cute couple writing prompts

Here are our top ten romance writing prompts: "I think I've fallen in love with my self-professed mortal enemy." You have a crush on a coworker, and that crush is somehow revealed during a company-wide meeting. Write about a first date that surprises both people, but in different ways. Write a story that involves love at first sight. Some are wonderful experiences and others are horrible nightmares. Write about two people who run rival bakeries, but fall in love during their towns annual holiday festival. Two journalists from different news outlets have a chance to interview a high-profile figure who is vacationing in Dubai. He sneaks into his fencing class and rains down flowers on his friend. It's a spell for success! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. How did you end up having sex together for the first time? Do you ever doubt if you and your partner belong together? Oops, now he loves her. Check out these road-trip questions for couples. Does your significant other have any toxic traits? It is a simple way to improve communication in a relationship. Suddenly both of them stop talking. The group travels together, and two of the men are in love with the same women. A college student returns home for the summer and realizes that their hometown has changed in some subtle ways during their months away. She couldn't be pregnant, could she? Do you expect this to be your last relationship? Heres how we recommend using these couple journal prompts. Write down 3 goals for your relationship in the future. ProWritingAid's Dialogue Report can help you locate these pesky tags so you can keep them to a minimum. There are many journals available in the market, especially for couples. Due to university budget cuts, two rival scientists are forced to share an office only to find out they aren't so different after all. 7. A woman disapproves of something her grandmother does. The scope of a couples journal is so vast and varied that you may find it hard to figure out how to go about it. Includes FREE typesetting to print-ready PDF & EPUB files, track changes and collaborative editing. How could you show love to your partner better? Romantic comedy. They are assigned a project together even though they hate each other. His girlfriend has been very busy lately. You can also check out our listofwriting contestsor our directoryofliterary magazinesfor more opportunities to submit your story. I touch it, once, her skin warm under my fingers, a reminder of how alive we are. A teen tries to sneak out of the house, but something stops him on every route he takes. One of the best ways to keep a healthy and thriving relationship with your partner is constantly evaluating it, to see whats going well and whether there are areas to improve. His friend is upset about how losing his girlfriend, so he wants to do something nice for him. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'writingbeginner_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',119,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-writingbeginner_com-medrectangle-3-0');Sometimes you just feel like writing a fluffy, happy story. Kindly note that we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and its partners. A fire marshal falls in love with a serial arsonist. An elderly couple take a trip to Paris to celebrate their anniversary. You are on cloud nine and drifting through the time together. Here are a few popular romance writing prompts that never seem to get old. How to Write an Irresistible Romance (free course), 13 Beloved Romance Tropes Every Reader Will Recognize (blog post), How to Write a Short Story That Gets Published. 1. A woman writes letters to people from her past to share with them the news of who she is now compared to who she used to be. Write about two people reconnecting after a rough patch in their relationship. A man gets a call from his doctors office with some odd news. She has a terrible relationship with her mom, so when she starts dating this guy who is just like her mother, she cant believe how great it feels. This journal will help in sharing daily events that you otherwise would have missed. It was the best of times; it was the worst of times; it was the company holiday party. They get engaged at their ten-year high school reunion. What bad habits do you have that bother your partner? There he was, chained to a tree, spouting nonsense, and directly in the way of my bulldozer. Unfortunately there is only one hotel room left. People crave love. He graduates college and he doesnt have any plans yet, but she does. Someone at work brings in baked goods every few days for everyone to share. Hiccup and Astrid go stargazing together. Shes posts the video of their first kiss online because its too cute not to share. What is the best compliment your partner has ever paid you? She is his boss/professor/teacher/captor and it would not be appropriate, no matter how badly she wants to do it. A love story consists of some basic elements: a meet cute, encounters to build romantic tension, getting together or nearly getting together, torn apart by some circumstance, and a reunion and happily ever after. Romance What or who made me the happiest today? When shes having a really bad day, her boyfriend surprises her with an amazing gift that makes everything better. When your protagonist grows up and begins dating, she discovers a terrifying fact about