rockin jump wayne cancel membership

The arbitrator may only conduct an individual arbitration and may not consolidate more than one individuals claims, preside over any type of class or representative proceeding or preside over any proceeding involving more than one individual. 11. La cancelacin, suspensin o revocacin de los privilegios de una Ubicacin bajo el Programa debido a la violacin de las polticas o reglas de DEFY, puede, segn el criterio exclusivo de DEFY, resultar en que se le prohba visitar alguna o todas las dems ubicaciones de DEFY sin ningn reembolso de las tarifas prepagadas. You and ROCKIN JUMP agree that there will be no class arbitration or arbitration in which an individual attempts to resolve a Dispute as a representative of another individual or group of individuals. If we make changes, we will attempt to provide reasonable notice of such changes, such as by sending an email notification or posting an announcement on our website or the website of the Location that issued your Program membership. El hecho de que DEFY no insista en el cumplimiento estricto de cualquier disposicin de este Contrato en una o ms ocasiones no se considerar una renuncia ni privar a DEFY del derecho a insistir en el cumplimiento estricto de esa disposicin o cualquier otra disposicin de este Contrato. DURATION OF MEMBERSHIP: All memberships are month to month from the Start Date. ADDITIONAL, AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. The AAA Rules and additional information about the AAA are available on the AAA website. Memberships are nonrefundable, nontransferable and remain the property of SKY ZONE. By enrolling in the Program, you acknowledge that you have read DEFYs Privacy Policy as well as the Privacy Policy. ADDITIONAL, AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. 23. 3. BINDING ARBITRATION; CLASS ACTION WAIVER. 23. I understand that if I do not want my membership to renew, I must cancel it at least twenty-five (25) days before the next automatic renewal date. LOCATION-SPECIFIC MEMBERSHIP. El Programa, as como cualquier premio o regalo proporcionado a un Miembro, puede estar sujeto a impuestos, segn el valor del artculo y las leyes fiscales federales, estatales y locales aplicables. Liability waivers are valid one (1) year from signing, therefore to remain an active Member you must update your liability waiver every year. Membership Details: 120 Minutes of Jump per visit Unlimited Visits $1 Fountain Drink or kids Drink 1 FREE pair of socks upon sign up (given at first visit) One Friend Admission per visit for just $12.99 Admission to Neon Night and Junior Jumpers Included for Member only 3 Additional Party Guests FREE ($75 Value) RJ Elite+ Membership BEST VALUE If we make changes, we will attempt to provide reasonable notice of such changes, such as by sending an email notification or posting an announcement on our website or the website of the Location that issued your Program membership. You agree that the initial three-month term will start on the date of your first payment. Please see Location membership options and information at a Location or at for the specific Location. BINDING ARBITRATION; CLASS ACTION WAIVER. GENERAL. MEMBERSHIPS ARE ONLY VALID AT THE SPECIFIC ROCKIN JUMP LOCATION WHERE YOU PURCHASED THE MEMBERSHIP. Refunds will be processed within thirty (30) Operating Days of receipt of the cancellation notice by SKY ZONE. 19. Entiendo que si no deseo que se renueve mi membresa, debo cancelarla por lo menos tres (3) das hbiles antes de la prxima fecha de renovacin automtica. Any dispute, claim or cause of action arising out of or concerning the interpretation or effect of this Agreement and/or your participation in the Program, except where prohibited, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action. 6. Failure by SKY ZONE to insist upon strict adherence to any provision of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive SKY ZONE of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. SKY ZONE locations are referred to in these Terms as a Location and Locations. Your membership is offered by and has been purchased from the operator of the specific SKY ZONE location from which you purchased your SKY ZONE membership (each, an Operator). A main attraction for our ultimate birthday parties! A partir de entonces, su membresa del Programa se RENOVAR AUTOMTICAMENTE Y CONTINUAR MES A MES, DE ACUERDO CON LOS TRMINOS DE RENOVACIN AUTOMTICA ESTABLECIDOS EN LA SECCIN 5 A CONTINUACIN, HASTA QUE USTED LA CANCELE EXPRESAMENTE O HASTA QUE NOSOTROS DEMOS POR TERMINADA SU MEMBRESA. 19. If you cannot afford to pay for the arbitration, you agree to provide us the option of paying the arbitrator before seeking to initiate any other form of dispute resolution, including litigation. 