bucky barnes x reader he ignores you

She knew you were listening in. You didnt think twice about being a smartass when he was mad. Pull me under the flashing lights! Scott half sang and half shouted, bouncing on one leg to the other. Read to find out more! You mulled it over in your mind for a second. Before Steve could even speak, you jumped on the heels of your feet and threw your hands wildly in the air. Theyre alltheyre all like me. I shake my head with a smirk. You didnt even realize your mouth had slightly opened with him being so close to you now. Before Bucky could speak or even think properly, the doors slid open and his jaw dropped. Thats what she likes to be called.. A pawn in a game you didnt want to play. I know. Steve took another large gulp of his much needed coffee. So many lives, so many stories, the world felt so full and so overwhelming. Sams! Nothing was completely registering in your mind. You saw Steve standing on the other side of the lobby area of the Tower, when you looked over at him he quickly looked back down at thepapersin hishand. He held your body so tight against his that you thought the force would crush your bones. would send me, what you would call a child, to guard you is humiliating. Can i have a bucky request where the reader is buckys girlfriend and hes been on a mission for the past couple weeks and its finally the day hes coming home and so shes pestering all the Avengers repeating herself and bouncing up and down going, how about now? Natasha had reminded them all that it was a hard day and to just leave you be, if you needed them then you would let them know. Bucky was wrong. how about now? Cmon Clint, lets go! Just something I came up with for you all, and I know its not Fall, I wish it was, but lets just pretend that it is Fall for this imagine! So I said, girl. You were sitting on the kitchen island, your arms were pressed against the counter behind you as you leaned back slightly. He scanned you from head to toe in a way he would assess an enemy and leaned forward, forcing you to back away slightly. Bucky looked down at you and sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead and making his way towards the elevators with you still curled up in his arms. But today was not a stressful day, it was not a sad day or a painful day, it was a happy day. Everything they have ever known is toppled over. "Right," you scoffed weakly as you sat down on your bed against the wall and pulled your knees to your chest. A sloppy, cheeky grin plastered on his face as he took a large step forward. His presence made you calm, even on your worst days. During the time he stayed with you and Steve, you could see with each passing day as he slowly regained his memories of who he was with Steves and your help. For some reason, he took it as the end to the conversation and moved to go around you. Work Search: *** He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. You choked on your smoothie one morning when he scared you in the kitchen. What if he died? You sat for a moment, taking in the cool breeze at that height. Your eyes caught his own sending an uncomfortable rush through your body. You winced when your lower back made contact with the wood, but willed yourself not to look away, keeping your eyes on his. By all means, dont stop talking on my account. Im three steps ahead of you, sweetheart.. You walked over to the closet where Natasha had placed several dresses for the new few days of the mission. You inwardly groaned. It was from Steve, and you barely got past reading his name before you, 2:35 pm Okay, what the hell is going on? you demanded, tapping your foot on the ground impatiently. But then I switched tabs for a few minutes and when I came back to my Tumblr tab it was ALL GONE. Nothing out of the ordinary, now if you excuse me- You were cut off when he suddenly ran in front of you, you covered your face with both arms and looked downward. That S.H.I.E.L.D. We go hard or we go home! Since her husband left, all she wants is to take care of her daughter. Potential consequences be damned. Most of the time you tuned it out, it was easy when it was that soft and quiet. Bucky rolled his eyes and huffed, he was in no mood for games. Although Bucky hung out with them as much as Steve sometimes he still felt out of the loop or on the outside. You are my friend, a man Ive come to care for more than anyone Ive ever cared about in my life, and I trust you enough to know that you wont just throw all that weve accomplished together away.. ! Bucky snapped, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you. The weird movement made a smile start to tug on Buckys face. You knew that Bucky was somehow going to screw up the single largest and most pressing mission you had ever been assigned and only because Steve wanted to prove a point. He had cut his hair short and damn was it attractive. Steve, this is not what I had planned! Bucky sighed as he ran his fingers through his long hair. A pity too, that wasn't a cheap mug. You were wearing a pair of leggings and one of Buckys hoodies, your legs were sprawled out and an arm laid under your head. It chilled your cheeks and ran goosebumps down your neck. You followed quickly behind him, trying to keep up with his long and fast strides. It was warm, contrasting the breeze, and made you smile. Remember? Like watched football, watched a scary movie, went to a Halloween party, you know? Sammy! But then again all is fair in love and war right? You, Bucky and Natasha were lounging in the living room one afternoon. And in the end, were both happy.. I, uh, I have no idea what youre talking about, Your eyes hardened and you took another step towards him. When you took a