can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

That was a year ago. My 10 year old Italian Greyhound a rescue from a puppy mill in Nebraska was just diagnosed with liver cancer. Hi David, Thanks for your question. Apoquel incidentally never stopped her itching and I will never resume the Apoquel. Your opinion is to not alarm pet owners about an association with severe side effects- Mine is otherwise. Of course the cost is skyrocketing and he is scheduled to have a liver Ultrasound today and a liver fine needle aspiration has been mentioned. After reading all the complants. Read all the reviews on this page!! She went into Cardiac Arrest and flat lined. Apoquel has been shown to be effective in reducing clinical signs of atopic dermatitis, such as pruritus, erythema, and scaling, within 24 hours of administration, Dr. Silva says. They wont mind! So in the midst of all of this I did notice that her pet food had changed gradually and I finally took the last case back and put her on another food just in case it was a food additive issue! A blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of the Janus kinase inhibitor oclacitinib (Apoquel) in client-owned dogs with atopic dermatitis. I thought I had found the magic drug. My 7 year old Dachshund was seen my a vet for allergies that caused her ears to itch severly. He is nibbling them constantly. which is causing more messes to clean up. I stopped the pills immediately. Just as I was dozing off, she abruptly sat up and started crying. Here is a link to the 2011 Study: We adopted a cocker spaniel mix June 2015. Despite going back to the Vet she was kept on this medication and given antibiotics. But, we are seeing improvementfinally. We have a rescue dog, 3 yrs old now. Thats why I blame Apoquel. These may include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and lethargy. For the past month or so he just wasnt right; lethargic, increased ear infections and two weeks ago while chasing a ball it looked as though a linebacker took the legs out from under him, but only on his right side. I withheld the medication to see if he got worse, and called the vet. She is on Revolution and I have never seen a flea on her. Took her to my vet who did all of the blood work etc. Other veterinarians may have their short comings, but at least they are more concerned about their patients and less about their wallets. Let him know that I would never give this precious dog any medication without our friends permission. Do you send them to Israel? Hes on IV fluids but not expected to live more than a week. 500 grams liver, 2 handfuls of shredded cheese and I serve it up with a dollop of natural yoghurt and 2 tablespoons of Omega blend oil (vets all natural). We give her oatmeal baths and it dont help. My dog has chronic dermatitis and this seems to help quite a bit but not totally. What do I do? Bit worried my E.R. I took her back to the vet in November as I was so concerned about the weight gain. Last night the vet called and told me my guy is diabetic and that I should come in to start him on insulin. When we found the new vet he said he wanted to try Peatie on a new anti-itch drugpricey but effective. She is allergic to beef, flax, white potatoe, corn and a few other things. The vet down the street recommended Apoquel for the cure. My Shepard has bad itching and was given apoquel yesterday and Im taking him off after two pills and reading these comments, Id rather have a dog thats itching than having to bury him, ill do the holistic thing for now until he gets relief. Drugs that suppress the immune system Early Tuesday Nov 21 my husband woke me up to tell me that Ginny had let put a help and was very weak and could not stand up on her own. How long can my dog use Apoquel? I am sure making a good living is a consideration. 10 is way to young for my dog to die. The day I bought the second months prescription at the cost of $105 my dog began having bloody diareah. It worked well for the itching, but she developed a terrible eyelid infection a few weeks later. He has lost 1 1/2 lbs. By week 7 he was having diarrhea and was put on Metronidazole. I have tried many things and 3 Vets, also already two operations. Wished I had read about this drug before using. Had my dog on this for about a month. The capsules come in the following dosages: 25 mg; 50 mg; and 100 mg. Yes, Apoquel and Gabapentin can be used together for dogs - as there is no known interaction between the two drugs. Making her sick. After that he became VERY, VERY lethargic and was not able even to walk straight. Maybe more so because now I know that he had no tumor, nothing anywhere, it was the APOQUEL. Yes these two options are commonly offered and usually the best ones. We tried Benadryl, Temaril-P & homeopathic remedies. He has had two seizures which he has never had his whole life. I have an 8-year-old Shih Tzu who had more or less uncontrollable itching, mostly she would bite at her paws but then the itching became worst all over. We are back to trying to find the right balance to make life more comfortable. I would rather give him zyrtec and deal other ways with his allergies. Thank you Dr. and for the shared testemoniesI assumed their were possible side effects but I think every dog reacts differently. Of the 247 dogs studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized. Never told that it destroyed the immune system or the side effects. Too few veterinarians are explaining the risks. My vet bills have double. Copyright 2023 Four Paws Online Ltd. All rights reserved. Stupid meI passed it off as a fluke. Apoquel helps him -100%, bur increase thirst and he urinated more often then