giants in afghanistan mountains

After they had submitted their after-action report, the soldier recounts that they were told by their top brass to re-write it in a particular fashion, presumably to remove any mention of a giant being. Check out more news and information on Animalsin Science Times. Giant Talon mountain bike 29" . KANDAHAR GIANT SASQUATCH BIGFOOT GIANT OF KANDAHAR NEFILIM GIANT KANDAHAR AFGHANISTAN NEPHILIM MR.K MR.D THE SHOOTER LA MARZULLY GEORGE NOORY STEVEN QUAYLE. According to the witnesses, the giant pierced one of the soldiers with his long spear killing him, before the rest of the squad could take him down, shooting at his face for thirty seconds straight. It could be anything at that point. U.S. Change country: Taxes; Taxes may be applicable at checkout. He had a red beard, long red hair, fair complexion, six fingers on each hand, six toes on each foot, and two rows of teeth. The Giant of Kandahar, a 13-foot-tall monster with red hair and six-fingered hands that lived in the mountains of Afghanistan 'was killed and covered up by the US government.' This is a. The first legend being told is that the soldiers cornered something in a cave, a being that was at least 12-15 feet tall and cannibalistic. Paranormal researcher L.A. Marzulli corroborated the account with two soldiers, and Afghan locals told stories of cannibalistic giants living in nearby caves. Copyright 2023 The Science Times. img source: WhenSnopesasked about the "Kandahar Giant incident" in 2016, the Department of Defense said, "We do not have any record or information about a special forces member killed by a giant in Kandahar.". Your email address will not be published. A soldier in the mountains of Afghanistan. Now, lets imagine to enlarge a 9 Kg hammer of 300%, and we would obtain a tool of 27 Kg which, to be maneuvered, should consist in a handle of close to 3 meters and a metal head as big as a cinder block. Non-disclosure agreements (NDA) were required of the soldiers. The Hindukush system stretches about 966 kilometers . However, the opinions, views, statements. Now it is becoming clear why the cover-up happened. A supposed witness of the event said that one soldier was skewered by the giant while they . Some accounts claim that the giant was as tall as 15 feet with six digits, wore leather moccasins with a horrible odor, and appeared out of nowhere from a cave, killing one soldier with his spear. To be honest, the Kandahar Giant is either of the below two probabilities according to Indie88. When the patrol had submitted their after-action report, they were told to re-write it removing any mention of a giant. you racist bastard, the one that followed is the supreme leader of evil. On the other hand, this massive creature was not a human combatant in the least. D read the Bible and learnt that an angel had been chained in that very place (Hadifah Dam is on the river Euphrates), specifically, in the Book of Revelation 9:14-15: Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet. The heaviest hammer men use today weighs about 9 Kg, but the most used are the 4.5 Kg ones. What about the nephilim found in afghanistan? Stories of the encounter were not shared with many, the soldier reportedly said, but memories of what he had seen came flooding back after listening to the Coast to Coast dispatch. Back to Afghanistan, Mr. D was serving in Afghanistan in 2005. Then after things go down a certain way, and you keep hearing it, you start to realize its not a joke.. The Wakhan Corridor is a 400km long strip of land in the northeast of Afghanistan, created during the "Great Game" era. Many bore witness to the immense and immeasurable mystery of Afghanistan. Devils run this country but why they are not afraid of GOD is the bigger question. Unlike the Biblical David, the soldier would never encounter or remove the head of his imposing counterpart. Another airman recalled doing a pre-OP soak northeast of the Korengal Valley, where he scanned and analyzed real-time video feeds. D., was interviewed by Marzulli in the documentary series Watchers X and said: When we came back to base we would hear our colleagues talk about a unit that had found and killed a person inside or at the entrance of a cave. One of the men wasn't so lucky and was actually killed by this 15 foot tall giant. really all this and a warning about a future President and not a word??? The other soldier said: "It was a man at least 12 to 15ft high. UFOs, cryptids and ghosts. The fight lasted only 30 seconds. And this policy seems to work up to these days, as the episode of the Giant of Kandahar shows. 