impose them on other people. The significance of Saturn Return in our birth chart involves adult obligations and responsibilities, marriage and commitments, and long-term careers. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. The seventh house talks about romantic partners, but also about business partners. Any Aquarius transits bring a paradigm shift. (blindly and irrationally following the crowd without checking in with one owns integrity) to, . Find a qualified mechanic for your Saturn and get your vehicle back on the road. If your ideas are basically grounded in reality, your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could be a time when your sense for sniffing out the next big thing pays off. With Saturn in your first house it has everything to do with the self and how you present yourself in the world. Saturn wants us to grow up! Saturn returns essentially mark the end of a 30-year-cycle in your life, while also setting you up for the next 30 years. Your Saturn return is when Saturn returns to the sign and house that it was in when you were born. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023.For many of you beginning 30s/60s/90s generation, this means your Saturn return is coming up. With Saturn in Aquarius, the authority is YOU. However, at your twelfth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might wind up feeling alone if you cant open up to anyone. They dont always have to agree with what you believe. Saturn Return In Capricorn And Aquarius, What Does It Mean? However, not all Saturn returns in Aquarius are identical. Saturn can destroy and build a new foundation. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Before explaining what Saturn return in Aquarius, lets explore what Saturn return and what it does. I also relate so much to what you are sharing about the Aquarius age. Try looking up your astrological chart below to see the house where Saturn is located. The early degrees of Aquarius are more drastic, more of a fight, than the late degrees which are more Utopian. A return occurs when a planet comes back to the exact location in the zodiac it was at when you were born. ), Saturn Return in Aquarius, Eleventh House. All positions and duties are important to a group. Saturn represents structure, so Saturn in the twelfth house is a hidden structure, a hidden agenda running your life that even you may not be aware of. Not because they felt defeated, but because they no longer felt represented by those in power. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. We must not succumb to any naivety in regards to how much personal freedom we are capable of on a mass level. As Aquarius natives, you are visionary intellectuals who can see too far to the future with your innovative ideas. As someone with Saturn in Aquarius placement, it is also essential for you to build structure in the social aspects of your life. Having Saturn in your third house, regardless of its sign, can be associated with feeling like it is hard for you to communicate with the people around you and make yourself understood. Aquarius is We, the people. At your tenth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might have to ask yourself whether this struggle is ever likely to become productive. Aquarius freedom and rebellion come from somewhere else. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Many people believe Aquarius people are revolutionaries. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023. Saturn in Aquarius is forward-thinking and ready for revolution, so it can be helpful to identify how you got to where you are. Beginning December 17th, 2020, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius. However, if there is something unrealistic about your financial ideas, the events of your second house Saturn return in Aquarius could bring you back down to Earth. If you are stuck in your ways during your Saturn return, do not hesitate to book an intuitive astrology reading with me. North Node in Aquarius: Strive for Selflessness and, Saturn In Aquarius: Commitment to Change and, Saturn Return in Aries: Sense of independence, Saturn Return in Capricorn: Attaining Success with. It is not easy at first, but we begin to find the tools and build our plans in a way that helps us maintain our balance. Get your free personalized video Moon Reading here >>. This is an exceptionally good post to read. Whoever you consider your peer group might be a big part of your eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius. Alternately, if you were the openly weird one in your family, and your parents tried to make you conform, your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius might focus on learning to give yourself the validation your parents failed to give you. Saturn returns are perhaps the most fabled. When Saturn Returns in Aquarius Sign Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. However, ultimately the real revolution can only take place inside ourselves. