grade 9 creative writing ideas

You are writing a letter to someone who is having a hard time making new friends at school. #73. #42. Printable Writing Prompts Card Preview Available at our Etsy shop! A narrative can spark emotion, encourage reflection, and convey meaning when done well. What were some of your favorite toys when you very little? What do you think some good manners to practice might be? What are some traditions you do each and every year? What are some things you might try to make sure the egg wont break? #290. Do you think grown-ups are boring? Look at any product in your house and read the ingredients labels. :l #94. A mysterious message appears in code on your computer screen. Write about examples of when it is okay to spill a secret and when it isnt. Is this something about yourself youd like to change? Write your review of the movie and why you think people should watch it. You walk into your living room and discover there is a giant elephant standing there. Why? What happened? Grade 10 Writing Prompts - At this level, students are ready to prepare and execute a reasonable argument entirely on their own. Finished Papers. Why was it so great (or terrible)? Write a post-apocalyptic story and explain only your main character's coping mechanism: creating a fantasy world in his/her head and living there. Write your autobiography about your life. How do you think the world would be different if there were no oceans? Try our journal prompts to help your students practice and improve their writing skills. You wish to make use with new creative writing prompts focus on tsr. #72. Write what you think should happen instead. #67. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Imagine you come home to discover your entire bedroom is covered in ketchup! Do you think kids should be allowed to do the same things as adults? What are you most famous for? #216. What would you most like to learn over the next year? George Orwell' References Its an added bonus to find the way that best suit the writer and their unique style. #64. What types of activities and games would you plan for the event? If you had to write a creed for yourself and your life, what qualities would it include? Hi Tori, the printable version of this post is available as an ad-free paid upgrade you can purchase it through my Gumroad store: Its a heat wave! Slowly I close my eyes, I can see her, the women who changed my life many years ago, her name, Emmeline Pankhurst. Creative Writing Prompts Grade 9 . Sincerely,Jilljournalbuddies.comcreator and curator. #91. Thanks a million! If you enjoyed these Writing Prompts for 9th Grade,please share them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Pinterest.I appreciate it! What is your favorite month of the year? Hello Chelle, thanks a lot for this. What kind of unusual house would you like to live in? Why were you laughing? #184. Definitely took some time Vilenti, but it was definitely worth writing all of them! You notice at school one day there is a door to a secret passage next to the janitors closet and decide to explore. What are some of the things you can do every day to stay healthy? #100. Do you have any pets at home? You walk outside to get your mail and your mailbox starts talking to you! What would you do if you could be invisible for a whole day? These are awesome! #103. Write about 3 places you would like to travel someday. Grade 9 English Language Creative Writing/Descriptive Writing (With a 40/40 Example!) Dialogue (Grades 3-4) Create Your Own Character (Grades 3-4) Mood Description (Grades 5-6) Situational Irony (Grades 5-6) A Little Conflict (Grade 6) The Do's and Don'ts of Dialogue (Grades 6-8) What reasons do you have for your choice? How does the kitten find its way home? Imagine you are the teacher for the day. Why or why not? Bryan Cohen, the author of 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts and 500 Writing Prompts for Kids has compiled 200 . What is the most important issue our world faces today? Aim for a hundred words or aim for a hundred thousand. #203. How did it make you feel? Write about your high school experience so far and/or what you hope it will be. Ad-Free Printable List + Prompt Cards available at our Etsy Shop! What are some ways people can show you that they love and care about you? What genre of books do you like to read the most? #233. Would you rather live somewhere that is always cold, or somewhere that is always hot? Have you ever volunteered to help a charity? You are building a new city. What do you do when the weather is hot? Write a poem using similes, which is when you say an object is like something else. How do you think they might feel? #61. What is your single greatest fearand why are you afraid of it? #217. 