2. . Before he and the other "special forces" put it down, Mr. K claimed he observed the monster holding a spear and slaying a US soldier named "Dan.". Could it be that this \"Society of Giant People\" dwells in cities within the Earth but have above ground access to secluded areas like in the Patagonian Mountains located at the southern end of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile?Source: Earth coordinates: 5450'32.78\"S 6921'57.08\"WRoger inKC who discovered the being shows a detailed overview of the area in this video: here: us on facebook: While overlooking a village one fateful night, the soldier peered through his newly mounted thermal scope. Marzulli throws in parts from the George Noorys popular Radio Show Coast to Coast AM, which put on record the testimony of the C-130 USAF Pilot who brought the giants corpse to America: The creature weighs 1,100 pounds and its between 10 to 15 feet tall. After a curve they see the large entrance of a cave surrounded by rocks, which is another weird thing according to Mr. We are a Beacon of the Light, In Total Service. Thats crazy! Official Website for U.S. Election Voter Fraud. Just looked like it was walking, he wrote in Ortons post. The trees in that area grew up to about 10 to 12 ft tall, and this thing was at least as tall, if not taller than the trees that surrounded it.. K and Mr. In a deleted YouTube clip, a witness claimed that he saw the horrifying incident. Soldier Claims To Have Shot & Killed A 12-Foot Giant In Afghanistan In 2002 a U. S. patrol had gone missing in a very remote area of Afghanistan. The soldiers opened fire and shot the giant many times in the face, neck, head, and chest. None of the occurrences have been verified. Much of the tree cover in the middle mountains of the Hindu Kush are dominated by juniper and birch,while there are also large stands of blue pines and deodar ciders. and/or information we present are not necessarily the beliefs of Universal Lighthouse. The current stance of U.S. monetary policy is now more aggressive than a slate of rules suggests is needed, according to a report released by the Cleveland Federal Reserve on Wednesday. When captured, they are taken to secret detention facilities. As if strange beings, vampires, and Bigfoot in Afghanistan aren't quite odd enough, there have been other weird creatures encountered by troops in the Middle East as well. Why would our country cover up something like this? These stories are out there, albeit hard to come by. Why going down the road that the USG avoids in order to keep the people from knowing? He welcomes any and all kinds of tips at I know one thing the earth is a lot older than they say and many types of humans have lived here before the current manifestation. We know that a giant was killed inKandahar. All Rights Reserved. They are very real. They are real! . The army forces hauled its body away in a Chinook chopper and have kept it concealed since no one had seen him. In his post, Orton shares several other gigantic tales he allegedly collected from military members. Chris Thompson. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.. Based on the median of seven of these policy rules, the U.S. central bank's benchmark overnight interest rate, or federal funds rate, should be at 4.38% in the current quarter, although the Cleveland Fed report . It is our goal to raise the consciousness of humanity through knowledge, truth, and love. As the documentary rolls on, Marzulli shows an iron tip weighing about 6 Kg which, if attached to a pole to make a spear, would be difficult to maneuver for a middle-sized man. This was all in mid-wave (infrared) at night, so they showed up as black humanoid heat signatures.. K s account. Geoff is a senior staff reporter for Military Times, focusing on the Navy. K. When the helicopter took off with the net hooked up under, the signal that was sent to the headquarters was a large, potentially human creature.. Join Us on our FB Page for All of our Posts: Universal Lighthouse~ Of course, the U.S. Department of Defense denies any incident involving a giant in Afghanistan. Not many are going to come forward and claim they saw a massive man running around in the mountains of Afghanistan. According to legend, the American native tribes banded together, chased the giants into their cave dwellings and set a fire to the entrance, burning or suffocating all of the giants. The First Lady Of Billiards. If youve read the scriptures of the Ancient Covenant of the Grystatiion Times, you would know that Biblical giants controlled the water supply in America at the time. So the soldiers compared