best vegetables to grow in florida panhandle

Onions prefer full sun and cool weather. Potatos need heavy fertilizing in order to produce. Composting is easy to do and yields a manure-like, organic fertilizer/soil conditioner, which highly benefits Florida's infertile native soils. If your soil pH is below 5.5, apply lime at a rate recommended by a reliable soil testing facility, such as the UF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory ( however, if planted at the correct time you should have no problem growing this vegetable at all. Plant cucumbers next to tomatoes, beans, carrots, and squash for even more vegetables. The hotter, the better. 10 Best Vegetables to Grow in Florida #1. While the plants themselves are cold hardy, if a cold period hits while the cauliflower heads are maturing you may lose your harvest. Or $51,900 down and $2,664/mo Worth $250,000 Selling at nearly 20% off Market Value Property Value The Market Value of this BEAUTIFUL lot is around $250,000. Out of all the vegetables on the list, cabbage are most prone to insect attacks. All of the above-mentioned varieties are short day varieties. Under proper conditions, potatoes can be stored for 3 6 months or more. Aster is one of the best plants for the Florida panhandle. This means it can add color, features, and beauty to any type of garden. The best pH range for vegetable gardens on sandy soil is between pH 5.8 and 6.3. The leaves are also edible but the whole plant looks so alien. If you want the tastiest cabbage you should grow them in early spring and harvest before the heat of the summer. common grocery store potatoes have most likely been treated with hormones and that prevents them from sprouting. There are different sized tomatoes as well, some large and some small. More information on growing blackberries can be found in the publication The Blackberry. Mustard grows quickly, you can harvest within 45 days of planting. Everything else can go right into the dirt outside. They dont need much space to grow so you can get a lot of bang for your buck with them. It requires a USDA hardiness region of 3-10, which is why it's excellent for growing in Florida. Pages 25 Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. Garden potatoes also provide a bounty of nutrients. rida is mostly considered Hardiness Zone 9, while some of the lower-level regions are Hardiness Zone 10. If there is any vegetable that can be grown in gardening pots in Florida, its Kale. Spring crops include sweet corn, cucumber, tomato, watermelon, and several kinds of beans. Growing on plastic mulch, or even pine straw, can help these vegetables stay dry. CEUs will be offered as well if you are a homeowner that holds a pesticide license. You can expect to harvest this vegetable as we move into summer. It can actually withstand our Florida summers. These are called onion sets and they give you a good head start. #Learn this, and more Bright Lights is a very visually appealing. Corn needs other corn plants in order for pollination to happen. Florida Friendly Mustard Varieties: Florida Broadleaf, Giant Red, Green Wave, Mizuna, Southern Giant curled, Tendergreen. Broccoli usually takes 80-100 days to be ready to harvest. And if there is rain expect bigger and better eggplants. Potato plants are heavy feeders and need nutrition through the growing season. Thrives in Cold: While some vegetables are cold-hardy, cabbage thrives in Florida's cool spring and fall weather. Vertical Gardening is popular in the cities of Florida and even in urban areas where land for horizontal growing is scarce. Beets dont take up too much room in the garden so you can really cram a lot of beets in there. Apply fertilizer after new growth has startedusually early April in north-central Florida and mid-April for north Florida and the panhandle. Squash requires lots of room to grow. Good air circulation and crop rotation can keep some diseases under control. There are a few different kinds of beans that you can grow but the three most popular are Pole beans, Bush Beans, and Lima Bean. Determinate and Indeterminate. Lime is best applied two to three months before the garden is to be planted. A number of cherry tomato varieties produce a big crop fast and over a long period of time. In central and south Florida you can plant in October. Learning Download: Growing in Florida Florida Last & First Frost Dates They also grow great among other vegetables and plants. To determine what kind and quantity of nutrients to apply to the soil, get the soil tested by a qualified laboratory. Some require extensive care, others are prone to pests, and lots are just not simple & quick enough to grow. While this guide provides recommendations primarily for traditional home gardens, the information may be useful in other situations, such as community gardens, market gardens, and unconventional approaches like container and raised bed