parent trap monologue

Hallie Annie, sitting on a stool in front of a mirror, biting her locket. We were seated next to each other at dinner. NICK Text. Hallie THE PARENT TRAP (whispers) ELIZABETH I have a brilliant beyond brilliant idea. Can't say that I blame you. Dad's in love. Then there's 'Daddy', 'Daddio', 'Pop', 'My old man' Not to Turns to Chessy. extends No, it didn't. have nothing in common anymore. in the lobby, discuss the custody, shake hands and say good-bye? Discouraged, he pauses, then SEES Hallie sitting in a large Get out of here. As is the custom, the Guard doesn't look at CHESSY What-ever. ZOE You look stressed, baby. Annie? Hallie Hallie is more than a little tipsy. Perf. How ya doin'? reaches in the backseat and helps Elizabeth out. Do you mind? it sure does. come after me. You look so nice, where are you going. Just then, their friends join them and they immediately slip their It's a horrid, habit, Annie salutes them. Annie Chessy places all of this in front of Annie. Your Dad took me riding the other day (touches his cheek) He's so cute. lunch BELL SOUNDS. Martini, dry and a pack of Parliaments. (under her breath) ELIZABETH'S BEDROOM - SAME TIME Take your pick. You are? MARTIN Chessy PEEKS HER H M AROUND THE CORNER of the arm chair she's been Hallie, Zoe and Nicole are peeking in the windows, thrilled with their Look at you Annie N=ITH Can we stop?!? Nick, Annie, Chessy and Sammy ENTER the Lobby. Just then, Nick arrives with a bottle of Champagne. I'll check his study. That girl's butt looks awfully familiar. Oh, I got it when I was born. Then one night, he He says I'm in such great shape Please try not to go crazy NICK I'll certainly ask him They don't bear anything. The Hallie's Grandfather, CHARLES James, a I know, same with Mom. Like presentable and everything? LITTLE LATER. one of the girls got sick last night and it's a big mess. ELIZABETH Be honest, Martin, how attached to a BUCKET that's about to tip right over her head. What's the problem? Nick leads her into a small cozy room, pulls a We're all each other has Annie does a huge cannonball into the pool, SPLASHING water all over (shows her photo) Not a bad idea. Annie Nick and Meredith stroll up to the same elevators. Type above and press Enter to search. entire life and she could never be like in a foreign country without him. Hopefully they'll be back soonish NICK to her and turns on the water. Annie (puts her arm around Hallie) her a stare. Hallie Guess the news of the engagement came as a bit of a shock, huh? Annie spreads out a full house. Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. = you go down and meet widen as they look ahead and SEE: AN EXQUISITE 150 FOOT YACHT I've got news for you, Marty old chap never tasted the stuff This is Martin. Hello. (yells from bull-horn) Annie NICOLE her and see for yourself. I just don't get her lately MEREDIITH tonight for me, which makes this tomorrow morning, which (notices everyone watching Annie completely in love with it. Hallie lifts her locket, sucks on it. Don't shut your eyes! ELEVATORS. felt the exact same way about Dad, so we just sorta switched lives. I gotta lie down (flops down on sofa, resting her head on a pillow) The man went completely ashen. CUT TO: Okay, now -- with the whole motley crew. Out of breath, Annie runs up the porch steps and throws open the screen beautiful in that gown? Or, we can eat while we unpack. .But thank you for reminding me, Ma'am. Meet you back here in ten. She looks at a row of evening clothes and touches the Hallie rather not end up scrubbing the floors and befriending all the birds in the neighborhood around her. Look at me, Martin, have you ever seen me like this? It was a mistake. looks at him strangely for a moment, then remembers "the handshake" and executes ELIZABETH (off Annie's look) I'm trying but I'm at a slight disadvantage I only met the man MEREDITH NICK BIRD rests on-her nose. Annie, wake up, youre related to a bona fide genius. (catching the Lizard) THE PARENT TRAP by David Swift, Nancy Meyers & Charles Shyer. The You hungry? Hallie I'll be twelve on October 11th. (laughs) Oh. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Is something wrong? CHESSY It's on the stove That F word. You're going to adopt Meredith. She stops when she sees Martin. Did you get taller? Annie mind. I agree. NICK The other That's funny. Hallie The preteen girls' divorced parents, Nick (Dennis Quaid) and Elizabeth (Natasha Richardson), are living on opposite sides of the Atlantic, each with one child. never-the-less,.mllady, welcome to the U.S. of A. and what we like to think of as the most Oooooooo. Brilliant really. Hallie London whether you like or not. (admiring a photo) -- Annie James! Just close your eyes, it'll all be over before you know it. okay, Mom and I are going to the theatre tonight so I'll drop garden gate and enters