those stories to their American Bigfoot., So three different witnesses, who dont know one another (Quayles witness and Marzullis Mr. Mr. Sales tax for an item #225450885593 . Be sure to subscribe to Their Content as well. Pieces of broken U.S . . Late 1800s Lovelock , NV last of Red Headed giants , your not going to tell me over 150 Deep Underground Military Bases built with Thousands on miles n Bullets trains connecting them all n not a trace of Red Headed Giants , Bill Gates n George Soros milked the Pandemic till Russia kicked their cohorts out now they are going to poison the water, This is the most ridiculous nonsense Ive ever read lol, A supposed witness of the event said that one soldier was skewered by the giant while they laid down fire. Kept looking around, especially near the compounds. Copyright 2019 Exopolitics Institute News Service. When he caught sight of the cadaver, whose face was destroyed by the bullets, the pilot noted that the giant had six fingers, a height of about 12 feet, and a net weight of about 1,200 pounds. Free shipping for many products! A mythical 13-foot-tall huge monster who lived in the mountains of Afghanistan and was killed by the US special forces. Down the slope next to the Fire Prelate that guards a bridge. 705 Followers. If you Enjoy the work of the different Authors that is Posted, In 2002, The US Military Encountered A 15ft. (CHICAGO ) - The Paiutes, a Native-American tribe indigenous to parts of Nevada, Utah and Arizona, told early white settlers about their ancestors' battles with a ferocious race of white, red-haired giants. Based on Quayles story L.A. Marzulli succeeded in identifying and interviewing one of the members of the Task Force who actually saw and shot the Giant of Kandahar, as the event became to be known. When Mr. Awesome post about the giant. They include The Giant of Kunar, a massive being an infantry team leader reportedly saw during a deployment between 2008 and 2009. Im not close enough to identify what kind of bones but I did see what I knew to be a piece of our communications equipment. Wouldnt this be one of the biggest stories of the century to bring forth the body of a previously living giant and show the world such a beast exists. 2 Watch on Chief among those terrifying encounters was an incident in 2002 with the Giant of Kandahar, a Biblical cryptid creature that special forces stumbled upon as the giant was doing giant things like cooking giant food and minding his giant business. K, and is introduced just as a worker. -May, 1841 Franklin (Kentucky), several skeletons are dug out from a farms field. Jon Simkins is a writer and editor for Military Times, and a USMC veteran. The US government allegedly "killed and covered up" a 13-foot giant with red hair and six-finger hands who lived in the Afghanistan highlands. According to the Paiutes, the giants were already living in the area. But they told us to point them always to the head of a man, and then a little higher. 2.2M views 6 years ago Could it be that this "Society of Giant People" dwells in cities within the Earth but have above ground access to secluded areas like in the Patagonian Mountains located. I am really worried. To the surprise of none, bewildered Pentagon officials told Snopes they had no record of such an incident. But why did United States Special Forces kill a giant in Kandahar and tryto cover it up? The flood destroyed all those things on the Earth. Send your tale to It would seem the powers that be have decided to keep us in the dark as to the fossil evidence and ancient history of giants in our world. Friday, February 25, 2022 Red-Haired 'Giant' Killed & Retrieved in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan A US Army patrol encounters a red-haired 12 foot+ 'giant' man in remote Kandahar Province. What's more, these giants didn't just exist in biblical times, but live on through the present day. A legendary 13-foot-tall enormous creature who dwelt in Afghanistan's highlands and was destroyed by US special troops. Although not an eyewitness, another special ops soldier in Afghanistan provides the following corroborating testimony: We would come back to the base and started hearing this rumor about a unit that killed this, what they started calling this really tall person. Not a Conspiracy Theory. Learn more about paying tax on ebay. "Between them, the squad was armed with full-auto M4 carbines, 'recon carbines' (semi-automatic) and M107 Barrett anti-materiel rifles firing .50 BMG. The battle lasted only 30 seconds. 26 inch wheels at the best online prices at eBay! 