gardens (see EDIS publication ENH1211, Gardening in Raised Beds []). Florida Friendly Corn Varieties: Early Sunglow, How Sweet It Is, Silver Queen, Sweet Ice, Sweet Riser. This kills nematodes, weeds, and other harmful pests with heat. This is great for the unusual dry summers. Cheapest seeds are from any middle eastern store. As a reminder, the below factors are common for the Best Vegetables to Grow in Florida: Here is the BEST Time to Fertilize Beets in Nebraska (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time to Start Ornithogalum Seeds in Tennessee (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time to Start Forsythia Seeds in Pennsylvania (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time for Amaranthus Blooms in South Dakota (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time for Amaranthus Blooms in Virginia (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time for Amaranthus Blooms in Vermont (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time for Amaranthus Blooms in Utah (2023 Guide), Here is the BEST Time for Amaranthus Blooms in Texas (2023 Guide). Cucumbers are another hardy vegetables. Kitchen scraps may also be used. Photo by Molly Jameson. Raised beds are a great option if you live in an area with poorly drained soil or with a soil that doesnt hold nutrients. Like lettuce Kale does not tolerate extreme heat. -Best fruiting requires at least 5 hours of direct sun -Soil pH is very important for blueberries and should fall between 4.0 and 5.5 -Generally if azaleas and camellias grow well in an area then blueberries will grow well too -Soil tests can be done before planting and sulfur added if pH is too high for tips on how to build a raised bed vegetable garden. Coastal sites are also suitable. Research has shown that kids are more likely to eat vegetables that they grow. Those in north Florida will have to plant before fear of frost. This means you will be able to enjoy it all year long. Home gardens are convenient and may encourage you and your family to eat more fresh vegetables. Summer: cowpea, velvet bean, soybean, and sunflower, Winter: cereal rye (FL 401), crimson clover, and Austrian winter pea, Not every off-the-shelf pesticide can be used on every vegetable or on vegetables at all. Avocados - Another popular choice for South Florida growers, avocados are nutritious and versatile. Bulb onion transplants can be bought in bulk just like regular seeds. Its easiest to grow potatoes from eyes. Lots of show for only a little work. But this doesnt mean that some vegetables dont grow better than others. For example, broccoli sprayed with carbaryl (Sevin) should not be harvested for two weeks after application. Florida ranks first in the United States in the value of production of oranges and grapefruit, according to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. This process can be both beneficial to the plants and cut back on the time it would take to fertilize by hand. Joshua Kipp Enterprises is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies, link to How to Have a Beautiful Florida Lawn, link to The Best Groundcovers for Florida, growing kale in Florida check out this detailed article, growing lettuce in Florida Check out this article, growing peppers in Florida check out this article, radish varieties for Florida check out the article, more info on growing vegetables in Florida, check out this article, Planning And Planting A Spring Garden In Florida, Growing Florida Cranberry (Roselle) in Florida. Especially if you plan to grow the same plant species/families in the same containers. Lets break tomatoes down into two separate categories. Florida Friendly Potato Varieties: Gold Rush, Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'flgardening_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_22',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-flgardening_com-narrow-sky-1-0');There are a bunch of different kinds of peas that you can grow here. Before planting, draw a garden plan that includes the name, location, and planting date(s) of the vegetables you want to grow. Prices on basic items like eggs, flour, and coffee, fresh fruits and. plant 4 months ago07 mins In this article, we will provide information about plants that grow in the state of Florida. Summer, winter, and Zucchini. Florida Friendly Cauliflower Varieties: Brocoverde, Snowball Strains, Snow Crown. We also have physical copies of the guide available at the UF/IFAS Leon County Extension Office (615 Paul Russell Rd., Tallahassee, FL 32301). What are the Best Lemon Trees to Grow in Texas? Apply the fertilizer just beyond the outside leaves. Of course, in South Florida, you can plant "spring" vegetables in the fall and winter, up until February or March. Many farms and markets still have fresh winter squash, stored from last Autumn. And the longer summer goes on the more peppers you will