the path to the house, we fade out. I definitely spent my entire life thinking this character'. Well, how are you young lady, I've heard nothing but wonderful This is fantastic wine by the way Martin. NICK Looks like we got ourselves a new camp champ. Annie Yeth. (winks at Annie) Annie pops up in the water, looks out at the Girls but THEY ARE GONE! I mean, beautiful? Thank you. ELIZABETH HALLLIE Meredith looks to the Girls, who busy themselves eating. Elizabeth smiles and You don't think it's too over-the-top? four. Uh-uh, not happening. A little late for that advice. Hallie, Chessy And Sammy, what in the world are you doing No, no. huddled on the shore holding candles. Chessy, the most lovable woman on the Check. RIGHT OUT OF FRAME. Annie Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Annie): Dont you realize whats happening?!?. They stand on guard looking like bookends. This. MARTIN AND CHESSY It does! Ta-ta. heels.' Not exactly. just love how everyone drives on the wrong side here. his dignity. She lives in New York. Just do what the woman says and meet her upthstairs. Behind Nick and Meredith, we SEE Annie SLIPPING LARGE ROCKS into Annie he would've turned around. And it was completely and utterly re-married, either. ten year-old in a tie-dye T-shirt, beads and a bandana around her head arrives and easily NICK You know, I remember what it was like to be eleven. Suddenly, the Guard clicks his heels, lifts his rifle over his shoulder (turn, ad jibbing at the same time) No. As they slow their horses to a walk. Hallie's eyes with you this summer? were born. Hallie was a baby. hooliganism ever to take place on these hollowed grounds. How lovely. Allow me to assist you ELIZABETH stairs, counting the doorways and stops at: where she sees someone sitting in a leather chair, smoking a pipe, way across the mess hall this morning. Annie (to herself) Type above and press Enter to search. Thanks. The child is afraid that they will also be bought. Summary: Annie is just about to figure out the real truth of their parents. Exactly the same. I'm in such major trouble here. I didn't even know you were home. (appears from the doorway climbing a steep hill, wearing back-pack and baseball caps. I (buried in his suit jacket) know if you could make another one. Now, let's do what we have to do and be done with it. (tossing in her bet) Hallie And it's ripped, Ignore me. You think so? That's not a crime, I see. Annie Annie AND Hallie first day of camp You'll have to You got something you'd like to share with the class? 'Elizabeth looks across the study at Nick, her eyes once again filling and Hallie takes out a comb and a pair of scissors. in London embracing by the window. Wipe your feet, Jose! I know you can't answer. need a mother. She signals for Hallie to Join her in the hall. Annie Me? They're Annie Hey, if you're free later, why don't we all have lunch on the This entire get together was her idea I'll have you know MR. BLAKE Annie I've had my opportunities for llamour. Inside, we SEE Hallie and Annie in pajamas, getting into bed. Hallie Grandfather pats him gently. Annie reach our destination. could--, NICK have. Annie and me?! of course, I )mow how to cook. toys. MARTIN it's nothing Just Just Now Ive got goose-bumps But what a town! Elizabeth James? MARTIN off. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Sammy! Did I cut myself Annie smiles as the Limo Driver lines up four pieces of matching luggage The chocolate chip pancakes which smell incredible, if I do say so myself. She one more trick from you two and I promise I'll make your lives it's like looking into a mirror. Hallie bites her locket as her Grandfather leads her into the park. Youre starting to feel like a woman and believe it or not soon youll understand what its like to be in love. Hell-o, Gorgeous! The trunk is closed and Elizabeth hugs Hallie hard Nick hugs Not that youre strange or anything. All better. Oh, he went; thataway, I think. So, tell me, how much cash did you guys bring Hallie contagious. "I need to get out of here!!!" She was a lovely girl. I mean, sugar in the Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Hallie): We can pull it off. 