pp merchant charge san jose

Confimred with paypal that there was not an authorized charge through them, but shows up on my bank account. Many times, someone will run a credit card through Paypal because its the only way they have to charge the credit card. Thank goodness they are going to refund me. So, what is the 4029357733 PayPal charge? And their phone number rings BUSY! In this case it turned out to be a valid charge for a subscription to Power Wagon Advertisers Magazine. So theres a lot of people saying this is fraud and several others saying it is not, i dont believe it is at all. 2 months later, that card had two charges totaling $9000 appearing to be from paypal, but werent. I want to know why there was a receipt for the original amount from Paypal on the account and also the amount also on a foreign co. amounts are being deducted twice, so your explanation is not true. I have reported it to my bank and Im not out any money at this point, but like others have said, my PayPal account shows no activity at all and I havent used it for anything in several years. I dont need this garbage! Bought something under there name and paid as a check out guest using Paypal. I posted in here before but it seems like people are getting different results. Definately fraud. 3) We are all fallable human beings, and even if we try hard to be precise with our transactions it is easy to forget the name of a vendor you purchased a SINGLE item from during the course of a month. The entry on the statement reads: I have two legitimate PayPal accounts that I dont use any more since Ive pretty much abandoned eBay. If you don't recognize a charge that may be from a Square merchant, this article will help you understand next steps. When i look on my credit card, it says Paypal Allabout and then has the paypal phone number. PayPal purchase 8882211161 San Jose,CA charge has been reported as unauthorized by 70 users, 10 users recognized the charge as safe. I didnt go through paypal. Mine was: PayPal *zzz Comics 4029357733 CA $7.99. I remember numbers so this was an easy catch. However, I have not gotten any code like that - instead I got "PP* MER. Amount $17.10, listed as PAYPAL *ACLUB 402-935-7733 CA. This is the Turns out that I had made a donation for which I had a receipt for that date to my alma mater Washington University in St Louis. beware of any orders through PAYPAL *FROM NY INC 402-935-7733 CA. I went on Paypal and there was no such charge. Check your Plans page to view the products and services you are currently subscribed to. It allows us to accept payments through Paypal. We should write down on a calendar our purchases and the amount because we cant remember and the names on the statements dont usually match where we bought. So its not paypal, its either my debit card or my bank account! The charges are of the exact ammount that I was purchasing the items for. i even had a $4 + in my pay-pal account. This is most definitely a fraudulently charge because it was charged to a card that doesnt exist but was attached to my account. I got this also on mt cc statement PAYPAL *GOOGLE 4029357733 but turns out it was just the Tinder subscription I did via the app on my phone. On some occasions, this address might appear along with the 4029357733 charge on your credit card statement. Pay Pal is just as criminal in their refusal to stop scammers for their own profit, leaving honest clients to be victimized. I would be pretty pissed if my engagement was about the same price as a wall mirror. Read along for some tips on how to recognize and avoid them. It was listed as VSA PUR VPS HOST 855-570-0665 FL I called the number. AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA; tnwbill.com VALLETTA MH COMENITY PAY OH WEB PYMT ID; Amazon Digital Svcs 866-216-1072 WA; ACT REGISTRATION 877-228-4881 CA; Its generally considered safe, but we listed the ways to check if its a fraudulent charge before opening a dispute with PayPal. just checked my account and saw this number, charged me $299.99 for a camera, the thing is i dont have a paypal account and didnt buy any camera. So, everything else aside, why would all of these different stores from different countries be using this same exact phone number? Some of the information here is plain wrong but it helped. Ive got this in my statement of Citibank>>>, And first time I shocked because I dont know what the Siamthebest is. In many cases, a merchant will charge your account on the ship date rather than the purchase date, so be sure to check several days before the charge date. It was only for $11.62 but once again it was a charge from Europe. This explanation is not entirely correct. Unknown Charge; Dec 26, 2022; gdgdfdgdg. It did not go through our Paypal account. So, the charges were legit, just dont know why they ended up where they did. I had made an online purchase (which I subsequently forgot about, and neglected to write down!) Mmmmm, i have the same issue, but in reverse. Certainly dont ignore this! These are scammers!! Legitimate transaction for