normally. As soon as I stop giving her apoquel the stomach problem stopped. After reading all the comments, I have decided not to take the risk of harming my dog more by this drug. Tavist and chlortrimeton She use to sleep like a baby but the last few nights has kept me awake. One of the most common questions we get asked at the Apoquel blog is whether its safe to give our dogs antihistamines alongside their Apoquel medication. My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. one-sixth the normal dose (1/2 tablet a day), he was unable to walk at all, and he developed increased thirst and increased urination For a sonogram and X-rays that showed everything is normal. (Answered 2023), How Much Salami Can a Dog Eat? Something has to be done. I am reading these comments and cannot believe why this drug is still being prescribed. In fact, antihistamines are quite often used to treat skin allergies in dogs. What can you tell me? Lets see the drug company Zoetis reported this: Zoetis Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2014 Results 2.Adequate flea control- ensure that you are not dealing with fleas as a problem. She was done with the medication on Oct 31 and her hair was falling out and She started developing lymph nodes in her chest area. Our dog scratches till she has raw sores on her stomach underarms and other Dr Jones. This drug may stop your dogs itching, however creating long Fortunately many other pet owners think otherwise. I ran to the vet and asked for more$55 later, I had another months supply. I looked thru the glass and her little head rose up and She gave me a smile and wagged her tail and laid her head down. No episodes of stumbling. If your dog is taking hydroxyzine, you should keep the possible side effects in mind. But, there are also side effects that you should keep in mind. I pray that there was no long term damage done. I took him to my vet and he put him on Doxycycline. Can both be given for an extended car ride this weekend? Seeing this dog die, eyes open, tongue hanging out, not breathing lingers as if it were yesterday. My vet has referred us to a vet specialist, which I hear is very expensive. Yet in the Well Managed Practice Report authored by Wutchiett Tumblin and Associates, they state that veterinarians in their study generated $612,000/year in revenue, taking home $221,700 in salary and benefits. Her albumin went from 1.5 to 1.9. Am going to phone my vet in the morning and get their opinion. Weve had very warm weather for December in Delaware and had new sod put around a new patio. Wow my eyes are wide. Hydroxyzine is a drug that can bring much relief to your furry friend when they are not well. IV or liposomal? Please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. She examined him and told me that he was having a reaction to the hydroxyzine so dont give any more to him. Thankful that I followed my instinct as the vet made us very uncomfortable with his rapid sales pitch. I started looking at this site or blog for answers for the insane paw licking my baby goes through every year around Aug., Sept. I am so glad I did and came across these suggestions. I tried to have the 10 pills she takes daily compounded by a vet pharmacy in Scottsdale, but the fillers they used caused her to start seizing, so now we just do the 10 pills a day of 1 med. He is somewhat aggressive to a sweet little girl puppy that we got as a friend for him. I am so grateful to have her but feel bad as she has to take 570 pills every month plus liquid medication, mostly due to her size. (I also am a retired RN) Every drug can have side effects and be different just as with humans. My vet prescribed Apoquel for her and she immediately threw up and became very listless. I love my dog way too much to simply take the risk. Genestra Vit D drops 800 ui/day. I recently brought him to the vet because he hasnt been himself as the before mentioned concerns. Please everyone try Natural pet! bill will be higher too. TOO BAD IGNORANCE ISNT PAINFUL. After just a few days the panting and pacing was constant, she never stopped and didnt sleep. There are too many similar situations in the above comments,I am returning to my vet and inquire what company produces their vaccines. Thats terrible! E-mail: He actually unlocked a sliding glass door aggressively scratching at the walls and door jam and got out and was digging under the fence when our neighbor whom we called came and put him back in the house. Key Points on Apoquel Unlike steroids, Apoquel side effects are minimal: no excessive thirst or hunger, no exces-sive urination, and no long-term negative effects on the liver Apoquel can cause rare intermittent GI symptoms For a 45-lb. Every dog that suffers from allergies may respond . My vet diagnosed him with 3 different bacterial infections which Im assuming he got from his immune system being compromised from this drug. Keep fighting the good fight! This is a 10 year old dog we never had problems leaving while we were at work and we spent the months of November, December 2016 trying to take turns going to work, (fortunately we had the flexibility). I will also take my other boy off this medication. company and they said no connections. He has been on this drug for three years and his allergies are gone. My five-year-old German Shepherd developed skin allergies right after her first birthday. The medication is available in tablet form in the following doses: 10 mg; 25 mg; and 50 mg. 11 yr old German Shepherd: Skin problems all life, extremely bad over last 2 years. It's . We always recommend that you follow your vets advice when it comes to canine medication. If there is anyone else out there with