herself. How would you react if your partner turns vegan overnight? He attends his first adult party after graduating college. When was the last time your partner made you laugh out loud? The journal is kind of a conversation you are having with your partner. Learn everything you need to know about grammar. This is all the more helpful if you have trouble talking about yourself and your feelings. Are you and your partner on the same page? Suspense. A newly married couple tours the world, seeing A detective falls in love with a suspect whom they believe to be innocent, even though all signs point to their guilt. They share a dance at a masquerade and don't know each other's true identity. This is highly recommended by marriage counselors to avoid the relationship from running into rough patches and if it does, work through it. What about their relationship would you like to emulate in your own? An alien baby crash-lands on Earth and is kept by an average family until it is older. While romance can pop up in almost any book of any kind, there still is an entire genre dedicated to straight romance. A young police officer is working on a serial killer case. Dragons are banned, and a prince or princess finds a dragon egg. Creating a romance can be a real whirlwind of an experience, so its a good thing there are so many great romance writing prompts out there. Do you know whether your partner likes pets? 19 stories. Krystal lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, child, and basset hound. the world's largest writing contest. The lives of two people are changed forever when they coincidentally meet and engage in a weekend-long affair. Write a romance where the characters pretend to be dating each other in order to win a reality show. Even extraterrestrials deserve a chance at love. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger go on a first date. The queen shows up after vanishing for 5 years. Two single parents are at the skating rink each hosting their child's birthday. Playing matchmaker with fictional characters is a blast. Are you and your partner good at communicating your needs? A little girl tries to convince her parents that she can take care of her baby brother for an afternoon while they run errands. So, whether you are looking to write the worlds next big love story or you just want to spice up your supernatural thriller, here are some great romance writing prompts to get you started. What is your favorite everyday habit you and your partner have formed together? Read more. Dont forget to read all the way to the end of this article. A guy thinks his girlfriend is going to dump him because theyve been dating for two years, but she is actually planning a big surprise. Here are a few types of romance stories you might consider writing: Keen to get started? You may not have time to discuss them or you may be finding it difficult to get an answer. If so, what happened? Contemporary. WebAlmost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are. Over 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them. What were your first thoughts when you saw your partner for the first time? Heres a list of 300+ fluff prompts to give you ideas for your stories. He wants to make some new friends, so he starts organizing events for the people around him. What compromises have you made for being together? Name a couple that seems like they have the perfect relationship. A barista spills coffee on the expensive suit of an ad executive. One lover overhears the other say something cruel out of context and leaves them. One of his employees has become a very dear friend over the years, and its actually starting to look like something more than friendship. When she finally does, he tells her something surprising. Romance stories with elements of fantasy or science fiction. The sun is shining brightly, birds are chirping happily, and everyone who passes him wishes him a good morning. Their friends leave the bar early and leave them alone. A young man wakes up in an alternate universe where he is married. Tony Stark takes Pepper Potts out for lunch by the Eiffel Tower. A teenager is embarrassed by everything her parents do when theyre out with her on a date. The tension builds as they need this person more and more for the investigation, but the officer knows they must wait until the case is over to pursue anything. They decide they must finally meet them. He asks her to marry him even though theyve only been dating for three months. Romance story ideas and romance writing prompts, including cute story ideas and dark romance plots. 100 Cute Date Ideas to Really Up the Romance Couples can step out of the box with these easy, fun and affordable options. . The protagonist thinks theyre the only ones in the world who have this certain talentbut then they meet someone else just like them. Download your FREE writing prompts for couplesworksheet. More often than not these are forbidden and/or dangerous romances but the characters go after it anyway. Their first meeting was awkward and horrible. Write a whimsical, emotional, and heart-wrenching romance between two characters of that time. These prompts are simple, character-centered base ideas that can be taken in any direction you want. One is given an ultimatum by their family: be disowned or break up. WebThese journal prompts for couples are a fantastic way of looking back on your life together so far, planning your future, and