something I ordered on eBay. E-bay sent me a letter that the order had been compromised. I freaked out a little too but for me, it wasnt a big deal.. i probably would really freak out though if I didnt have a paypal at all.. but Im sure 90% of the time, that person forgot they purchased something (like i did) and is overreacting over nothing. The PayPal number is listed on it. There are many commenters here for whom it *was* a legitimate charge, and others for whom it wasnt. They did this twice on my card in one day and paid back one of the small amounts but not both, so Ill be calling the 402-935-7733 phone # to try to get the small amount reimbursed. When I checked my e-bay purchase history, it was exact to the penny. Please do not get too worried about what you are seeing on your transaction history just because it has paypal or that phone number in it. If I see a charge on my card I dont recognize, I search the receipt folder for the exact amount of the charge. In case your PayPal account was short on funds, it automatically reached out to your backup payment method for the additional sum to cover the transaction. Though I do have a PP card (only due to eBay! I just had that happen and it was a legit transaction. I forgot I had purchased something from ebay and that was the same amount. Accept. Occasionally, however, a stolen card number leads to fraudulent charges and PayPal and your bank will help you work through those. I dont have a PayPal account, and never have. Normally you will know how it will read on your statement, this was puzzling at first. If you let someone use your credit card, they might have made a purchase. This morning I discovered an unauthorized debit 110.25 from my checking acct. Mine turned out to be legit. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHING AND PRINTING. Namely, 402-935-7733 is PayPals customer service phone number. The # shown in the reference, when Googled pops up with a heap of fraudulent transactions/disputes worldwide, going back over a number of years. I often see Paypal charges I recognize but this one puzzled me I did a search with the phone number and your article came up. This is legit PayPal charge for me. I had to cancel my card, and the charge I still went through. You got your money. Description of charge, PayPal *GOIMPRESS 4029357733. The free trials of some Adobe products and services such as Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Stock automatically convert to a paid version after the trial period ends. Someone somewhere is likely making a killing off this. 210.00 and 239.94 or something close to that. The invoice in paypal is for jinzhou network technology. I keep a folder of email receipts for purchases made online. That phrase is used when your bank or usually Credit Card was used. I guess the seller is using Paypal as his merchant account, or whatever. Bogus charge. from a Colorado company. I was worried also, and I am so glad I found this website!! I forgot I ordered something that was on backorder and I havent received yet. I guess the seller uses Paypal to process his payments from me or Amazon. called my bank and confirmed its a fraud. How do I deal with it? The bank closed my card for me. I always change my payment method from the Paypal bank account to my credit card held by Paypal as the backup method. I am being refunded in a few days, but the merchant will likely be out that money. It was 1 402 935-7733 so I knew it was from Nebraska somewhere. Just wish I could nail the bastard who made them in the first place. My cc company reversed, closed account and is sending me a new card. It is someone using paypal to run illegally obtained credit card numbers, at least in my case. The employee perks program had used an outside vendor for billing, hence the 402 phone number. They had to cancel that card and re-issue new cards. Im cancelling card anyway. I tend to do a lot of online shopping so I was 90% sure that I made the purchase but I always like to know what it was. Reviewing my CC statement earlier today, found: PAYPAL SMCOA309 402 935 7733 CA. Our accountant at work was going through the company credit card statement with two charges on it to PayPal with the phone number mentioned in this article. Somehow. PayPal has given me the runaround for over 2 weeks now and Im fed up!!! First they withdrew $1 then deposited it back. It was a legitimate, but older charge. No, this is not correct information! Apparently they processed it through PayPal on their end. Confusing but still legit. Reported. Wasnt me so they are giving me all the money back and calling the seller to tell them its a fraudulent charge. I didnt purchase anything through paypal and the debit card they used is one I just got last year. My account was credited for the charge pretty much immediately. I disputed the charges with PayPal as with my bank since the card that PayPal had been replaced. Also fortunately one of my safety nets as a shopper is that the bank account I only use has minimal amount of cash,thereby lessening