have. Elephant garlic is very much garlic-like, but it has a milder, slightly sweet flavor and can grow up to three times the size of regular garlic bulbs. Contents 1 Florida Native Trees 1.1 Bald Cypress (Taxodium Distichum) 1.2 Chickasaw Plum (Prunus Angustifolia) 1.3 Florida Maple (Acer Barbatum) 1.4 Florida Pines 1.5 Gumbo-Limbo Tree (Bursera Simaruba) 1.6 Longleaf Pine (Pinus Palustris) 1.7 Native Oaktrees See EDIS publication HS1215, Organic Vegetable Gardening in Florida ( GARDENING. Elephant garlic is more mild tasting than regular garlic and can grow up to three times larger than regular garlic bulbs. Whether protected or unprotected pests pose a risk to growing peas in Florida. These pests will generally not harm your actual cucumber vegetables. add. Ive found it true that lots of box stores sell tomato varieties that arent exactly Florida friendly. For the freshest produce, take a spin. Cole crops like broccoli , cauliflower , kale, and cabbage could be direct seeded, but because of the heat of mid- and late summer, it's better to start them indoors and then transplant them into the garden. Its got some things that Ive picked up along the way that I think will be really helpful for anybody just starting out. Beans can make you look like you know what youre doing in the garden. In order to have a good harvest of corn you need to stay on top of watering. Tomatoes need loamy and small particle soil. Vine borers and leaf footed bugs are some of the most damaging pests to a vegetable garden. PHOENIX (AP) Arizona's former attorney general suppressed findings by his investigators who concluded there was no basis for allegations that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud.. To encourage the plant to focus its energy on bulb development, remove the scapes. Even though lettuce likes cooler weathers that does not mean that it like frost. Some varieties can be grown in cold weather and some can be grown in warmer weather. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'flgardening_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_14',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-flgardening_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); The trickiest part of growing carrots is getting them to germinate. spread seeds around your garden where you would like them to grow. A perennial vegetable that can be grown here, taro, can be invasive. You can pick your radish about a month and a half after you plant it. Move them to a final storage location with high relative humidity, good aeration, and cool temperatures (38-40 degrees F). While indeterminate varieties will continue to grow and grow as long as conditions allow it. Finding the best vegetables to grow in Florida was not as easy as I thought. As your elephant garlic plants mature, youll notice that the bulbs start to grow larger, the leaves that wrap the bulbs will decrease, and the tops will begin to turn a lighter green or yellow as they begin to die back. Florida Friendly Cabbage Varieties: Copenhagen Market, Flat Dutch, Red Acre, Rio Verde, Round Dutch, Savoy, Wakefield. Pay close attention to "waiting periods"the time that must elapse between the application of a pesticide and harvest. You can litteraly plant any other time of the year. I was born in Tampa and have never left Florida. Many fruits are suitable to grow in Florida as well, depending on the region. Other control methods are outlined in these Tomato Disease Publications. Also, choose a different crop than what you grew in the soil the previous year. Planting times are also available on any device from Other fun varieties include fingerling types and varieties with blue/purple flesh. After the bulbs have cured, you can trim the roots and store them in a cool, dark place for up to eight to 10 months. Because Asparagus is one of the first perennial vegetables to grow up from the ground in late spring/early summer they are prone to being eaten more by pests/animals. What are the best vegetables to grow in Florida? The next session on specialty vegetable and fruit crops will teach about the various exciting specialty crop opportunities in the Tri-State area such as artichokes, blackberries, Seminole pumpkins, and more. You could leave these giant bulbs in place, and they should turn into cloves the following year. In south Florida plant September through January. If you prefer to give your garden a rest during the summer, take advantage of the summer sun to solarize the soil. While most vegetables grow in Floridas summer heat, peas cannot. Consider planting one of the many . Plant squash next to tomatoes, beans, carrots, and cucumbers for even more vegetables. Easy to harvest and superabundant. They are often smaller, taking less time to cook, but are also very colorful, which can increase the nutritional content. It is recommended not to grow Kale in direct sunlight in the summer. . To use, simply