31. What might be the cause? Welcome. What is one of your favorite toys that you think you might still want to have and play with when you are 22 years old? Write about what you might do if you have the super power to become invisible. #165. I'm going to upload any short stories that I have to write for my English GCSE, because why not?! If you have never been to the beach, what would you like to do the first time you visit? What will it be like to be at their house? #150. #49. What do you do when someone disagrees with your opinions? . I will definitely use some of them for my Language Arts class. What career are you best suited for? Having fun whilst learning is an objective that most teachers aim for and this can be achieved during a lesson with a focus on writing. What is a food you hate? Write a story/narrative exploring this idea. Get thead-free printable version of these promptsto use at home or in the classroom! #3. 30. Etymology and ancient history. 33. . Can you write a story in just 6 words? #242. A tongue twister is a quick poem where many of the words start with the same letter and are similar in sound. Why did the chicken cross the road? What new roles and responsibilities do you have now that youre in high school? Try writing your own credo for things that you believe in and feel are important. We love it. What is something new you have tried recently or would like to try? The school librarian needs your help! #77. If your class uses daybooks (an approach recommended in Thinking Out Loud: The Student Daybook as a Tool to Foster Learning), wait for composition notebooks to go on sale at Target, the Dollar Store, or Walmart for $0.50 a piece.To organize the daybook, direct young writers to leave the first three pages blank and number and date each entryadding these entries to a table of contents that . ; these tools all have particular affordances that shape writers . Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to purpose, audience, and message. What do you think being in love is like? Write a list of 10 things you can do to practice kindness to others. Do you think that violent video games encourage people to commit real-life violence? #139. Required fields are marked *. Write a haiku about the weekend. Geography Quiz: State Capitals What is the difference between a privilege and a right? If you were in charge of planning the school lunch menu, what foods would you serve each day? #269. What does it look like? What is a sport or activity you would like to try playing for the first time? If you could be any movie character, who would you be and why? #271. I hope you enjoyed these writing prompts for 9th grade students and use them this school year and beyond. #246. Have you ever felt lonely? #274. This means that you will read passages including, "I" and understand that it is the main character narrating the story. What items do you pack in your suitcase? #195. Your markers will be assessing your narratives to ensure that these components are present: Character Characters drive narratives. Love these prompts? Imagine you are the President and you are creating a new national holiday. Write a story from the point of view of a big cat whether that's a lion, cheetah, etc., or just a chunky pet. #169. #24. You want to start a new hobby collecting something. TeacherVisionis part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Why or why not? The circus has come to town but they have no place to perform! Write about it! Imagine what it would be like if there was no electricity. Write about why the pressures exist and what could be done to combat them. Just start writing, and have fun. What do you think of government programs that promote healthy eating and nutrition? How did you feel once the wait was over? Todays lunch at the cafeteria was unusually horrible. If you were to start your own YouTube video channel, what would the videos on your channel be about? What do you do with these new found magical powers? Of all the field trips youve gone on in your school career, which one is your favorite thus far and why? #88. Write a silly poem about how you try to avoid catching their germs! Here are 300 fun and creative writing prompts for kids to spark the imagination of young writers everywhere. Write a story about flying to outer space and discovering a new planet. What is something you look forward to doing the most when you are an adult? What is it like to be famous? Hello! Write about an experience or event that you always carry with you. Some need a topic sentence to get inspired and stay focused. #116. Grade 10 Essay Topics for Creative Writing. What are 3 things you can do that are good for the environment? Some people who are alive today grew up without computers or video games. Would you like to learn if you havent? Do you think it is a good idea for kids to write a daily journal? #2. Why is this object important? If you havent, do you think you might want to? If you could learn to play any type of musical instrument, which one would you like to learn how to play and why? Guides to Fiction A-H When? What types of things can you see from the river that you normally wouldnt see from the land? Let's have a look at the fundamentals needed for a good first draft. Nobody will eat it! Write a poem that starts with the word if. Maybe your kids will write an essay, maybe a poem, or maybe even a whole book! #255. #65. Get the Printable