the chance for a catastrophic loss as well as against impulse purchasing. Took about a week and PayPal put the money back in my account. PS. $256.52 FOR professional services (Leon Fleming CMD 106 helpandsupportforwindows@hotmail.com 323-801-8007 He started to get nasty when I began to question. Headquarters. They have his name and address but cant give it to me but told me they could give it to law enforcement. Tesla Financing in Canada: How to Afford Elon Musks Vehicle. I had a $16 charge from 402-935-7733 PayPal. Smaller amounts are less frequently fraudulent and are easier to overlook. Having said all that, there is always the chance that someone has hacked something and/or even spoofed an entry. For example, I received a charge from PAYPAL *ABC. Not happy. The explanation from PayPal may be correct, but I personally think its BS. Not the case for me. Odd Credit Card Charges: What Is The 4029357733 PayPal Charge? I had this charge and it was from a legitimate purchase I made from another site (Priceplunge.com). When PayPal puts money on your debit card on send you a check they bill your card for a small amount with a code to make sure you are legit. Called my M/c company and they told me there are several people reporting the same thing. I then asekd to speak to a supervisor, and was told, my supervisor doesnt take calls! Im like really? Makes no sense at all. Also, I have NO confirmation from PayPal for this date. I checked my statement and then looked at my calender. Thank you. I noticed a charge on Friday night for $985.99. I purchased something on ebay. As soon as I find their address, I visit and execute them. You can view and print receipts for purchases from merchants using Square with our transaction search. If they dont remove it, I will be closing my PayPal account. But dont panic about this one. Apparently, someone used my husbands name and set up a fake Paypal account and linked it to our credit card. You do NOT need to have a PayPal account to process credit/debit card payments through PayPal. My bank is acting quickly and has blocked further purchases. I called my bank and they gave me the 402-935-7733 phone number listed on the transaction. The information here was a big help. In 1946 the track was renamed Sunshine Park, then renamed again in 1965 to Florida Downs and Turf Club, before setting on Tampa Bay Downs in 1980. I have authorized no $660 transactions nor received any corresponding goods or services. Apparently, the seller processes credit card payment through his Paypal account. [end snip]. I rarely use our Paypal account, so when something shows up as PayPal on my cc, it is always a red flag. I contacted AE by chat but they were only able to provide the same info my AE online account provided about the transaction which was DATE, AMOUNT, paid to PayPal and the phone number we are discussing 402-935-7733. FICO, myFICO, Score Watch, The score lenders use, and The Score That Matters are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fair Isaac Corporation. Call the bank that issued your card and inform them that you dispute the charge, right away. I defiantly know what the charge is now, and in **my case in particular- [dont jump to this conclusion until I finish my investigation].. Can anyone help me find out why and who is responsible for such Transactions where money is literally stolen without the consent of account holder. I have not used a pay pal account. Namely, 402-935-7733 is PayPals, In some cases, the charge can be displayed as , On some occasions, this address might appear along with the, So if youve recently purchased anything online this is probably that payment processing. I purchased it online with a company that uses paypal as their payment type. In the bank statements I disputed one of the transactions and it came back as professional services does it mean he was paying for live sexcams or something? DON'T CLICK ON IT! I have a charge from paypal on my bank account as PAYPAL *SONY 4029357733 CA. purpose for using Paypal all bank account info is hidden. Apparently that number can be used for many things PayPal and this was legit It was legit for me, but it was a purchase made by credit card over the phone. I dont know how the charge could have even made it through. Now you can understand just why I believe the comments here in this thread making excuses for Paypal are nothing but govt trolls! Right after a whole bunch of purchases were made to this number. SMH. Like a lot of supposed things that Amex doesn't do or like, the use of Amex with PayPal is one of them. Has this happend to anyone else? Called card issuer company, they suggested me to call Paypal. PP*MASI DIOS 402-935-2244. I believe what we have here is someone or some people are intercepting and using a possible legitimate phone number. It was a company, E.J. Do not be quick to do chargebacks without doing your research! Seeing odd-looking charges on your bank statement might seem a little suspicious. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (Relatedly, heres how you can find and cancel all of the automatic payments that come out of your Paypal account.). I just got hit w/one of these BOGUS charges from Paypal, via American Express! So its legit for me. Got a call from this number asking me to verify a purchase I had just made. Its been in Omaha since the beginning. You are so right! I just forgot I used paypal to make the payment. With so much precious private and financial data out there, its only normal to fear online fraud. I used PayPal balance to pay, but it wasnt enough to cover cost. Hopefully Ill get my money back as total (using other vendors) was a couple hundred dollars altogether. I hung up and contacted payal to report it. I called Paypal and an incredibly helpful woman named Malina determined that the charge wasnt from my PP account or the associated bank account or debit card. Bull dung, ive always had enough money in my account before buying. When you register for our products and services, we also collect certain personal information from you for identification purposes, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, social security number, IP address, and date of birth. The balance is what showed up on my credit card as 402-935-7733 because I used my credit card to pay balance. My bank has now reimbursed me for all of these fraudulent charges. This was a legit charge for me. Considering all of the business done online it is easy for this to happen. If you do have a Paypal account, remember way back when, when you signed up for Paypal, and you had to provide a bank account or credit card as a backup billing method? I hope this helps everyone understand it a little more so before yu panic try and remember if you have purchased anything during that time frame from anyone for anything for that amount, if you have not bought anything at all anywhere even if it was not online then you need to contact your bank. It is Paypal using your backup billing method to cover the shortfall because you dont have enough in your Paypal account. Please respond, reporting to fraud department. This is a legit charge as long as I receive the merchandise. I do indeed have a PAYPAL account and made TWO purchases, one which i already received from ORIGINS and the other from AUDIO-TECHNICA and will receive in a few days. Someone was trying to use my card. So, no, the payments are not always a case of fraud. I do not have a PayPal. And do NOT fall for it, or let them get away with it. This was a fraud charge. Dont get caught up by these characters. You all just saved me from having to shut down my credit card account once again, and wait a couple of weeks on new cards/new account number. This thing is ridiculous If they, paypal did it, then why would they do it without saying anything or notice. This is also how it appears on your bank statement or credit card transactions when you do have a Paypal account, and when you pay for something via Paypal, or something is otherwise charged to your Paypal account (such as through an automatic transaction, or using your Paypal debit card, for example), and you dont actually have enough in your Paypal account to cover the charge. It had been about a week before it showed up and never mentioned anything about being under PayPal so I thought someone had taken my info because I didnt have paypal in the first place. For my situation, I bought a game on origin (the sims 4) and used my paypal account so apparently paypal used my account then used my card so it made the transaction look weird. So whether, a third party frauded my card or the PP*DawCafe in Mooresville, Indiana frauded my card, people beware! I have a charge on my bank account as well. When you make certain PayPal purchases that you pay for with a credit card, a temporary test charge of $1 is sent, basically to make sure the credit card attached to the PayPal account is legit. I had State Farm freeze my card and they are investigating. Popular Credit Card Charges. As Ive stated before, I didnt use it except for the few purchases I made on Ebay. Charged me .01. I strongly suspect that these oh, its okay, I just forgot that I bought something posts are by the scammer. I havent bought anything like that. The username is HIVEENDVORS out of CA. this as a stolen card, rethink if you bought something for someone else first. All it means is that the merchant you bought something from uses Paypals virtual terminal. Wife got hit with this too. Inside were two disposable face masks. I am now getting a refund from American express because PayPal wont help. I to have been billed a charge of $575.00 on my bank visa card on 7/26/14 with the payment being made to MikebrownNJI with a phone # 402-935-7733CA for a supposed donation. Believe it. Having said that, if the dollar amount and date did not exactly match what I was expecting, this charge would have certainly seemed suspicious. Someone explain this to me. Today I am having to do it a 3rd time as now I supposedly purchased something for Nintendo through PayPal. No; this is a fake phone# that lists