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XD Cool story. Coincidentally, on one of his trips to meet with The Shooter, Marzulli found out that his driver was a former military who had served in Afghanistan few years later the event he was investigating, and that he knew about it. Watch out for the Kandahar giants back then, too. At first I didnt think much of it, but then Ive heard that that fellows size was three times that of a human being, and that he had more fingers and toes than a normal man; that he had red hair and that a special unit was looking for him. It wasnt in any hurry, and I followed it for about 5min (sic) before it went out of my (field of vision), the officer recalled, adding that he suspected the giant to be about 12 feet tall, or 14 feet, according to its Tinder profile. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. The soldier confirmed that the red-haired, fair-skinned giant had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. ), According to the witness the USG didnt disclose the event and has no intention to do it in the future, because giants dont match with the way we explain our world., The giant weighed about 500 Kg as estimated by the C-130 Cargo plane team who transported the body from the pick-up location to the United States. I was in a scenario with giants in Afghanistan and wasnt ever in Kandahar. HUGE explosions. I heard about a giant killed by special forces in Afghanistan. This much firepower concentrated on one target for one second, let alone thirty, would be extremely destructive," Onereportclaimed. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Giant Trance E+2 Pro. In 2002 a U. S. patrol had gone missing in a very remote area of Afghanistan. Hes got him and hes coming after more. Dog or Cat? He covered Iraq and Afghanistan extensively and was most recently a reporter at the Chicago Tribune. Marzulli's video about the alleged giant incident, replete with a growling animation, can be seen here: Source But why did United States Special Forces try to cover it up? Next Post: What is Black Goo? As he spanned the valley, he came across a very large heat signature he assumed was a group of Taliban fighters huddled together around a light high up in the mountains. There was a giant at FoB Shkin 06-07 it wasnt just Kandahar. Theres a ruler tool that tells you how wide your crosshair is, and the people were as tall as the crosshair was wide, the operator said. The 7mm is known by several titles but chiefly as the 7x57mm, 7mm Spanish or German Mauser and also as the .275 Rigby in the British custom rifles thusly chambered. The sequence of the events dilutes the time frame but, as the witness points out, it all happened in 30 seconds. It's a narrow piece of land, about 400 km long, surrounded on three sides by Tajikistan, China, and Pakistan. Later Mr. Conspiracy theorists promoting the story prompted the fact-checking outlet Snopes to investigate in 2016. Paranormal researcher L.A. Marzulli corroborated the account with two soldiers, and Afghan locals told stories of cannibalistic giants living in nearby caves. The undisclosed goal is to flush out, capture or destroy giants hiding in Afghanistan's ancient cavern system who possess technological secrets going back to the origins of human civilization. A soldier opens fire, but is killed by the beast. 267K Share 6.3M views 2 years ago Army Special Forces go looking for a missing infantry unit in Afghanistan and discover a cave in the mountains. In August 2016, YouTuber Marzulli posted a lengthy interview with Mr. K, a military contractor, on the internet video sharing platform. Bravo, Cletus. Steven Quayle spoke of an occurrence, still classified by the US Government, The events allegedly happened in 2002 on a desert part of the Afghanistan, when a U.S. Army squad went missing. Do not reproduce without permission. No one knows for sure. So this rescue unit is on the ground searching for tracks and, while descending a slope they see a trail. And Afghan locals told stories of cannibalistic giants living in the least Prelate that guards a.. On the Earth, and a USMC veteran bigger question future President not... Tryto cover it up Times in the mountains of Afghanistan and was killed by the giant of Kunar a! Theorists promoting the story prompted the fact-checking outlet Snopes to investigate in 2016 deals for giant E+2! Had no record of such an incident not many are going to come by the Prelate! Come forward and claim they saw a massive man running around in the of. Happened in 30 seconds Posted a lengthy interview with Mr. K, a man! 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