Writing Prompt Cards for Kids Here! What do you think would be necessary to be able to break the world record? Write a short story. If you could go to work with one of your parents for a day, what do you think the day would be like? #54. #161. Start by asking them about their favourite colour, food, animal and favourite subject at school. #178. Imagine there is no gravity. You have been invited to have lunch with the queen. :) This includes: The Lakeside (mock exam - I got 40/40 for this one)* The Decision (mock . Write about your favorite things to do. There are many fictional characters who live in unusual houses, such as the old woman who lived in a shoe. Write about it! You go downstairs to investigate to see a large machine running with many lights and buttons. #289. [Show more] Preview 1 out of 4 pages What will you do next time? Imagine there are no grocery stores and you must get your own food. Do you think these ingredients are good or bad for people? #212. #281. What is your favorite holiday and why? What will you do with all of these noodles? Is there a favorite tv show you like to watch? Include lots of sensory details. What things in your life are different? What is happening with your teacher? #126. Do you think it is important to have good table manners? Then you can talk about your own favourite things. Why? I loved writing them and I might as well share them - it would be a shame for them to just sit in my folder! Additionally, ninth grade students will continue to develop their writing skills and expand their creativity. #163. #151. What's the bravest thing you've ever done? #98. Do you think this is a good or bad thing? Why is there an alien in your closet? #46. What do you do? Write a story about what it might be like to travel there. #111. What are some things you might try to make sure the egg wont break? The following list of topics will inspire an outstanding composition or even a short story: Just $13.00 $10.40/page, and you can get an custom-written academic paper according to your instructions. #278. What is one of the most important things you do each and every day? #239. What are you grateful for today and why? Others use different types of inspiration that work best for them. The facts of addiction to and effects from smoking are detailed here. We hope you enjoyed this list of writing prompts. During these tough Covid times, I find your list to be a great idea to engage kids. #136. What types of transportation will people have in the future? Quiz: Midwest U.S. Fiction by Title Write about your typical routine. Do you think learning to drive will be easy or hard? #59. If yes, what is your favorite Olympic sport? They were very helpful. Write about one or two professions where you would excel. #87. You are walking through the forest when one of the trees starts talking to you. #220. Write a story about what might happen next. Write about your garden ideas. Narratives are a popular genre for students and teachers as they allow the writer to share their imagination, creativity, skill, and understanding of nearly all elements of writing. thank you for all the ideas they are so good, OMG How did it make you feel? If you could have any one question answered, what would you askand why? Writing prompts are ideal for any form of writing, like fiction or nonfiction, journaling, copywriting, blogging, or poetry. I will absolutely credit you at the beginning of the book. 108 Romance Writing Prompts & Love Story Ideas, 101 Poetry Prompts & Ideas for Writing Poems. #127. Stop worrying. But i got to admit these are exellent questions! What are some ways you can start up a conversation with someone you have never met before? Which is better, winter or summer? 60 3rd Grade Creative Writing Prompts. #167. #45. What are your superpowers and what do you do with them? What types of things will you talk about? Write about the best party youve ever been to. What do they make the humans do? Imagine your older cousin is getting married and asks you to be a bridesmaid (or groomsman). #238. #11. Imagine you are sitting at home one day and you hear someone shrieking in the living room they see a mouse in the house! Do you want to go to college? Can you answer this riddle from Alice in Wonderland? #236. Write about the type of music you like to listen to. Write a lyrical poem or song about what kids do while they are at school all day long. #292. Customer Reviews. Creative Writing Ideas Grade 9 26 Customer reviews Multiple Choice Questions 4078 787 Finished Papers #50. Describe in detail what makes it so horrifying. Write about one or two professions where you would excel. Do you think you would enjoy it or be glad to be back to normal the next day? Write about the characteristics of the genre and list some of your favorite books as examples. How do you find a place to put all these books? The hazel pools of her eyes glazed over, and hands delicately placed at her sides. Write a story about being the ruler of an underwater world. Write a short essay defending your position. #298. #171. What made you feel happy? #247. In this post, we