helping your relationship go from strength to strength. Were they funny, heartfelt, or cringey? If you had to describe your partner in 3 words, which words would you choose? How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro, How to Craft an Engaging Arc for Your Story, How to Use Deus Ex Machina like Stephen King, ProWritingAid or Grammarly? Here are even more great romance-story prompts. A man asks a stranger to take a picture of him and his family. Where did you go? Wolverine and Rogue get married, and Logan realizes how much he loves her. She sends him a special message. Thrillers are exciting, fast-paced, intense, and often deeply psychological. Share your desires, goals, and inspirations. Use the journal to know your partners reaction to something new you want to try. Use the Mad Libs format to find out more about your partner. Give each other a sneak-peek into the past. Download your FREE writing prompts for couples worksheet. Check outHow to Write a Short Story That Gets Published a free, ten-day course guiding you through the process of short story writing by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn. You have a crush on a coworker, and that crush is somehow Published in Writing Prompts. 37 stories, Romance Have you heard about the couples journal? 137 stories, Romance Two young members of rival crime families fall in love in a modern take on. What would you feel about taking up your partners duties in emergencies? What are your memories of the birth of your first child? Without good characters, romance falls flat. Love journal prompts can guide your thoughts in the right direction. Write about someone asking out an old crush, only to realize their crush doesnt remember theyve ever met before. Your favorite Disney character is on a blind date with your favorite superhero. "I've never seen that much money in real life," she said as he counted the bills. What is your relationship like with your partners family? Your main character is a vivid dreamer. Use it as a romance plot generator for your story, fanfic, novel, or script! Think: a passionate prince falling in love with a powerful witch, or a gorgeous vampire finding romance with a seductive werewolf. Write to each other. They go out for ice cream and tell each other stories from their childhood. A superhero knocks on her door on a Sunday morning. Youre at your dads surprise wedding and realize that his new wife is your favorite childhood kindergarten teacher. Kirk and Spock finally confess their love for each other. The morning after a blizzard, the streets are covered with snow angels made by random strangers. Snow angels become real and fall in love. Scarlet Witch is extremely grateful to the Avengers for keeping Earth safe, so she decides to make them all little thank-you gifts. As you progress, you will find your own way and settle down into what is comfortable for both of you. Seventh Sanctums Plot Twist Generator. Why do you look forward to coming home to your partner? Maybe your character realizes theyve got chemistry with their dreamy lab partner in science class. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'writingbeginner_com-portrait-2','ezslot_23',644,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-writingbeginner_com-portrait-2-0');Ive saved some really cool tips for the endtips like, how to use these prompts and where I find even more really good fluffy story starters. #186 Story Form with Erik Harper Klass, Join the revolution and write your book in a tool designed for authors. A girl finds a lost sheep and takes him on walks to find his owner. Bruce Banner and Betty Ross walk around Coney Island. Write a story about somebody in love with someone from their past. What do you need more of from me? Steve Rogers doesnt know how to react when Peggy Carter kisses him at the end of their date. Did you write your own vows for your wedding? Thriller and Suspense Writing Prompts. He is suspected of a major crime (murder, large scale robbery, etc) and she is wary of the implications. Write a romance that involves one partner saving the other from a fire. What has been your favorite vacation together so far? A girl moves away but keeps in touch with her boyfriend. An evil character becomes nice and/or good in an alternate universe. A grandfather creates a photo album for his granddaughter. A character wishes for snow. 80 stories, Romance Are you comfortable sharing your personal articles with your partner? Romance fans have their favorite tropes and tropes that they hate. Sometimes you just want to read a book that gives you the comforting knowledge that there will be a Happily Ever After and thats one of the defining characteristics of the romance genre. Every year on her birthday, someone leaves flowers and a gift on her doorstep before the clock strikes midnight. 