5. Please see Location membership options and information at a Location or at for the specific Location. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. At this time, Members must update their photos every two (2) years. Additionally, memberships may not be used for commercial purposes. Memberships are nonrefundable, nontransferable and remain the property of DEFY. I agree that the initial one-month term will start on the date of my first payment. 4. You and SKY ZONE agree that this Agreement affects interstate commerce and that the enforceability of this Section 20 shall be both substantively and procedurally governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. TAXES. The AAA Rules and additional information about the AAA are available on the AAA website. CONTRATOS Y CONVENIOS ADICIONALES. DEFY se reserva el derecho, segn su exclusivo criterio, de modificar o actualizar este Contrato y/o cambiar, alterar o descontinuar el Programa, la lista de ubicaciones participantes, servicios de ubicacin, entretenimiento o atracciones, horarios de operacin y cualquier recompensa o programa de estado especial en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso a los miembros ms all de la actualizacin de este Contrato. Este Contrato se rige por las leyes del Estado de la Ubicacin de DEFY en la que usted compr la membresa del Programa, independientemente de las normas sobre conflictos de leyes de cualquier jurisdiccin. All questions or disputes regarding an individuals eligibility, the earning/use/conversion of credits, or a Members compliance with this Agreement will be resolved by DEFY in its sole discretion. Changes can be made only by updating your information at the Location or by phone. CERTAIN MEMBERSHIP TERMS. Las partes intentarn ponerse de acuerdo sobre el rbitro nico que se designar para resolver la disputa. Reset to sign again 19. 14. IN THE EVENT SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES, RELEASEES LIABILITY IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. TRMINOS Y CONDICIONES ESTNDAR DE MEMBRESA Las membresas no se pueden utilizar con fines comerciales y son nulas si se modifican o se utilizan indebidamente. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND DEFY AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. Failure by ROCKIN JUMP to insist upon strict adherence to any provision of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive ROCKIN JUMP of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. NO WAIVER. TERMINACIN: DEFY se reserva el derecho de cancelar, suspender o revocar cualquier membresa o denegar la admisin a la Ubicacin a cualquier Miembro en cualquier momento y por cualquier motivo. You must purchase additional jump time at regular prices. You agree that the initial three-month term will start on the date of your first payment. After the 3-month period, SKY ZONE will continue to bill you, until you cancel your membership in accordance with the cancellation procedure specified in Section 5 above, or unless SKY ZONE terminates this Agreement at its sole option. You represent, or acknowledge and agree (as the case may be), that: a. you have the authority to bind all of the members added to your membership to this Agreement; b. all individuals added and paid for under your membership will be regarded as active members until you cancel each member, in accordance with the cancelation terms stated below. THIS LIMITATION APPLIES WHETHER THE ALLEGED LIABILITY IS BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF THE RELEASEE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. If we make changes, we will attempt to provide reasonable notice of such changes, such as by sending an email notification or posting an announcement on our website or the website of the Location that issued your Program membership. The Program, as well as any prize or gift provided to a Member, may be taxable, depending on the value of the item and the applicable federal, state, and local tax laws. DURATION OF MEMBERSHIP: All memberships are month to month from the Start Date. If any provision of this Agreement is held unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or is so held by applicable court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity will not render this Agreement unenforceable or invalid as a whole, and such provision will be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of such unenforceable or invalid provision within the limits of applicable law or applicable court decisions. 17. Family Memberships are for a minimum of 4 jumpers in your immediate family. The AAA Rules and additional information about the AAA are available on the AAA website. 