have come up with a list of 100 writing prompts from storytelling and expository to research and creative writing prompts to help students tap . Do you like to cook? Billie Holiday's Song "Strange Fruit" Are you for or against the death penalty? #55. Do you have a piggy bank at home? #221. Who is favorite teacher? Additionally, ninth grade students will continue to develop their writing skills and expand their creativity. #26. Write a story using these 5 words: apple, train, elephant, paper, banjo. Write a story about a time when you were very honest. #52. What are some things you like to make and eat? Encourage students to free-write and not worry about whether their ideas are good or right. Would you rather have a goldfish or shark as a pet? Use these kids writing ideas as journaling prompts, story starters or just for fun! How do you solve this situation? Do you know any good jokes? #211. Imagine you just met a magician but their beloved rabbit who they pull out of a hat for all the tricks has been kidnapped! What would it be like if the ball could talk? You are a detective on the case to investigate. Remember, the prompts make excellent journaling prompts, writing topics, and essay ideas for high school students. What will your kite look like? Which one would you pick and why? 8. Whats inside and what happens when you open it? Do you think this rule is fair? Thank you! Imagine you and your parents switch places for a day. 31 High School Writing Prompts & Ideas for 9th Grade and Beyond Since you've become a teenager, what is the greatest challenge you've faced? You are a mad scientist and have invented a new vegetable. What do you think might make kids really happy to go to school? Why is it there? 8. Write a story using these three words: detective, piano, and pizza. What types of products or services would you provide? However, other writers need a little help during the writing process. #156. Write about an object that you always have with you. Cigarette Smoking Fact Sheet Write a story about Gretchen the Grouch, a girl who is always angry! The weather forecast is calling for a blizzard in the middle of the summer. If you had a tree that grows money, what would you do? #293. What day would you want to experience again and why? Posted on Feb 21, 2023. How do you feel? What is the new flavor called and what ingredients do you need to make it? In my hand, I held tightly a photo of me, Joe, and Sierra, grasping it as if it was the only thing in life that was of any value. Think about things that interest you or questions you might have about the world and make a list! If you could be any type of fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why? Questions Before, During, and After Reading #223. #66. What do you think makes someone a good actor or actress? If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be? How did you feel while waiting? Do you like to practice? What might be the cause? How do you feel about that and what would you do? Hi Kristen, you cannot use these prompts for products for sale, that would definitely be an infringement on copyright. Write about a time you felt really happy. Shopping: Write about your shopping wishlist and how you like to spend money. How do you clean everything up? #144. Write instructions for how to make your favorite snack. Pretend you walked outside to find a sleeping dragon in the grass! #182. If you were on a spaceship, what would you be most excited about seeing? #252. #143. If you could break a world record, what would it be? Writing prompts help to generate ideas, practice writing skills, and get students started on longer writing pieces. #120. What is the best way our country could reduce violence in schools? What are some of your favorite rides? Your parents are the kids and you are now in charge! Women's History Month Unsung Female Heroes Interview Activity Packet. What might you do differently? #243. Write about an experience when you felt like you had trouble relating with other people. What do you do? #128. Your mom announces she is having a yard sale. What happened? As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Will she be a rabbit forever? You are running a lemonade stand. #19. Write a get-well letter to someone who has been sick. Do you like amusement parks? #99. Write a story about what it would be like to climb to the very top of the highest mountain in the world. Here is an example of a simile: Her eyes were as blue as the sky.. 31 Free High School Writing Prompts for 9th Graders, Self Discovery Journal Prompts (46 Great Ideas), 32 Writing Prompts for 9th Grade (Also Good Essay Topics for Essay Writing Assignments), 113 MORE High School Essay Prompts & Bonus Writing Tips, 9 Quick and Easy Writing (or Journaling) Ideas, More High School Writing Prompts Resources, 35 Argumentative Essay Topics for High Schoolers, High School Writing Prompts and Printables, 31 Simple And Creative Writing Warm Ups by Grade, 49 Excellent ESL Writing Prompts and Topics. Youll love these fun ideas for kids writing prompts to use as creative sparks to get young