step towards him, he recoiled as if burnt and actually grabbed a chair to separate him from you. His next words were low and harsh, and they cut you deep, his eyes as sharp as ice. What will happen as the relationship evolves and new challenges arise above and beyond the fact that it's forbidden? Her entire body shook with both fear and pain. Out! Can I talk to you for a minute?. All energy was gone from your now exhausted body. Tony slapped Buckys shoulder before he disappeared around the corner leading to his lab. Whether it was just an innocent fleeting thought when Steve would tell you about the dates back in the 40s or a genuine curiosity brought on after spending an entire evening with him while trying to recover a stubborn memory, or even when you would walk past his room in the middle of the night to find the door ajar and him on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands, pounding his fists against his head and repeating his own name. You remained silent, only giving them a small emotionless shrug. Request: Open; Masterlist. You watched as he slipped it onto your finger sealing both of your fates. reader was a highly skilled neuropsychologist who worked for what used to be SHIELD. Why are they doing this, why wont they help us? The boy yelled over the crashes and explosions. Im sorry if thebeginningisnt the best, I swear it was really good the first round! You couldnt bare to say goodbye to their faces. He was close to the little girls age and clung onto his mothers arm, but he also had a hand squeezing his little sisters. Tears poured down your face as you swung your legs over the ledge and sat looking out at the city. ! He finally spun around to look at you. Oh! Bucky gasped and pulled on your shoulder to stop you from walking away. Bucky shuffled out of the elevator and watched you with a careful eye, his heart was hammering in his chest and his whole body felt tingly. What! You gasped. From that moment on, you decided that you'd ignore Peter until he made a legitimate effort towards fixing your friendship. You had to suck up and you had to win back his trust. The ding of the door opening and the soft bang of it closing echoed inside Tonys head, the trail of your sweet perfume was still left lingering in the air. You barely spoke; ashamed and embarrassed about the event that took place. What happens when a young woman is unexpectedly thrusted upon the world stage, and an older gentleman becomes a mere side character to his much younger fiance glamorous life? Even if you wanted to. The man instructs Bucky. Bucky had caught on to the fact that you preferred to call Steve by his full name, and did you the honor of giving you proper permission to the do the same for him. You inched closer to the edge, your hands gripped the cement ledge behind you as you leaned forward, looking down past your feet. No. When you frowned he hurried to add, I dontwantto hurt you, [y/n], but I cant always control it. He blinked, as if it was hard for him to process what you said. Samother! You left with hardly a goodbye, it killed you to do so but its what had to be done. He holds you as close . He was out of his room, down the hall, and opening your door . You were so high up that the traffic of the city below you could be hardly heard. Dropping what you were doing, you stomped past him he anything but turned into a block of ice when your shoulder brushed his and shut the door before he could get out. Your throat ran dry but you forced a confident smile on your face. Was it a big deal for you to run out of your room without an ounce of makeup on and risking someone seeing you? At first it hurt, and some days I felt like I was drowning in pain and regret, and that the waves of emotions never seemed to stop. Steve looks up and his mouth falls open when he sees you standing there. He didn't mind if you did tell him, but if you wer. You shook off the thought. Your friends were more than a little wary, not of the Captain America, but of Bucky. You gotta start watching out for yourself the way I look out for you, Y/n. Theyre fine, I suppose. It was the one year anniversary of Buckys disappearance and Nat was right, it was a hard day. He knew that Y/N was not his biggest fan since he arrived. "Teach her smart mouth a lesson," He puts his hands behind his back and watchings as his men take turns punching and kicking. A Christmas enemies to lovers fic. But what if Bucky likes you? Almost at o, The 16 year old girl stepped into the room, as the automatic door closed behind her with a quiet hiss. There was so much more that made your heart pump with excitement and your happiness grow high. You werent going to wish Bucky into a life of misery because you loved him, no. That is what scared Bucky the most. You knew exactly who he was. He didn't know when the feeling exactl, Come on [Name]! I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. Request: can you do an enemies to lover fic with bucky where the reader saves him or something and hes all like whyd you do it? Like you said, you cant even remember the last time someone got you flowers. He actually managed to pry the door open before you pressed your palm against it and slammed it shut. Boston, huh? Tony looked out the window, the city was waking up and cars and people were starting to fill the streets. And for some reason You're a 25-year-old girl living in Brooklyn along with your childhood best friends Steve and Bucky, and you're working at the SSR with your cousin Peggy Carter. The sun hadnt even risen but yet you had opened all the curtains to his windows. How is everybody? You hesitated before asking. What about you was important enough for him and the life youd build together? Nat did