17. ELEGIBILIDAD Y CONDICIONES: Cada Miembro debe tener una fotografa de s mismo asociada con su liberacin de responsabilidad en los archivos de SKY ZONE, para fines de identificacin. Las liberaciones de responsabilidad son vlidas por un (1) ao a partir de la firma, por lo tanto, para seguir siendo un miembro activo, debe actualizar su liberacin de responsabilidad todos los aos. IN ANY EVENT, ANY LIABILITY OF DEFY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROGRAM WILL BE LIMITED TO THE GREATER OF (A) THE MEMBERSHIP FEES PAID TO DEFY (EXCLUDING TAXES) IN THE PREVIOUS THREE (3) MONTHS, AND (B) ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100). Your membership agreement with DEFY consists of your member enrollment information (including your member information, contact information, payment information, DEFY Membership Program that you have selected (the Program), and authorized users of your membership) and these Terms, which collectively are referred to in these Terms as this Agreement. This Agreement governs your membership in the Program. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL ANY OF THE RELEASEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PROGRAM OR YOUR PARTICIPATION THEREIN, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROGRAM PRIZES, MERCHANDISE, OR SERVICES MADE AVAILABLE AS PART OF THE PROGRAM. I acknowledge that I must maintain a valid payment method on file, and I authorize ROCKIN JUMP and their respective third-party payment processor(s) to charge my payment method for the total price of my membership and for any other fees and charges as and when they are incurred in using my membership, or ROCKIN JUMP products, services, or facilities. NOTE: you must identify each member whose membership you want to cancel; SKY ZONE will NOT automatically cancel all listed members; Rockin Jump. Si usted no puede pagar el arbitraje, acepta brindarnos la opcin de pagar al rbitro antes de buscar iniciar cualquier otra forma de resolucin de disputas, incluido el litigio. Notice to DEFY shall be sent by certified mail or courier to 86 N University Avenue Suite 350, Provo, UT 84601. ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. CAMBIO DE DIRECCIN: Usted debe informar de inmediato a SKY ZONE por escrito un cambio en su direccin. A partir de entonces, su membresa del Programa se RENOVAR AUTOMTICAMENTE Y CONTINUAR MES A MES, DE ACUERDO CON LOS TRMINOS DE RENOVACIN AUTOMTICA ESTABLECIDOS EN LA SECCIN 5 A CONTINUACIN, HASTA QUE USTED LA CANCELE EXPRESAMENTE O HASTA QUE NOSOTROS DEMOS POR TERMINADA SU MEMBRESA. Usted comprende que puede cancelar su membresa por cualquier motivo, llenando el formulario de cancelacin en DEFY.COM/MEMBERSHIPCANCEL y haciendo clic en Cancelar Membresa. Copyright 2023. You further understand that, if you do not cancel this Agreement within such seventy-two (72) hour period, you will be charged for the remainder of your initial three-month term. Adems, usted acepta defender, indemnizar y liberar de responsabilidad a las Partes Liberadas de Responsabilidad de todas las responsabilidades, reclamaciones, daos, costos y gastos (incluidos los honorarios razonables de los abogados) que surjan en caso de que usted viole este Contrato. Our notice to you will be sent electronically to the email address associated with your Program membership and will include (x) our name, postal address, telephone number and an email address at which we can be contacted with respect to the Dispute, (y) a description in reasonable detail of the nature or basis of the Dispute, and (z) the specific relief that we are seeking. 17. SEVERABILITY. Adems, por la presente usted libera de responsabilidad a SKY ZONE, sus empresas matrices, subsidiarias, filiales, divisiones, empresas relacionadas, vendedores y proveedores de premios/recompensas de terceros, y agentes, y sus respectivos funcionarios, directivos, propietarios y empleados, (cada parte una Parte Liberada de Responsabilidad) con respecto a todas y cada una de las prdidas, daos, perjuicios, costos o gastos, ya sean conocidos o desconocidos, incluidos, entre otros, daos a la propiedad, lesiones personales y/o muerte, que surjan de o estn relacionados con el Programa, lo que incluye de manera enunciativa pero no limitativa (a) el cobro, el canje, la revocacin o la eliminacin de crditos, (b) la emisin de vales de recompensa y el uso del Programa, (c) la suspensin, terminacin o modificacin de su membresa o cuenta, y (d) la suspensin, modificacin o terminacin del Programa o cualquier recompensa o programa de estado especial en el mismo. EXCEPT FOR ANY DISPUTES, CLAIMS, SUITS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, DEMANDS OR PROCEEDINGS (COLLECTIVELY, DISPUTES) IN WHICH EITHER PARTY SEEKS TO BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, YOU AND DEFY AGREE (A) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO HAVE ANY AND ALL DISPUTES ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM, RESOLVED IN A COURT, AND (B) TO WAIVE YOUR AND DEFYS RESPECTIVE RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL. Please see Location membership options and information at a Location or at for the specific Location. Las ubicaciones de SKY ZONE se denominan en estos Trminos una Ubicacin y Ubicaciones. Additionally, memberships may not be used for commercial purposes. In addition, you hereby release DEFY, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, related companies, third-party prize/reward providers and suppliers, and agents, and its and their respective officers, directors, owners, and employees, (each a Releasee) from any and all losses, harm, damages, cost, or expense, whether known or unknown, including without limitation property damages, personal injury, and/or death, arising from or connected to the Program, including, without limitation, (a) the collection, redemption, revocation, or deletion of credits, (b) the issuance of reward vouchers and use of Program, (c) the suspension, termination, or modification of your membership or account, and (d) the suspension, modification, or termination of the Program or any reward or special status programs therein. Liability waivers are valid one (1) year from signing, therefore to remain an active Member you must update your liability waiver every year. 22. LAS MEMBRESAS SOLO SON VLIDAS EN LA UBICACIN ESPECFICA DE SKY ZONE DONDE USTED COMPR LA MEMBRESA. CIERTOS LMITES Y RESTRICCIONES: 120 minutos El tiempo de salto incluido en su membresa del Programa no se puede combinar con ninguna otra oferta, paquete, descuento o promocin, y cada periodo de salto de 120 minutos es para 120 minutos consecutivos de salto. Note that Section 20 below contains a mandatory arbitration provision that requires the use of arbitration on an individual basis and limits the remedies available to you in the event of certain disputes. Este Contrato se rige por las leyes del Estado de la Ubicacin de ROCKIN JUMP en la que usted compr la membresa del Programa, independientemente de las normas sobre conflictos de leyes de cualquier jurisdiccin. 10. LOCATION-SPECIFIC MEMBERSHIP. You agree that the initial three-month term will start on the date of your first payment. LOCATION-SPECIFIC MEMBERSHIP. If the parties are unable to reach agreement within 30 days after commencement of the arbitration with the AAA, the arbitrator selection process identified in the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules shall apply. The arbitrator may only conduct an individual arbitration and may not consolidate more than one individuals claims, preside over any type of class or representative proceeding or preside over any proceeding involving more than one individual. GOVERNING LAW. CHANGES. Awesome Results - Membership Sales, Parties, & Events! 3. Memberships are nonrefundable, nontransferable and remain the property of ROCKIN JUMP. Copyright 2023. Las membresas no garantizan la admisin, especialmente durante los periodos de alta asistencia. THIS LIMITATION APPLIES WHETHER THE ALLEGED LIABILITY IS BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF THE RELEASEE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Memberships are not valid for private or special events including birthday parties, team parties, corporate events, groups, or other special events or promotions that require a separate admission, such as Glow, Lock-ins and weekend or special toddler times unless otherwise specified. Copyright 2023. 21. By participating in the Program, you waive any and all rights to bring any claim or action related to your participation in the Program in any forum beyond one year after the first occurrence of the act, event, condition, or omission upon which the claim or action is based. 16. CERTAIN MEMBERSHIP TERMS. Restrictions apply including, but not limited to, capacity constraints and other closures. Any waiver by SKY ZONE of a breach by you of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate as, or be construed to be, a waiver of any other breach of such provision or of any breach by you of any other provision of this Agreement. La membresa, los programas y los beneficios son especficos para la ubicacin de DEFY en la que compr su membresa de DEFY. You and SKY ZONE agree that (a) any arbitration will occur (i) in the State of Utah, (ii) in the county where you reside, or (iii) telephonically, (b) arbitration will be conducted confidentially by a single arbitrator in accordance with the American Arbitration Associations (AAA) Consumer Arbitration Rules that are in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated, as modified by the