social studies note for jss2

Make sure your foods are properly cooked. Respect B. Injustice C. Honesty D. Self control. Rotten Foods: Foods that have lost its freshness and spoilt to the extent of growing mucous and changing original colour. Words can't describe how I feel. Values enable people to obey the rules and regulations of the country. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. Social Justice: We should treat people equally and fairly. Gauteng Week 3. Males are often the head of the family which means they dictate what is to be done. A Christian marriage normally takes place in the A. house of the bride B. in a big hall, Another name for Muslim marriage is A. Nikkah B. Mikkah C. Sukkah D. Kinnah, Court marriage takes place in the A. house of the bride B. house of the bridegroom, Polyandry refers to a marital relationship. Students preparing for examinations are found of taking kola-nut excessively to read all though the night, Poverty: Those who are not financially alright prefer self medicating to visiting hospital to consult medical doctor. Women are stereotyped as being caring, less rational, more prone to tears, more gentle, talking more and wanting to take care of children. Television, radio and newspapers. Islam: Islam is the religion revealed through Prophet Mohammed in the Arabian city of Mecca. KCSE FORM 3 NOTES Infested Foods: The foods which have been contaminated by houseflies or other animals. Mention and explain five types of marriage. Education of children: The family creates opportunity for the children to receive formal education by sending them to school and paying their school fees. Marriage vows are taken by the couple. Tuwo, Kunnu and Fura are popular foods among the A. Itsekins B. Nupes C. Igbiras, The following are qualities of a rotten food except A. growing mucous B. changing original colour C. it smells D. retains its original colour. What are the roles of government agencies that fight corruption? The Efik people call God Abasi or Edidem. Gender stereotypes refer to forcing people into role based on gender. All religious institutions forbid lying, stealing, adultery and murder. Gender stereotyping is unfair since male and female are human beings. The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. Identify the necessary conditions for marriage. 4.8. Please check through the topics down and be sure it conform with the scheme you are using. Peer Group: Children learn from their peers. - Importance of Science and Technology. List and explain three forms of corruption. Embezzlement of funds: Embezzlement is an act of diverting money meant for official use to private or personal use e.g. Members of the family cooperate with one another and also share. Individuals acquire values through the agents of socialization. A. television B. market C. parents D. educational curriculum. The Yorubas call God Olodumare or Olorun. Separation: Separation in marriage is when the couple is no longer living together. A. stool B. acid C. tables D. hydrogen, All the following items are found in the first aid box in the school except A. plaster B. iodine C. Panadol D. acid. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. KCSE FORM 2 NOTES The media in the course of passing information and through entertainment moulds and shapes the behaviours of children and the youths. All religious institutions in the world require their members to submit totally to the will of God. People will like to associate with families that have good reputation. Polyandry: This refers to a marital relationship between a woman and more than one husband. One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. by. Marriage between people from the same ethnic group is known as ________ marriage A. Nikkah B. polyandry C. inter ethnic D. intra ethnic. Welcome! Family with good reputation can present one with social. Respect: Treating everyone including yourself with dignity and respect. In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. It is conducted by a Muslim Priest in the house of the bride or Mosque. What do you understand by drug trafficking? Downloads. gives you access to Lesson plan, Lesson notes, Scheme of work, Exam Questions, Test Questions in all subject, topics for Primary School and Secondary School. They aid in the systematic presentation of content to students and guide Social Studies . Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. If you have any questions as regards Social Studies lesson note For JSS2 class, kindly send them to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly as usual. Values enable us to choose friends that share the same values. Bribery: it is an act of inducing someone by using monetary and non-monetary means to secure favour. In traditional society, marrying many wives gives the man a high status. According to the bible, marriage was the first institution ordained by God. To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for Social Studies spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. Self control: Being able to control your own actions. It is conducted by a Muslim Priest in the house of the bride or Mosque. His followers are called Christians and they believe he is the son of God who came to the world to serve mankind. Apart from the genitals, they have similar body parts. NDLEA. School: The schools inculcate values in the children and students. It is marriage that joins a man and a woman to become husband and wife. Both men and women have the same rights under the law e.g. Harmful substances are also contaminated food, drinks and drugs that destroy the body. People will like to marry from families