imaginations writing in no time! What year do you travel to? What advice do you give them? What makes you happy? Imagine a giant box is delivered to your front doorstep with your name on it. #300. #74. What do you do? Creative writing Grade/level: grade 2 by philisiwe: Creat Western food Grade/level: 3 by napisa05042540: A message from Minnie Grade/level: Grade 5 Thank you so much for sharing. Tell me all about the wedding and your part in it. I think I used about ten of them. What do you think your pet might say if they could talk to you? How did it make you feel? Do you ever have a hard time falling asleep? Why or why not? What are the rules? Check out just like on creative. Do you think you might like to be a firefighter? #5. #276. #41. Why or why not? What did you do while you waited? Oh no! You are camping in the woods one night and hear a scary noise. Write about a time when you learned a hard truth about yourself. Why is she so grumpy all of the time? Imagine one of your stuffed animals comes to life and starts talking to you. Worth printing and providing for my middle school students as a first week of the year activity. What do you do about it? Its also why youll find the list of writing prompts for 9th grade shown below useful. Here is some information on our two favorite sight word products: 220 Sight Word Fluency Mini-Books $9.99 Add to cart Loading Done 600 School fun Sight Word worksheets $9.99Download 50 Sight Word Rhymes and Poems Grades K 2 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle Instill a love of language in special-education students in grades K-2 using 50 Sight Word . What type of weather best represents your personality? Check out other Grade 9 English Language Creative Writing Pieces: Mystery Story Rough Sea Story Romance Story Beach Story Click the button below to gain access to 20,000+ pages of GCSE + A-Level resources, on-hand free help from subject experts (Harvard, Oxbridge students), and to join an ever-growing study community. Describe what it is like when trees lose all of their leaves in the autumn season. What does it mean to be a responsible citizen of the Internet? Do you ever feel pressured to look or act a certain way? Activating Prior Knowledge When you combine this transitional period with all of the hormones and the experience of starting out at a brand new school, its easy to see why freshmen year can be an especially challenging time for young students. Quiz: Northeast U.S. State Capitals Creative writing can be a powerful tool for increasing your students' vocabulary. If you could help a group of kids in any part of the world, what kids would you want to help the most and why? What time of day do you think school should start? Ali647. Think about what it might mean to be a good brother or sister and write about it! Your friend has turned into a statue! Imagine you wake up in the morning to find out you get to relive any day of your life again for the whole day. Some people naturally have active minds that are brimming with inspiration. Would you rather be a bunny rabbit or a hawk? I am loving writing and supporting my claims with these prompts. What is the most important thing anyone has ever said to you? Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for someone. Natural surroundings can bring up old memories and odd feelings. #299. If you could design a school uniform, what types of clothes would you suggest? Why do you not like getting homework in that subject? Our list of essay prompt lists below along with some excellent writing tips can help your writers get their creative juices flowing. Write an essay. Below, you'll find activities and lessons to help you do so. 1343 . And of course, if youd like to make it super fun and easy to use these prompts at home or in your classroom, be sure to get our ad-free printable version of these kids writing prompt cards now available in my Etsy shop. #28. For example, Orange, the colour of my favourite top. Why or why not? Describe what it is like inside. You are going on a trip to a jungle safari! What made the day fun and special? Creative Writing Prompts Grade 9: It's your academic journey. Rewrite it in your own words. #279. #214. A sport? If you were the owner of a theme park, what types of rides and attractions would have? What are your favorite things to do over summer vacation? Were some of your stuffed animals comes to life and starts talking to you games encourage people to commit violence... Askand why poem where many of the words start with the word.... Ideas for high school experience so far and/or what you might have the! Against the death penalty what foods would you do when someone disagrees your! One or two professions where you would excel programs that promote healthy eating and nutrition up the... School uniform, what types of activities and lessons to help your get. This includes: the Lakeside ( mock exam - i got to admit these are questions. Talking to you or download as pdf to print the prompts make excellent journaling prompts, story starters or for! 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