catch that you were considering whether you were attracted to him. Thank you for reading. Your heart throbbed at this and you were disappointed. After all, it isn't every day that your toilet betrays you and you find yourself stuck behind it screaming for help. A part of you longing to see them all again, but another part of you knowing it would only hurt to see them again. You needed to do something that would . Pulling back you take a quick look into the mirror beside the door and shake the flour out of your hair. Football was starting back up, which of course meant college football Saturdays and professional football Sundays. In all seriousness, You paused. Wow, thank you! You loved everything about the season of Fall. A love story about your heartbreak,his betrayal and a chance at redemption. Shes just gonna eat all the marshmallows, Steve!. Tony led him down one of the hallways near the gym, it was a hallway that had rooms mostly filled with gadgets of Tonys and the laundry room. Your hand reached out to grab the little girls, her hand brushed against your fingertips but it was already too late. You reached out for Tonys hand and squeezed it tightly. Why had that happened? You two are very close to being assigned on that mission I told you about, Y/N. Your irritation with him today had begun with a comment on how loud you were in the mornings when he was still asleep. For the rest of the Avengers, today was a long day. Bucky reached out for your wrist, slowly to not startle you. You knew by taking Steves hand youd turn your b, Note: the reader here is an Agent that frequently works with the Avengers. you just wanted to take your break from the club where you're working as a bartender, but you stumble on some guys arguing, only to realize they're the band playing that night. Tony watched your face light up as you talked about your new direction of life. Wanda pulled out a bar chair you had on the other side of the island and sat down, leaning forward as far as she could. Well, Im about to. Steve responded strongly. Bucky just watched as the two of you conversed, he didnt speak and only watched in an awe of silence. He stood in the gym with his hands resting on his hips, his jaw opened slightly and his head tilted to the side. I know you think he is attractive.. Steve had the idea in his head that this would resolve everything, but you were positive it would only make your hate for Bucky grow stronger. You were about fifty stories up from the busy city streets, legs dangling against the skyscraper and tears dripping into your lap. I spent so much time with you guys, I know every single one of your moves. By the end of the first night, Bucky's come to two conclusions where you are concerned. When Steve Rogers made up his mind, he made up his mind. I hate you!' Lets go to Big Daddys! You giggled, you were still jumping on his bed trying to get him out of bed but also the caffeine that pumped through your veins caused you not to stop moving. Cmon, wake up! Sam cringed and covered his face with his pillow more, pressing it against his face to try to make the noise stop. You looked like how you did every night, after you went to your room for the night and no one else saw you until morning. Pitchers of different types of drinks, including a couple coffee pots, were jugged down within minutes. Neither of them acknowledged your presence when you slowly approached, your bare feet making no sound on the floor. Can you tell Bucky something for me?, Can you tell himtell him, that he was right. "You better knock someone else up if you plan on holding your end of the bargain up." "But baby, it's that or he gets to design my next arm. We moved the next year.). Im stupid, but not that stupid.. To know how right he was. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su. Bucky Barnes x Reader. You didn't say anything and sighed instead, drinking from the bottle of water in your hand. Y/N! Don't pretend that you don't want me. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. In the midst of the sudden resurgence of enhanced individuals, Cadence finds herself drawn to the newest member of the Avengers. Even with his cocky and outgoing self showing, deep down he was still insecure and on edge. His confidence is shattered, and it's up to you to show him that he is still the man he was before the accident. Bucky! Steve scolded both of you. Their lives are finally settling into normality until she begins having nightmares, nightmares that become all too real when she sees the same stories on the news. Probably walk away and pretend the conversation never happened. It was a light jab, but you hoped that your message got through. This was about to get way more complicated than you had intended. His eyes flickered to the window again, and you had half a mind to close it shut. Oh I know! You completely ignored Bucky and begged, "Steve, please. You? Wanda, I think he offered that so he couldaccidentallyshoot me. Sorry if I misspelled something. Scott jumped backwards and nearly fell down the stairs going to the floor below them, his eyes were focussed something behind you. Finally. You crossed your legs behind him and with a quick movement, used that hold to roll the both of you over so you were hovering over him, straddling his hips, but the man in your arms was having none of it. You couldnt speak, you only cried into his chest as Steve wiped away his own tears, crouching down to sit against his calves. You thought about kissing Bucky before. But yes, hes very much alive. Back off! you said to the persistent billionaire as he tried to get you to go under the mistletoe with him so he could steal a kiss. Step one; Clint. You read aloud, glancing up at her with curious eyes. Y/N, I promise you, youre going to get through this. When you over hear a heated argument between Bucky's then girlfriend the two of you become pretty close afterwards and leads you on a rollercoaster of pain and pleasure Y/N Ivanova has had a rough life. Summary: Mutual pining and an android wingman help Bucky and you to admit your true feelings during one of Tony Stark's galas. Just remember, you are a hero. Natasha hugged you. Ultron laughed seeing a Stark in pain. Shes nice, I mean shes got a huge heart. You rolled your eyes, happy that he wasnt looking at your face for that. You thought it made him look unhinged. Whatever you say.. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. You were walking in one of the side stairwells inside the living quarters of the Tower, it was a creepier staircase that was dull and cold. That would be very bad. Is she good enough for him?, Tony nodded his head, smiling softly at you. Black hair, big brown eyes, and a big glowy thing in the chest region. You are in denial. I have new stuff now, and a nice apartment right in the middle of Boston. You smiled kindly. What were you talking about?, Steve glanced at Bucky and smirked. During the Winter Soldier ordeal, your apartment was destroyed andthatwas a nice way of putting it. Okay, what is he talking about? Bucky attempted to ask you. His chest felt tight and his stomach felt weird as he watched how excited your face got, his emotions almost reflecting yours. You groaned in pain as you felt your body being slammed into a nearby building, These ultron drones are relentless.. You thought as you pulled yourself up. I havent edited it for mistakes yet! When the Avengers respond to a threat in her neck of the woods, will she be able to stay away from them, stay hidden, and stay safe? It felt as if Steve was all he had sometimes, and he never wanted to let go of Steve ever again. Bucky had been a constant reminder that you were loved, someone who understood you and cared about your wellbeing so thoroughly that it felt unreal. His hands were on your side, and you didn't know what he wanted until he was pulling you up. Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. I dont know, hahah, youll understand it when you read it I guess. She sounded good for Bucky, he needed someone like that in his life. Maybe you had been too harsh when you judged the small town as soon as you had moved in. So we all have to suffer without marshmallows just so shell be quiet for five seconds? Clint crossed his arms over his chest, a huff leaving his firmly pressed lips. I appreciate the comment love! His lips parted to say something when Steve called, Y/N! This triggered you to jerk away from Buckys touch. You wanted to prove to everyone that you werent who you used to be. Warnings: Language, Fluff. Bucky set his bags down by the door and followed Tony without a word, he still wore his mission gear but didnt bother taking it off yet. He fell for your quick wit, your sense of humor, and your adorable quirkiness. Two weeks later you went on your first date together and you had been together ever since. Word Count: 2765 Words. Agent Romanov already got all the information we needed. the girl snorted and crossed her arms. Though, Bucky is determined not to take advantage of her vulnerable state. You loved being up here with nothing beneath your feet and hardly any sound at all. He had moved last winter and had warmed up quite a bit since then, a part of him was still gone and it probably wouldnt return. Natasha was watching one of her favorite shows season premiere, one you had already seen the night before. A piece of the snowmans head flew down from the ceiling and slapped Sam across the face. Pain that numbed your soul and kept your mind blank as Bucky navigated you where you needed to be. We thought we would find you up here. Wanda sat to your right, dangling her legs off the side as well but leaning back on her arms instead of letting them rest on the railing. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader Word Count: 1,762 Summary: Bucky still carries the scars of his past and sometimes they haunt him in the present and in the process haunt you as well. You tried to talk Steve out of it and he said no. They had just gotten back and all Bucky had wanted to do was sleep for the next thirteen hours. All the fun things people do in Fall. Natasha explained, her eyes flicking over to you for a brief moment, seeings you hesitating in continuing your nails. Every time he was around you, it was his goal to make your life miserable. The desperate embrace of a super-soldier would be enough to leave you a broken mess. If you pushed through and fought through the pain and ache in your chest you felt every single day, then eventually it wouldnt hurt as much. The man was as stubborn as a cattle. Although it was rare to see the moon in NYC, especially when you lived right smack in the middle of it. I dont frighten you?, You smiled and shook your head. Author's Note: This is for my lovely friend Lau's @sweeterthanthis Bittersweet Symphony Writing Challenge! Bucky glanced over at the bright screen, his eyes watching as he saw text bubbles start spamming Steves phone, his own blue bubble text disappeared within seconds. Time with you guys, I think he offered that so he couldaccidentallyshoot me & x27... That Y/N was not his biggest fan since he arrived into a of... Black hair, big brown eyes, happy that he wasnt looking at your face got, his was... Up, which of course meant college football Saturdays and professional football Sundays destroyed a. From you called, Y/N breeze, and a nice way of putting.... 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