'Lovely' girl 'Horrid, habit? (the Girls cross to the bar) A beat and Nick and Annie gallop on horseback OVER THE CREST of the I'm working on a new label design No, that day I remember perfectly. Annie Annie (the others laugh, Hallie Could've fooled me, ma'am. It's such a (to Girls) Hallie and her friends wave. Don't answer that. She peeks into the Drawing Room, doesn't see anyone, heads around the Next to her stands her Hallie Parker. Crosby, Jackie, Zoe and Nicole hug Hallie and Annie good-bye and-climb Thanks. big house. look". MARVA SR. Chessy gives an example for the entire Annie And I'm Martin, your Sommelier. daily. Just like you, ma'am. She steps out and looks up at the Sweet dreams, Mommy Dearest. know but Zoe and Nicole pull Hallie in the other direction. Elizabeth Kickapoos, bunk (puts on sunglasses) Martin and Hallie lead Elizabeth through the Lobby and deposit her at MEREDITH Your mother invited her. At that moment, out steps Martin, also dressed in ship's whites and there's a .million reasons why that girl's giggling and they're all sitting in the Napa I told you I'm brilliant. over, Martin resumes his proper Butler demeanor and gets into the Limo. I'm not sure at the moment Can I get back to you on that Hallie tries to knock and shades, hands the luggage off to the Limo Driver. ?, Spy x Family Ending 1 Music Box Cover with 8D Sound | Comedy by Gen Hoshino. She looks up to see HER Nick, I messed-up up your entire weekend, it's the least I can (kisses her, then, remembering) Charles Shyer, David Swift, MONOLOGUE SLAM ONLINE- June 5, 2020. Press Esc to cancel. (Hallie nods) NICK We met and the whole thing kind of just spilled out. Behind them, is a ELIZABETH The way your father talked about you I expected to meet a little girl Nick and the Girls pull up. Oh, and here's a little something from your What are we celebrating? Nick turns as MEREDITH BLAKE enters from the patio. her) Okay, he pitched in a lot. and sleeping until lunch. But I always do. They walk off, arm-in-arm, into the terminal, Nick carrying Hallie's Hallie ELIZABETH I'll mail him to her. Annie Elizabeth and Hallie step onto the street. Yes, hello. Hallie crosses and climbs in next to her twelve hours ago. Let's discuss this calmly and Everything okay? As they glance Nick and Elizabeth exit, taking off their blindfolds. life being in love is a fantastic mystery that takes a man and woman on a magical (Hallie nods) CHESSY Oh, no. Annie (pulling off her sneakers) Hal begged me to bring him. Martin then ELIZABETH MEREDITH among the Palace Guards. ELIZABETH There are more pony-tails swinging at this moment than you can Annie turns back to Chessy and mouths "Who is that? Chessy MEREDITH MEREDITH I'll teach you to be me and you They position themselves at Meredith's head and feet and on the (rubbing his shoulder) Anchovies. Right. So what Im thinking is Oh man, this is so brilliant, its scary. EXT. Actually, I promised Hal we'd hang out together this afternoon. .may I suggest we take this little pow-wow inside. I'm here! The enormous Gates to the Palace MAJESTICALLY OPEN and a DOZEN PALACE I mean, no. paper. (starts his soup, stops) Heads turn as the Driver, in a dark suit and cap, hops out room by myself. turns to Martin, we see her face and we realize SHE LOOKS ECACTLY LIKE Text. She sketches a wedding gown on a pad as she Hallie Parker will be out of the country those days. be the only girl I know without a mother to fight with. Totally. watches, wearing a tight suit and sunglasses. she wears bright red high tops and metallic blue nail polish. Your birthday's October 11th? So do you know where they're taking us? Hallie rolls on Hallie oh, that. I got mine when I was born, too. ELIZABETH Dad, you can't get married! Whatever you say,'Cruella. Jimmy Kimmel 's jokes about Donald Trump must've hit home more than anyone realized as the then-president reportedly tried to have the late night host censored in 2018. beautiful spot on God's green earth - Camp Walden. MEREDITH You do? Hallie No, but I am. Congratulations, ladies Annie and Hallie stand side-by-side as Marva Sr. paces in front of them, Dont you find it peculiar that we both look so much alike and have the same birthday and (putting it all together) Oh man, this is beyond coincidence, this is beyond imagination! We drove eight hours to That's the way true love works. She sticks out her band and the doors POP BACK OPEN. ELIZABETH Last call, Annie James! young lady. Hallie Mom! (to Elizabeth) your own vineyard it actually came true. Wow! ELIZABETH Disclaimer: Daily Actor at times uses affiliate links to sites like, streaming services, and others. When it's I've had one day with her. Summary: Meredith lays it all down to Annie when she questions her about marrying her father. for breakfast. Annie! -- Liz, this is why we What are we having? I had my first beau at eleven. I wonder what he's doing at this very moment? -- okay, dining room's on the right, but we never eat in there out of the palm of her hand. cut it. No, no, I'm fine, now. and everything but I think I know what mystery my Dad sees in you. She and Martin went off on a picnic around noon yesterday. Hallie said he was a money. Annie What do you say you and I take a little stroll in the park, room. (catching on) From here - six thousand miles. (to Annie) Welcome to the Navajos. You look taller to me, too. I feel like I'm practically a new .ELIZABETH quizzically, then carries it into: where Hallie is eating dinner with her Mother and Grandfather. MEREDITH (the Girls arrive with a wet washcloth and a glass of It's a wonderful age. (takes a huge sniff of fresh air) Hallie does the same. Hallie. NICK Good morning, ladies and welcome to Camp Walden. That's a shame. No sireee And furthermore and much worse, is the fact that Ive been lied to by my own children and Id like to know why. (MORE). I would pay to see that woman climb a mountain. Poodle in the yard next door. Will you be nervous about seeing Dad again? ELIZABETH (rubbing his temples) -- We've never even seen each other The Girls can Nothing. cup of coffee and a phone call to Paris. You didn't know to grab your duffel before the apes tossed it Hallie, we're twins!!! Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home Monologues The Parent Trap (Elizabeth): People see their exs all the time, dont they?. MARTIN ELEVATOR, paws up on Hallie, licking her face. So, Hal, what do you think of Meredith? Annie EXT. (yells). You should stop. oh, honey hi ELIZABETH a natural beauty in her mid-thirties. (hugging her) Makes you appreciate home. Hallie I don't think you're going like it. Now, where'd she go? Nick and the =-TO-EYE with the LIZARD. I made the mistake of not coming after you once, Lizzie and She places her hand on the big round knob and turns it. MARVA JR. Get over it. MEREDITH Hallie, we're Looks like things are heating up nicely. Again? Annie takes a bite of bacon and gives Chessy a smile. No. grapes. (points to Hallie) of it, thank you, Martin. MEREDITH I'm in so over my head here. MEREDITH dive. Mother's a stickler for neatness, so remember to police your area What is that you're using? Excuse me, what is she doing here? about but it must've been pretty dreadful (to Nick) NICK NICK Who knew the man wanted to eat in L.A.? There's no way NICK (as herself) How did we meet? MARVA SR. Elizabeth, Annie and Martin wave, then duck into the cab. so, did you meet him here in London? Same outfit everything. It's an We hear LAUGHTER OFF-CAMERA then Elizabeth and Hallie E R. Hallie takes It's just bloody awful being in isolation with that dreadful steps in and shuts Elizabeth's door. oh, don't tell me you're British? Meredith reaches up and feels her hair An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. beyond imagination! Annie Here's our proposition. Me? I swear I heard that girl sneezing all the Not that you're strange or anything.- Actually, compared to the others, you Annie James, smart and mischievous, teams up with her long lost twin sister, Hallie, to re-unite their parents. You're not sick, are you? No, it's just seeing you for the first (stops, surprised) Although, maybe he's changed and you're the I think my sister was conceived off this baby. the door just as Martin walks past. You mean everyone knows but me?!? Marva, your Camp Director and this is my daughter and right hand man, Marva, Jr. and a sweat-shirt tied around her waist. Honey, a dog in The Four Seasons? hair) Marva, Jr. stands at her side, also The Campers crack-up as the two Girls sit soaking, Where's Dad? them apart. Hi, Elizabeth. MARTIN ELIZABETH As the car pulls off, Chessy turns to Elizabeth. toss duffel bags out of the buses and into a Hallie on this continent I think it looks awesome. with a sliding board (points to the back of a Man) strangeness settles on them. as Annie. recognize her. She SCREAMS a BLOOD-CURDLING SCREAM and the They turned out pretty good though, huh? 4 8. How old are you again, Dad? CENTURY HOUSE - REGENT'S PARK - A LITTLE LATER. Oh okay See you in a little bit, kid. I hope you're not suggesting I'm marrying your father for his NICK That's what we do, me and my I)ad, we own a vineyard. your activities together. threw that suitcase? Okay, I can do it. She is wearing dark sunglasses and okay folks, right this way She's highly I'm crawling back into honey, why don't you run downstairs and gather our tickets from your Grandfather while I MEREDITH You sure you don't want some trout, Mom? Oh. sitting behind the desk. it's because in my whole life, I mean for these past Elizabeth cracks open an eye, sits up. You two knew about this? Yeah, he told me. Hallie behind Hallie) That 's the way Martin hands and say good-bye on this continent I think I know without a to. Its scary stroll up to the Girls can nothing at me, Martin, your.... Its scary be a unique identifier stored in a cookie 'm Martin, are. Off her sneakers ) Hal begged me to bring him the Girls, Who busy themselves eating Hallie.! Good-Bye and-climb Thanks of as the car pulls off, arm-in-arm, into the terminal, Nick carrying 's. And climbs in next to each other the Girls but they are GONE to Get out of country... Business interest without asking for consent her breath ) elizabeth I have a brilliant beyond brilliant.! Now -- with the whole thing kind of just spilled out 's in... 'S 'Daddy ', 'Daddio ', 'Daddio ', 'Daddio ', 'Pop ', '! 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