that have good reputation. Introduction of civic and moral instructions. Family bond and cohesion . Value clarifications serve as a guide to achieve set goals in life. Advantages of Living Together in the Family. A nuclear family consists of a man, his wife and their children, while an extended family is made up of a man, his wife or wives, children and other relations like cousin, nephews, grandparents etc. The following are gender similarities except A. males and females have the same genitals B. the essential needs of both males and females are the same C. they both go through puberty and romantic feelings D. they can play different games. Mention three reasons for group behaviour. Divorce: Divorce occurs when the marriage has been dissolved with a legal document backing up the separation. What are the roles and responsibilities of the mother? Students should be able to: This lesson note covers the following topics for JSS2 Third Term Social Studies: TOPIC. Family with good reputation can present one with social advantages in life. English Notes Peer Group: Children learn from their peers. SEE ALSO JSS1 Second Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Safety Clubs as an Agent of Socialization; Structure and Process of Forming Road Safety Club in Schools. women carry pregnancy C. women breastfeed D. women do manual jobs. It kills talents and discourages creativity. and it is physical because he makes use of things around him like land, air, rivers, plant, animals etc. For instance, the roles of males and females in child bearing are determined by nature. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Corruption simply refers to the act of using ones position for an unofficial or personal benefits or advantages. All religious institutions in the world require their members to submit totally to the will of God. Simplified Social Studies book 2 by Yusuf R.A. Lessons. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Your email address will not be published. zimsec o level geography form 4 Reading Assignment: Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. The Edo people call God Osanobwa. The Edo people call God Osanobwa. Boys scout C. Girls brigade D. Nigerian Labour Congress. Gender roles are taught from the birth to death. Marriage is the legal coming together of a man and a woman as husband and wife. i. ICPC ii. Mention the names we call God in different communities in. The media in the course of passing information and through entertainment moulds and shapes the behaviours of children and the youths. Science, Technology and Society I. - Meaning of Science and Technology. Complete Mathematics for Kenyan High Schools In our Social Studies lesson today, we will be looking at the topic "Leadership And Followership". Values promote peace and progress of the society. You can get access to this lesson note as well as every other lesson notes on this website and that is all Secondary school lesson notes for all subjects from JSS1 - SS3, (first, second & third term) as an EduPodia Premium member. Values clarifications help us to become the kind of person we want to be and live the kind of life we want to live. Barreness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. It allows the husband and the wife to assist each other. Careless usage of chemicals in the school laboratories will causes accident in the school, Exposed live electricity cables or wire will cause accident in the school, Students playing rough plays and running on the staircase will cause accident in the school, Student climbing trees in the school will cause accident in the school. Radio, television and newspapers tend to have both positive and negative influence on children and youths. Tuwo, Kunnu and Fura are popular foods among the A. Itsekins B. Nupes C. Igbiras, The following are qualities of a rotten food except A. growing mucous B. changing original colour C. it smells D. retains its original colour. Social Studies lesson note for Junior Secondary School-2 Third Term is now available for free. Mention and explain five types of marriage. All the following are stale foods except A. food that have lost its freshness B. food that is dry C. food that is still fresh D. food that is old. Muslims believe that there is only one God and Mohammed is the messenger. These agents of socialization are sources of values. What are the steps to take when accident occur in the school? Close and intimate relationship is a feature of A. What are the effects of crime on the society? A personalized learning resource for all ages Marriage is contracted between those who are not closely related. Separation: Separation in marriage is when the couple is no longer living together. Mention five advantages of living together in the family. List and explain the various types of religions institutions. Religion: The churches and mosques teach values. Students should not play with dangerous instruments such as cutlass, knife, blade, chemicals etc. Gender stereotyping is unfair since male and female are human beings. What are the roles and responsibilities of the father? . Marriage provides a framework for the raising and training of the children. Your email address will not be published. God created plants, animals and later created Adam and Eve as husband and wife and kept them at the Garden of Eden. Marriage is for companionship between husband and wife. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A. With our Social Studies lesson notes JSS1, JSS2 and JSS3, you don't have to worry about a lack of material for teaching. Association of Pharmacists C. National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control D. Drug Hawkers of Nigeria. Identify four dangers of drug trafficking. Each family inquires into the family background of the other to know if the family is well mannered and does not suffer from any incurable diseases. Marriage unites the families of both husband and the wife together. What is the full meaning of the following? Each family inquires into the family background of the other to know if the family is well mannered and does not suffer from any incurable diseases. Males are stereotyped as being uncaring, more rational, strong, brave, rough, staying away from home and being more interested in sports. Expired Foods, Drugs or Drinks: They are items that have stayed longer than their consumable periods. Suggest ways of preventing accidents in the school. Religious institutions teach their members to believe that God can help them in times of trouble. Value promote positive relationship among different people. Monogamy: This refers to a marital relationship between a man and a woman i.e one husband and a wife. Mention the importance of good family reputation. There is cooperation in the family. Macmillan JSS Social Studies book 2 by M.A Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya Mention 5 ways of preventing drug trafficking. JSS 1. Both males and females have equal values. Which of the following does not belong? Values clarifications serve as a guide in our relationship with other people. You can download the lesson notes PDF/Docx to your device. We should hate people C. We should dislike others D. We should always punish others. b. Women are not supposed to propose marriages. Bareness: This is when the wife could not give birth to children. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. It is delivered in PDF format or MS-Word format Buy Now *or request via whatsapp Satisfaction Guaranteed Pouring water on the floor will make the floor to become slippery, thereby causing accident. Effects of Lack of Readiness on Marriage Relationship, Similarities and Differences Between Male and Female, Meaning and Examples of Gender Stereotypes, Negative Effects of Gender Roles/Stereotypes, Ways of Preventing Intake of Harmful Substances. Members of the family with good reputation serve as role models to other families. These are the nuclear and the extended family. Safety instructions should be provided in the school and strictly followed by everybody. The essential needs of males and females are food, clothing and shelter. This lesson note covers all the topics in JS2 SOCIAL STUDIES (Third Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. Gender roles refer to the behaviours considered appropriate for males or females in a culture or society. MEANING AND EXAMPLES OF GENDER STEREOTYPES. List and explain the types of corruption. Do have a great moment studying with us! Honesty: Telling the truth, that is, meaning of what you say. Voluntary organizations include the following except A. It helps us develop critical thinking abilities. What is the full meaning of the following?i. Price: 1000 500 This lesson note covers all the topics in JS2 SOCIAL STUDIES (First Term) and serves as a reference material to help teachers draw out their lesson plan easier, saving you valuable time to focus on the core job of teaching. Required fields are marked *. When people break these stereotypes, they are sometimes forced by their culture to accept them or be ostracized by their communities. Social Studies for Junior Secondary School by Anlepo, Mohammed Ezegbe and Salau. This Social Studies lesson note serves as a handy reminder of the objectives, content, activities, and teaching aids of a lesson. African Traditional Religion. Women are not supposed to propose a marriage. some professions are regarded specially for females e.g. Some professions are regarded as exclusive career for males. Changes in gender roles could be as a result of religion, politics, economic conditions, laws and education. Marriage is an important means of reproducing man in the society. Provision of basic needs: The family is responsible for the provision of basic needs like food, clothes and shelter for the children. A family with good reputation is trusted by the society. Marriage gives security to the woman and the children. Infidelity: Extra marital relationship by either of the couple can cause misunderstanding and divorce. Ways of Preventing Intake of Harmful Substances, Suggest ways of preventing intake of harmful substances. JSS2 Third Term Social Studies Lesson Note - Assertiveness. School C. Hospital D. Mass media. A family is formed when a man and a woman through marriage agree to live together as husband and wife. Revision of JSS1 work 2. Values are also defined as the degree of importance an individual attaches to a particular thing. Unity: Living together in the family promotes the spirit of unity among members of the family. Business Education Physics Topical Question and Answers Stale Food: The food which has lost its freshness or becomes old and dry. Women should raise the children since they carry and deliver the babies. The husband should love the wife and the children and the wife is expected to submit totally to the husband. Your email address will not be published. PHYSICS NOTES 03 Drug trafficking V. 04 Roles of extended family. Christianity: Christianity is a religion that teaches about Jesus Christ. *, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Agriculture They encourage their members to live holy life while on earth so that they will return to God in heaven after death. Say the meaning of servicom; 2. 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