dogs on Apoquel as long as mine suffering from cancer I would like to know. The meds worked for 3 days of clearing his itching and swollen eyes but then the vomiting, not eating, stomach pains, panting, not drinking, exhaustion, completely out of it wondering and hiding in corners, didnt open his eyes for 3 days, and death happened. She was tired and started staring off so we took her to vet. They may even prescribe another type of antihistamine for your dog. I got him at six weeks old, so I can say I know him better than anyone. So I would take care to note if you see her drinking more than usual. Full Year 2015 Guidance Updated to Revenue of $4.8 $4.9 Billion and Adjusted Diluted EPS1 of $1.61 $1.68 In April we reduced her to 1/2 every morning but it was no longer being effective.I raised her dosage back to1 -3.6mg a day and she started having seizures. I stopped the Apoquel. No they are not some very serious side effects have not been listed. You'll need to go back to whatever veterinary doctors are available and have them make sure they've not missed an underlying cause to the itch. I am giving my own allergic dog an oatmeal shampoo weekly. Xylitol is extremely toxic, even deadly, for dogs. The itching has come back full blown .. bumps swollen paws ect. After this it was too late for her they said she had By example, many that are on chemo come to us for high dose IV vitamin C (50g-150g/infusion) I believe some of the vets push it because it is expensive. See what it can do for your dog here: by day 14. I think he had an overgrowth of yeast, so in february I tried It has a different mechanism of action than steroids, cyclosporine, antihistamines, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy. Antihistamines are most often taken to relieve the symptoms of allergic reactions, such as itchiness. Janus kinase Inhibitors are on the market for the treatment of autoimmune diseases in humans including Xeljanz and baricitinib (Olumiant Lilly) for oral treatment of adults with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA). But I dont know if 30 days is enough. If Zoetis produces the vaccines that were usedwell that would truly answer a lot of questions. Apoquel is NOT worth the risk if Shortys symptoms are mild. Apoquel Dosage in Dogs. You wont see an instant response, but you may see some marked decrease in allergic signs after using probiotics for 4 weeks. We went to the vet because she was quite lethargic. Our present vet had him on prednisone off and on and it seemed to work but we were all worried about long term effects. My daughter stated she is doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3 weeks. All dogs itch sometimes, but when you notice it happening more and more, it could be a sign of a medical condition. It really seemed to help with the hacking and coughing and all. She has been on it off and on since then depending on her need. It makes me sick to my stomach to see so many vets pushing and advertising this. Her creatinine went from 8.0 to 0.3 almost normal!! Gets up on the Saturday and couldnt find him. The veterinarian explained he was born with this and it will manifest when his immune system is weaken. I hate that we now must take him off the medicine because he has been able to live a more comfortable life, but I cant ignore the side effects and how its affecting him. I have two westies on apoquel, both have problem skin. You chose to claim the issues were caused by Apoquel, as a scare tactic to encourage people to buy your untested and unproven to have any benefit homemade concoction of ordinary food stuff. I have read your comments about your pets having side effects. Hi a few months back my vet prescribed my dog apoquel 16mg (1/2 per day) for 14 days she has a uncontrollable itching is a totally indoor princess, but does go outside to potty on a leash. You can check for more research and info. Dr. suggested apoquel which I paid 120. I would hate to think that the profit that vets make from exclusively distributing Apoquel out shines their professional duty to be appear of these serious adverse events especially given my case where the veterinarian started prescribing Apoquel in December 2016 and started to see these parasitic growths appear within 3 months of initiation of therapy. My poodle is masterful at holding it in emergencies when we get home longer than planned. In simple terms, apoquel changes how the immune system acts. 7.The last increasingly used ingredient for allergies is colostrum. If anyone has experienced this side effect and has any additional information I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. She had bladder stones three years ago and is on a prescription food for that. How to Report Apoquel Side Effects in Dogs Apoquel side effects in dogs can be reported directly to the manufacturing company. Come in to start him on prednisone off and on since then depending on her stomach underarms and Dr. Online Ltd. all rights reserved I withheld the medication to see if he got worse, called! Allergies in dogs can be reported directly to the vet in the comments... Asked for more $ 55 later, I had read about this drug three! Wished I had read about this drug for three years ago and is on Revolution and I will resume... Severe side effects- Mine is otherwise just diagnosed with liver cancer before mentioned concerns die, open... 50 mg ; and 100 mg poodle is masterful at holding it in emergencies we! Two operations for 4 weeks was having diarrhea and was put on Metronidazole stop your dogs itching, creating! Underarms and other Dr Jones keep the possible side effects to 0.3 almost!. 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