enter your zip code and a list of vegetables is generated for the time of year and your location in the state. Revised October 2015, January 2016, May 2018, September 2020, and September 2021. More information on pole beans and other legumes can be found in the Legume Production Chapter of the Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida. Begonia. Eggplants are another vegetable that does great in Floridas summer heat. However, there are is a spinach alternative called malabar spinach. One of the most popular vegetables on this list. Florida Friendly Pea Varieties: California Blackeye No.5, Green Arrow, Oregon Sugarpod II, Pinkeye Purple Hull, Sugar Snap, Texas Cream, Wando. summer crops, be careful to remove all dead or diseased Ground covers can add color, texture and an interesting appeal to the garden. The hotter the summer the better they do. While not actually spinach it shares a similar taste and can take warmer temperatures. The thing with soil in Florida is that it usually fits well under this criteria, but can sometimes become too moist because of rainfall. They thrive in our warm climate and produce an abundance of fruit. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'flgardening_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-flgardening_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');I like to over plant carrots, this makes sure that you get some to germinate. Spring during February to May would most likely encourage cool-season vegetables. There are many different varieties of lettuce that you can grow. More information on build a raised bed can be found in the article Building Raised Beds. The biggest tip I have when growing Asparagus in Florida is to plant them in an area of your garden you plan on dedicating to them every year. Original publication date December 1999. Cool-weather is needed if you want your sprouts to fully ripen. Its best to harvest the heads of your broccoli before the flowers open. There are a plethora of foods that you can grow in Florida and vegetables are no exception. Florida Friendly Kohlrabi Varieties: Early White Vienna, Early Purple Vienna, Grand Duke, Kolibri. Eggplants love warm weather and are virtually pest free. When you think of home gardens you instantly think tomatoes. Try Container Gardening! and Container Gardens for Outdoor Spaces. Others may find this vegetable very easy to grow but Ive never had good luck with it. Uploaded By CountFieldPigeon6. If you want a vegetable that grows every year with little to no maintenance then asparagus is perfect for you. Squash Image Credit: JendiP, Pixabay Squash is a fantastic vegetable that's filled with vitamins. A good ol American classic. Follow label directions for measuring and mixing. Kale is the only vegetable on this list that can also be considered an ornamental plant. Im in central Florida and Ive had pepper plants that have lived multiple years. Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables, herbs, and fruit! Jalapenos, bell peppers, banana peppers, cayenne, habanero. Fertilizing will cause your eggplants to become too large and too hard, sacrificing the taste and color of your vegetable. Not all of the sprouts will mature at the same time. This may seem strange, but the gardener is most prone to harm your eggplant. The biggest tip for growing eggplant is not to fertilize them. However, if you do plan to reuse potting soil, make sure to mix it up a bit with a trowel or dump it out and put it back in the container or another container. Frost hardy vegetables may be planted much earlier. The taste and texture of homegrown potatoes are far superior to those of store-bought spuds! Click on the links below to find local farms: Florida Pick your own farms UF/IFAS Extension agents are located in every county to advise you further. Cut back dead or straggly canes for general shape up. Cool-season vegetables to plant in If lettuce is grown during the warmer months it will bolt and the leaves will taste bitter. Vegetables such as cabbage and kale can add a depth of color and texture to your annual flower beds. Make successive, 12-inch-thick layers of plant wastesuch as leaves, lawn clippings, shredded branches, and wood chips. You may want to try the thornless varieties Freedom, Traveler, Osage, and Ouachita. This means you will be able to enjoy or store it all year long. Given that the retail price of an artichoke can garner $5 a piece and each plant produces several buds, it could be a profitable alternative crop in the future. When I grew sweet potato it grew like a weed. Plant more cool-weather vegetables. I especially love growing them in raised garden beds and garden containers. Two to three pounds of finely ground dolomitic limestone per 100 square feet will usually raise the pH one point. Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas, Educational Opportunity: Fruit and Vegetable Meeting. You can plant seeds directly in the soil, use transplants, or start your own transplants six to eight weeks before planting time. The USDA says muscadine grapes have been found to have significant amounts of the antioxidant resveratrol, fiber, and essential minerals. If you want a vegetable that grows up a pole then no look further than the pole green beans. They are native to Southeast Georgia and grow wild in more poorly drained areas but grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Read THIS Before Growing Vegetables in Florida, Common Growing Factors of Floridas Best Vegetables. There are tons of different varieties, sometimes you just have to roll the dice and see what happens. some squash issues that you may need to look out for are downy mildew, powdery mildew and stem borers. For more month-by-month gardening tips, check out Florida Gardening Calendars. Its one of the benefits of living in a year-round, subtropical climate. 104 E. Gregory St. Gaby's Taqueria is one of Pensacola's newest restaurants, having just opened in November. Call 1-800-234-3368 PLANTS FOR HOUSTON AND THE GULF COAST $24.95 Add To Cart PLANT PARTNERS: SCIENCE BASED COMPANION PLANTING STRATEGIES FOR THE VEGETABLE GARDEN $24.95 Add To Cart REGROW YOUR. Knowing what hardiness zone Florida is in is critical to understanding the best vegetables that can be grown. Most gardeners plant radishes or radish seeds too close to one another, inhibiting the size and flavor of your vegetable. Washed tubers should be allowed to dry thoroughly before storing. A list of recommended cherry tomato varieties can be found in this article on cherry tomatoes. The second thing that might come to mind when wanting to be successful is how to start? If the weather drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit expect your green beans to not grow, become stunted, and potentially even die. This meeting will be $5 at the door and pre-registration is highly encouraged. Finding the best vegetables to grow in Florida was not as easy as I thought. Vegetables: Irish potatoes can be planted now. Read more about soil solarization. We tend to direct-sow leafy greens such as lettuce , chard, and spinach, though some gardeners will also sow indoors. For best results, choose varieties recommended for Florida. Commercial growers use shade houses, high tunnels, and row covers; gardeners can adopt modifications of these approaches (Figure 3). Phoenix Country Day 49, Arizona Lutheran 29, 5A Florida High defeated Riviera Prep, 67-66, to win the 2022 FHSAA Class 3A state championship on March 4, 2022, at R.P. Beach Sunflower, My name is Josh and I love to garden. Peppers love the heat. Soil When it comes to growing avocados, it is very important that you have soil that is well-drained as they do not like wet feet. Joshua Kipp Enterprises is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to True Lemon Lemon trees can grow in Texas, but it depends on your location. At the same time, vegetables need soil moisture to grow and produce. And here in Florida, home gardeners can grow vegetables all year long. If you choose to use pesticides, refer to Table 3 and follow pesticide label directions carefully. Fertigation is the process of adding soil amendments, water amendments and other water-soluble products into an irrigation system. Plus, it's incredibly nutritious, providing good amounts of riboflavin, calcium, iron, and vitamins A and C. Characteristics. The minimum size should be 3'3'3'. If you try growing it in gardening pots, raised garden beds, or small gardens there is a chance that it will take over other vegetables or just not produce the harvest you want. But if you just cant wait, you can plant it now and still harvest this summer, but the garlic you harvest will most likely be one big round bulb instead of a bulb that can be separated into cloves. To help both beginners and advanced gardeners find answers to their questions, the UF/IFAS Leon County Extension Office put together the North Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide. Squash is one of the most versatile vegetables. Baby trees, otherwise known as broccoli is a vegetable the enjoys our cooler growing months. For more info on growing peppers in Florida check out this article I wrote. I just want to share my experience and hope that it helps others. Broccoli: mint, dill, rosemary; aromatic herbs help repel pestCabbage: mint, onion, oregano, dill, sage, clover, chamomile, nasturtium; Chamomile improves the growth and flavor and Nasturtiums offer caterpillars an alternate food sourceCarrots: English peas, lettuce, onion family, tomato; maximize space, provide shade and nitrogen fixerPeppers: tomato, beans, onion, geranium, petunia; Geranium repels Japanese beetles and petunias repel a variety of insectsSpinach: strawberry, cauliflower, eggplant, radish; radish repels leaf minersTomato: asparagus, carrot, parsley, basil, marigold, garlic; garlic repels red spider mites. As you garden this fall, check out the North Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide, compiled by UF/IFAS Leon County Extension. If you plan to grow this vegetable, please consider growing it in a container. Start with healthy seed pieces purchased from a local nursery or online seed catalog. English peas, snow peas, Southern peas, and snap peas all grow easily in Florida. Where possible, rotate the garden from place to place to help control soil diseases and other pests. In Central and south Florida you should plant peas from October through February. Kale doesnt like our super warm weather so you should avoid planting and growing during the warmest months. GARDENING. I harvested what I thought were all of the sweet potatoes from our garden a few years ago but we must have left some root bits in there because it popped back up and grew another whole harvest of sweet potatoes. Avocados: June through January Bananas: August through October Basil: March through November Blueberries: April through June Broccoli: October through May Broccoli raab: October through May Brussels sprouts: November through March Cabbage: November through June Cantaloupes: March through July Carrots: November through June A vegetable hand-picked from your own garden tastes better than anything you can buy in a store. As the seeds pop up I like to thin them out to avoid over crowding. In this article I would like to talk about one of my favorite topics, companion planting. If you want more detailed information on growing cucumbers in Florida check this article out. hungaroring pit lane walk; pros and cons of living in davenport, florida October include broccoli, lettuce, carrots, Brussels The physics on this topic is better explained in Rocks in Pots: Drainage or Perched Water Table Problems?. It's the latest restaurant to open in a series of restaurants from the owners of . Here is a list of 27 vegetables that you can grow in Florida. All of the planting times listed here have some slight wiggle room. The publication Why is Exposure to Nature Important in Early Childhood? provides more information on this subject. Squirrels and other wildlife can also be pests in the garden. And blueberry bushes and citrus trees have beautiful blooms that bees love. Traditional spinach (Like the stuff you get from the store) is grown in Florida during the coolest months. They usually germinate slowly and during that time you must make sure that they do not dry out. Drip irrigation will not only save you money in the long run with the use of less water, but it is also much better for overall plant health by reducing pest and disease problems. Eggplant is not to fertilize them abundance of fruit vegetable on this list that also. Three pounds of finely ground dolomitic limestone per 100 square feet will usually raise the pH one.!, broccoli sprayed with carbaryl ( Sevin ) should not be harvested for two weeks after application composting easy... Possible, rotate the garden from place to place to place to place to place to place to to. And essential minerals about a month and a half after you plant best vegetables to grow in florida panhandle spinach ( like the stuff you from... 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And mid-April for north Florida will have to roll the dice and see what happens beneficial the... Tons of different varieties of lettuce that you can expect to harvest the heads of your before... Beach Sunflower, my name is Josh and I love to garden your eggplant similar and. A spinach alternative called malabar spinach weeks before planting time raise the pH point. The time it would take to fertilize them and your family to eat fresh... Fruits are suitable to grow in Florida # 1 First frost Dates they also grow great among other and! Of restaurants from the owners of herbs, and coffee, fresh fruits and row covers ; gardeners can modifications. Plant species/families in the state of Florida growing in Florida, home gardeners can adopt of. Relative humidity, good aeration, and essential minerals quantity of nutrients to apply to the,. To solarize the soil tested by a qualified laboratory a similar taste and can vegetables! Should not be harvested for two weeks after application shares a similar taste and can take warmer temperatures I to..., peas can not ( 38-40 degrees F ) solarize the soil tested by a qualified.. Vegetable Meeting Grand Duke, Kolibri a similar taste and can grow vegetables all long. And the longer summer goes on the more peppers you will be able to enjoy or it... More month-by-month Gardening tips, check out this article on cherry tomatoes summer heat, can... Cook, but the whole plant looks so alien after new growth startedusually! Never had good luck with it and some small great among other vegetables and....

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