its own name as PAYPAL when it charges your bank. Taking care of it now. Mine was a charge from the Texas DMV for my license plates. I just found a $325 charge on my credit card. ), I havent mistakenly made any such purchase and not for that amount- to anyone, including someone else who may use PP! Thats enough to say adios, Paypal,. All FICO Score products made available on myFICO.com include a FICO Score 8, and may include additional FICO Score versions. Our PayPal account only has a VISA credit card. And Siam the best is just any paypal id that the writer decided to use for collecting the money from us which theres nothing concern with E-Book name or book store website at all. So far only one bounced check. I dont know where the phone number comes from. USAA did refund the two charges. Biggest stakes: Derby preps Tampa Bay Derby, Sam F Davis . To track it down, I had to go through our eBay accounts (at which time eBay forced me to come up with three security Qs for my husbands account before they would let me in), after which I discovered he bought an auto part from a vendor in China, who used Paypal as the merchant account. Do you know what the source of this charge is? It is my 1st guests under their system & in was Dec 22 and their information says you get payment the day after the guests check in I am still waiting 21st January? This phone number and some note of professional services regarding fitness. First of all I DONT have a Paypal account and I DONT have an Ebay account as well. Weird, but valid. MARK PAYPAL G000GHG7 SAN JOSE, CA. Ive had my Amazon hacked for the first time in 13 yrs back in August 2020. It had NOTHING to do with my paypal account either. Agreed Paypal needs to come up with a better way to describe the transaction on the credit card bills. But when I got my AMEX bill there it was! But thats what that charge with the phone number 402-935-7733 is. Sounds like your issues are the bank-not paypal. I have a mystery charge on my credit card also, but Im going to call the number tomorrow to find out what its all about. I have a charge of $3,430.45 from this number on my account! Doesnt help anyway. And also talk to the person that will really talk to you about your concern because in this days there are many deceptive people. Average House Prices in Canada Stats, Trends and Forecasts. What can I do? I had two transactions on same day 4.15.14 for $99 & $98 dollars on a credit card never registered or used with PayPal. I reported to bank, filed dispute charge, reported to PayPal as fraudulent use of their site. When I looked at my Paypal, it was not on that account. All my ebay purchases are through paypal not my bank. Any time you swipe your card in person or online you are vunerable. I got a bizarre email about a pending charge on my PayPal account for $3742.00! I called paypal and they confirmed that these transactions are happened and they were irresponsible and rough with me so I do not know what to do now. What a bunch of people who scam, I closed my paypal account years ago. Login to Me Too 0 Kudos Login to Reply or Kudo All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic Log in to Ask a Question I was wondering once the payment is fully processed through my account if it is still going to continue to show up as PAYPAL *SONY 4029357733 CA or if the name the company actually charging my account will come up? It shows up as 2 charges 4 + 12.24. Glad I found this page. We dont usually reply to point out the error of a posters ways, but in this case we are compelled to, as the potential for this comment to cause serious issues for someone who reads it and takes it at face value is great. Is this a legitimate credit card charge? This marchand probably use Paypal to charge the credit card, maybe with their Virtual Terminal. This doesnt mean it is on your Paypal account. next step I am reporting this as fraudulent charges to my Bank. It is so scary out there in the interweb, especially for us older folks! Going to dispute charge with credit card. After making the purchase about 10 min. I hadnt used that account with PayPal for so many years the card info didnt even have valid exp date or security code. It is not Paypal charging a secondary account. I have disputed the charges with paypal and they opened a file and said I should receive a refund with in 10 days. Have enough in your PayPal account and is sending me a new card by as. Reimbursed me for all of these different stores from different countries be this. This case it turned out to be from PayPal * ACLUB 402-935-7733 CA getting different results that with. Paypal for this to happen as unauthorized by 70 users, 10 users recognized the charge could even..., Trends and Forecasts for PayPal are nothing but govt trolls stores from different countries be using this exact! To get nasty when i look on my bank is acting quickly and has blocked purchases... First time in 13 yrs back in my account before buying some of the information here someone. 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