terms set forth herein (AAA Rules), which are hereby incorporated by reference, and (c) that the seat of the arbitration shall be Utah and that state or federal courts of the State of Utah and the United States of America, respectively, sitting in the State of Utah, have exclusive jurisdiction over any litigation in aid of arbitration and the enforcement of any arbitration awards. Restrictions apply including, but not limited to, capacity constraints and other closures. Increased daytime cleaning of all high-frequency touchpoints on a consistent basis in addition to regular cleaning procedures. PRIVACY: Please review SKY ZONEs Privacy Policy, which may be found here: for information about how we collect, use and disclose information about you as part of the Program. Cancellation, suspension or revocation of Location privileges under the Program due to your violation of SKY ZONE policies or rules, may, at SKY ZONEs sole discretion, result in you being barred from visiting any and all other SKY ZONE locations without any refund of prepaid fees. CAMBIO DE DIRECCIN: Usted debe informar de inmediato a ROCKIN JUMP por escrito un cambio en su direccin. YOU ACCEPT THE SERVICES AS IS. The Program, membership therein, and all prizes, merchandise, sweepstakes, contests, products or services provided through the Program are provided and must be accepted on an as is and as available basis without warranties of any kind. El hecho de que SKY ZONE no insista en el cumplimiento estricto de cualquier disposicin de este Contrato en una o ms ocasiones no se considerar una renuncia ni privar a SKY ZONE del derecho a insistir en el cumplimiento estricto de esa disposicin o cualquier otra disposicin de este Contrato. ELIGIBILITY AND CONDITIONS: Each Member must have a photograph of him/herself associated with his/her liability waiver on file with SKY ZONE, for identification purposes. Failure by SKY ZONE to insist upon strict adherence to any provision of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not be considered a waiver or deprive SKY ZONE of the right to insist upon strict adherence to that provision or any other provision of this Agreement. BBB Business Profiles generally cover a three-year reporting period. 1 et seq. YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP AGREE THAT ANY DISPUTE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE PROGRAM IS PERSONAL TO YOU AND ROCKIN JUMP AND THAT SUCH DISPUTE WILL BE RESOLVED SOLELY THROUGH INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION AND WILL NOT BE BROUGHT AS A CLASS ARBITRATION, CLASS ACTION OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. All Rights Reserved. If the parties are unable to reach agreement within 30 days after commencement of the arbitration with the AAA, the arbitrator selection process identified in the AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules shall apply. You agree that, on the date of each automatic renewal, the then-current membership price, plus any then-applicable taxes, fees, and charges, will be charged to your payment method on file. CIERTOS TRMINOS DE MEMBRESA. 22. 21. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. 3. Pathetic!!!!! You understand that, if you do not want your membership to renew, you must cancel it at least twenty-five (25) days before the next automatic renewal date. By participating in the Program, you waive any and all rights to bring any claim or action related to your participation in the Program in any forum beyond one year after the first occurrence of the act, event, condition, or omission upon which the claim or action is based. Refunds will be processed within thirty (30) Operating Days of receipt of the cancellation notice by ROCKIN JUMP. NOTA: usted debe indicar a cada miembro cuya membresa desea cancelar; ROCKIN JUMP NO cancelar automticamente a todos los miembros de la lista; c. usted notificar de inmediato a ROCKIN JUMP sobre cualquier cambio en la informacin de su cuenta; e. usted entiende que ROCKIN JUMP no le cobrar una tarifa por autorizar pagos recurrentes, pero que su institucin financiera puede cobrarle una tarifa por aceptar y procesar transacciones de dbito electrnico; f. en caso de que se rechace la tarjeta de crdito proporcionada, usted otorga a ROCKIN JUMP el permiso para volver a enviar la tarjeta para el pago; y. g. usted entiende que tiene derecho a cancelar este Contrato utilizando el procedimiento descrito en la Seccin 5 anterior dentro de las setenta y dos (72) horas posteriores a la fecha de inicio de su membresa descrita anteriormente para recibir un reembolso completo de cualquier cuota prepagada pero no utilizada. Or at for the specific Location by enrolling in the Program you... 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