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! or Saturn Return in the 11th house The community could be a source of struggle for you, but your Saturn Return is the time to find your tribe. And it is exactly this inner conflict and paradox that makes Aquarius so original and innovative. They must learn to cast off the shadows that dont serve them well rigidity and detachment from the crowds. If we focus too much on the individual.., we run the risk of being right back at the polarity point: Leo. Instead of delegating the power and responsibility to states and corporations, Saturn in Aquarius will pass the responsibility back to us how can we, as individuals, contribute to society and make the world a better place? However, at your first house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might need to consider whether displaying your individuality in your dress and grooming as flamboyantly as possible is getting in the way of the goals you want to achieve. Once you press Calculate, be sure to click on the result to be taken to your Sign. What does your health look like? You might also struggle with a problem involving your physical body. A Saturn return in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn emphasizes stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Saturn takes about. The planet Saturn, the stern taskmaster, returns to the place it was when you were born twice for most people. Remote schooling and work have also transformed into hybrid positions. Right now I am 29 years old and I am going through my own Saturn Return experience, which I can say has been life changing in many ways. We learn how to manage our duties and to find practical methods to not let them overwhelm us. It's never easy, but your Saturn Return makes you grow into the person you are always meant to become. Work on your self-image, and try to take things lightly. There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. Saturn is back in Aquarius after its 2020 preview Back by unpopular demand, it's border cop Saturn patrolling the graffiti-lined streets of Aquarius Land. There is no right or wrong way to pursue freedom. Now its Aquarius turn to get scrutinized by the Great Teacher. No. Think about how this might unfold in your own life and the Aquarius part of your chart. By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. However, if you have been rebelling against society throughout your life up to this point, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might ask whether you are a rebel with a cause. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, and Aquarius the sign of autonomy. We have polluted and damaged our biosphere for our own sorry gratification. The first house is associated with your physical body and your identity. How To Talk Dirty To A Leo Man? Sometimes, scary changes may seem as a threat, but it could be a reward as well. It will help you in your pursuit of humanitarian causes. It will return three times if you're very lucky. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. After losing my job, my house and my money several times, it was time for change. While things may be clear inside your own head, there is the potential for misunderstanding if you havent communicated your unique views adequately to others involved. Make peace with your past. While Saturn is in Aquarius, it will be pretty difficult to blame the government/establishment (Capricorn) for what goes wrong. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. These measures forever changed the way we interact with others. But with Saturns departure from Capricorn, there is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and structures. (After Breakup, No Contact), Do Aquarius Women Come Back? The moment Saturn moves into the zodiac sign your natal Saturn is placed in marks the beginning of your Saturn return, and once Saturn leaves the sign, your Saturn return has officially ended. Im thinking that patience will be our best ally!! Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? Saturn first shifted into Aquarius on December 18, 2020, and will remain in this sign until March 8, 2023. Saturn in Aquarius promise of freedom may not sound very attractive, but that may be because we might not even know what it means to be free. Excellent post! The planet Saturn rules over time, wisdom, and boundaries, prompting many of these themes to become significant upon the return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. I work in the energy world, and I believe the ability to take the complex ideas and concepts to a level of mundane and basic is one of the most challenging things to do. Real democracy happens when people contribute to the best of their ability to a better society, (rebellion without taking responsibility) to, that comes from the ability to manage oneself, (promoting scientific information without fully understanding it, while bullying those who have a different perspective) to, based on critical, bias-free thinking, and years and years of study, . This time around, the ongoing cycle of Saturn is in the sign of Aquarius from March 21, 2020 to July 1, 2020 and from December 17, 2020 to March 7, 2023, according to Cafe Astrology. Gun features a tapered round high polish blued barrel with a muzzle brake marked "Saturn" and "270 . We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. Technology's presence was more potent during this time. Depending on our birth sign, we survive our Saturn Return in different ways. Not that we wont have a proper revolution. It takes Saturn 30 years to make the complete circle of your chart. These include the dates for your First Saturn Return, Second Saturn Return, and even Third Saturn Returns. Saturn in Aquarius can also be a very auspicious time to begin or deepen a relationship. Thats because Aquarius is NOT the Government. With Aquarius in your sixth house, you may have a clear idea of how things like your routine and your diet should function. To obtain this and other important information about Amana Mutual Funds, Saturna Sustainable Funds, Sextant Mutual Funds, or Idaho Tax-Exempt Fund in a current prospectus or summary prospectus, please visit Forms & Literature or call toll-free 1-800-728-8762. You have the gift to make a difference in the world with your creative and innovative mind. This is beautiful, very well written clear and useful report thank you so much! Saturn will transit to Aquarius on Jan 17, 2023. Here for a little over 3 months, Saturn will retrograde back to Capricorn come July (staying there until December of 2020). Saturn teaches us to work smarter for the long term, so we are not drained and burnt out. Thank you for writing this! Micro chipped and Managed or Free and Natural. These people can serve as your learning experience. In general, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, in the second house could show that money does not come to you easily. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that your public role in the world is a source of concern for you. I really appreciate your gift to translate such a complex concepts so cleanly and clearly. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. to learn everything we can about rules, hierarchies and control. RELATED:How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You. If you were embarrassed about having weird parents when you were growing up, your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius could nudge you to embrace your roots. Prioritize yourselfyou won't be able to help others if you. This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction this is the first conjunction in an Aquarius since the early 15th century and the cherry on top is that it occurs exactly at 0 Aquarius. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 8. There need not be a division. You might be surprised how accepted you are. I very much like this article and the comments. This path you want to take is not easy. The rebellious spirit of Aquarius was witnessed with this transit. The trick in finding your place in groups is to find your own unique self. How long is Saturn retrograde Aquarius 2022? Is your partner restricting you? But your first Saturn promises you that you can overcome these obstacles with dedication and hard work. When looking at Saturn, we'll see themes around structure, time, karma, and authority. Because you are logical and rational, you have the tendency to be aloof and detached. If you have been lazy and not added up to your Saturn lessons, you will have a though time, if you worked hard towards these Saturn goals, your reward is waiting for you. Sending gratitude . The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that you take such relationships very seriously. Saturn in the sixth house can be associated with health problems, but it might just show that you are very focused on staying healthy even if you dont have an illness to be concerned about. Saturn is the planet that forces us to shape up. Developing positive social behavior is the first lesson that Saturn asks you to learn. From December 2020 until March 2023, Saturn in Aquarius will create new structures that will revolutionize our society. Making friends is difficult for you? They must learn to cast off the shadows that dont serve them well rigidity and detachment from the crowds. I find it very interesting that The Great Conjunction is referred to as the Star of Bethlehem and takes place on the 21th of December 2020. The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Aquarius is an unconventional sign, meaning that Saturns approach to structures will be somewhat untraditional, but still effective. If you were born within any of those time bands, you will be having a Saturn Return within the next couple . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I think Saturns ingress to Aquarius means adopting a responsible stance in regards to universal matters. She aims to provide comfort and assurance using her abilities to offer answers to those who seek professional guidance. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about bringing the light. And its exactly because it is rational and unimpressed with tradition, that it sometimes goes against the norm and shocks everyone. On the other hand, you may be able to say a lot without getting into how you really feel about things. When Saturn Return hits, it hits hard. Saturn initially forces us to go into unfamiliar territories so that we can have a paradigm shift, and develop the positive qualities of the sign. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? To characterize these individuals as a part of the 99%, who are hoping for an ethical and sustainable future, would be folly. If you have Aquarius in your seventh house, you may prefer to organize your marriage or other committed relationships on your own terms. Life may feel heavier than before. Our goal now should be to imbue our groups (including government) with a greater sense of universal responsibility. On the 21rst of March, Saturn is entering in the innovative and eclectic sign, Aquarius. So informative and understandable. Collectively, we are more attentive to bringing fairness and more awareness for long-term change. Are you restricting yourself from your own sexuality? We cannot talk about Saturn in Aquarius without putting it into the context of Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21st, 2020, at 0 Aquarius. Again, the theme of unity and collective connection appears. If your first Saturn return takes place in the sign of Aquarius, you may struggle with what it means to fit in. The other hand, you are visionary intellectuals who can see too far the! Having a Saturn return in Aquarius for long-term change with friendships and community groups as someone Saturn! Need is going to be taken to your sign month i decided to an! Press Calculate, be sure to click on the 21rst of March, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius,. This blog and receive notifications of new posts by email work on your self-image, and try to take lightly! The world with your creative and innovative in your pursuit of humanitarian causes are not drained and burnt out until! Original and innovative you got to where you are stuck in your earlier life, According Astrology! 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