185 stories, Romance How comfortable are you with the power-sharing arrangement in the relationship? Webcute couple prompts Picture Writing Prompts And he falls for you and doesn't want to kill you so he tries his hardest to change your mind and the two of you become close and in What happens when the warlock discovers the truth? Nothing raises tension like a little criminal activity. Is your partner introverted or extroverted? A grandmother teaches her granddaughter how to make her famous Christmas cookies. Here are our top ten romance writing prompts: For more tips on how to write romance with soul, check out some of our free resources below: Want more help learning how to write a short romance? Enemies to Lovers A fire marshal falls in love with a serial arsonist. After a few years of not speaking, the protagonist bumps into their childhood friend. Whatever you decide, use these prompts to spend positive and bonding time with each other. A well written historical romance can a beautiful and touching tale as people are often intrigued by the allure of the past. Are you currently annoyed with your partner? Our list of romance story prompts for all ages will help you create larger-than-life characters and exciting plots that arent just your average love story. What are your recollections of your wedding? I'm grateful for I remember when Once, when I was I've sometimes thought that It seems as if When I was a child What would you like to do when it is raining? He works in a busy office which is kept in pristine condition, until one day they hire a new intern. Possible plot twist: her single mother placed the curse on her because she was afraid of being alone and didnt want her daughter to leave her. Two friends made a pact in high school to marry if they hadnt married others by age forty. WebCute Fluff Prompts. How could you be better?. Are you feeling angry with your partner? One is a billionaire who refuses to file for divorce because they did not sign a pre-nuptial agreement, and their new spouse would be entitled to half their wealth. What would you like to say as the last words to your partner. Check out these. How do you feel about having children? Someone brings a hotdog cart into work with them on Take Your Dog To Work day. WebWin $250 in our short story competition . We are teenagers. Write a love poem about your significant other. Perhaps this is because of the completely endless options you have with the idea. Adding some love to your book, regardless of the main genre, is often a smart move. Could you listen to your partners needs better? When was the last time your partner made you feel upset? 32 stories, Romance When was the last time you and your partner had to make a difficult decision? Tea or coffee? Write about a protagonist who travels through time and meets the love of their life in a different era. What is the most endearing attribute of your partner? Someone rescues an injured squirrel in the park and trains it to perform in the squirrel circus. How do you feel about giving them up for the sake of the relationship? A couple moves into a new apartment together but discovers that theres something weird about their roommates. There's something for everyone. Whats your favorite memory of us? You can also get inspired from drawings or images. The sun rises and wakes up two friends who fell asleep on the beach. Which of these qualities does your partner embody? 6. They begin to spy on them. Someone he trusts tells him that theyre really not who he thinks they are. Writers Dens Story Generator. They now live on opposite sides of the country, but they cannot deny their chemistry. An old man, too feeble to make it to his granddaughters graduation, watches her on live stream video. Your main characters boring, predictable life is shaken when they discover a stranger dying in an alley. Two strangers in a nursing home become fast friends. There are also hundreds of romance tropes. We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Conflict drives every story, and romance is no exception. Watch 'Imagine scenario boy bsf' videos on TikTok customized just for you. Trust your instinct and start journaling. Three old dogs grumble over the poor food options at the local dog park. 22 stories, Romance Whether your relationship is flourishing or feels stagnant, we hope that these journal prompts for couples have helped you to clarify how youre feeling, identify all the positive and loving aspects of your relationship, and feel grateful to have your partner in your life. Regardless of the kind of book you are writing, you can add some romance for some extra spice. Two friends are playing video games. Perhaps we follow your protagonist on a series of calamitous dates, or we watch as they try to find happiness despite the interferences of a meddling family. What is the last compliment you gave to your partner? Caught up in some bigger conflict or mystery, our lovers find comfort in one anothers embrace. A man tries to impress a lady with his knowledge of sports trivia, but he gets everything wrong. A young man is obsessed with Star Wars. Two characters find places for themselves in the Christmas pageant. How is your partner different from other people youve been romantically attached to in the past? This can be a great way to get readers emotionally invested in your characters. WebThere are plenty of other plot generators and plot twist generators to provide more bursts of inspiration. How do they differ? WebCute OTP Prompts Novel Writing Fanfic by Person C Person a and b Short Story Prompts Person a is Amy. Neither of them left with a good first impression. I am readying myself for the morning. Web280 Couple Scenarios ideas | words, otp prompts, writing promts Couple Scenarios 274 Pins 2y O Collection by Derpy The Derp Share Similar ideas popular now Writing Here's a basic love-story formula you can use to create your own romance: That may look simple, but crafting a love story might take a little more help. Krystal N. Craiker is the Writing Pirate, an indie romance author and blog manager at ProWritingAid. A couple is very excited to start a family but struggles with infertilityuntil they adopt their first child. One sends the other a wrong-number text, thinking they are texting their ex. Your protagonist is now stuck with this being as their sidekick until they are able to save their life. One of the greatest things about romance is that it can be found anywhere. What are the most important factors to a long and happy relationship together? I asked. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 What was the topic of your last phone call? You can quickly create excellent characters through effective and intriguing dialogue. Clint Barton wakes up next to Natasha Romanov after they spend the night together. A couple at a coffee shop share a drink and conversation. What did you do? Character Driven Romance Writing Prompts These prompts are simple, character Instead of writing in the typical dear diary style, you can address each other. A guy comes back from his tour in Afghanistan for two weeks. When you are happy and content in a relationship, you rarely take it all in and realize how blessed you are. The girl has secretly liked her crush for years but shes afraid to tell him how she feels. I have done indepth planning for characters i have designed characters and time in very detail. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. You may forget to do this in the rush of everyday life. What happened? Two kids accidentally swap phones and learn about each other. They have a difficult time finding their way back to each other. When your partner is down, what are some practices you adopt to raise them up? One of the biggest hurdles in writing a romance novel is figuring out what to write. Sure, there are some tragic love stories out there, but most people read and write romance so they can root for love. Drop us a line or let's stay in touch via : Subscribe for writing hacks, special offers and free stuff, 2023 - Orpheus Technology,, 81 Romance Writing Prompts to Kickstart Your Romance Novel. 157 stories. Romance is a highly sought-after genre of fiction as it dives into one of the most desired things among the human race: love. Do you know what your partners favorite music/book/movie is? Bruce Banner goes with Betty Ross to visit his mom in Ohio. A baby crawls down a magical rabbit hole and goes through various adventures. A love story set in the modern world is easy to imagine. Do you like to pay on a date, or do you like it when your partner pays for you both? : Choose some of these writing prompts for couples based on how you feel about your relationship at the time. Write about somebody looking for love on a reality TV show. You can easily take a familiar concept and change it up to create something new. She wakes up and finds that her significant other has made breakfast in bed. How can I support you more? A single dad tells dad jokes on a first date. A Mongol warrior woman falls in love with a Chinese royal. His fingers gripped the arm rests. 199 stories, Romance Write about a character who must confess their true feelings by midnight, or risk losing it all. Legal InformationAs a reader-supported site, we sometimes earn commissions when referring to stores. They wake up the next morning to a winter wonderland. Complete sentences reminiscing about a happy memory. Captain America convinces Black Widow to go on a date with him. How did it go? "Is it your first time flying?" This one is pretty straightforward but can go in any possible direction. Learn from bestselling authors like Tia Williams, Talia Hibbert, Louise Dean, and Carolyn Brown, as well as romance writing experts from Pages & Platforms, Simon & Schuster, Harlequin, Romance Writers of America, and more. How do you feel about your partner borrowing your clothes? Through a couples journal, the couple can explore the life they built up together. Write about your proposal. A good love story needs to have a memorable meet cute, a buildup of romantic tension, and a happily-ever-after ending. 258 stories, Romance Can you see any of these as your next story idea? These are divided by sub-genre. A couple moves into an apartment together and realizes they have very different styles of decorating. Use the journal to compliment each other. Have you ever planned a surprise for your partner? Do you consider yourself an extrovert or an introvert? A couple falls deeper in love during a snowball fight. A matchmaking angel is sent to earth to make two people fall in love, but they end up falling in love with one of their targets. Bucky Barnes and Peggy Carter have a movie night together at the Avengers Tower. How do you think someone else would describe your relationship? What did you feel when you first came to know about your first pregnancy? Two best friends tease each other a lot and engage in a playful fight that ends with them kissing for the first time. Describe your relationship prince or princess finds a lost sheep and takes him on every route he.... Are on cloud nine and drifting through the time together Banner goes with Betty walk! Prompts novel writing fanfic by Person C Person a is Amy what bad habits do you like pay! Genre of fiction as it dives into one of the greatest things about romance is exception... She discovers a terrifying cute couple writing prompts about herself list of 300+ fluff prompts to spend and. 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