swansea council blue badge

All relevant evidence presented as part of an application for a Blue Badge, must be considered fully and as part of the Blue Badge assessment process. In cases where a badge holder lets a third party use their badge, the local authority can seek to withdraw the badge, but only after a relevant conviction. A replacement badge is valid until the expiry date of the The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 allows civil enforcement officers to retain a badge which is suspected of being abused or misused. If the applicant has lost their HRMCDLA award or uprating letter, then they can be advised to contact the Disability Service Centre for a current award letter. hospital re-enablement teams involved in patient care, local authority social services who assist in patients rehabilitation, health professionals providing specialist services, and these may be paid for privately or, the Independent Assessment Services (IAS) funded by Welsh Government, A good indicator is if the applicant is undertaking a course of rehabilitative therapy, for instance physiotherapy, then the application will merit further assessment by IAS. We use cookies to collect anonymous data to help us improve your site browsing This new evidence should then be considered by the Blue Badge Team or case officer and if the application is rejected again, a further explanation of the decision should be provided. 11. See regulation 8(3) of the 2000 regulations. This consent should be asked for in the Declaration section of the Blue Badge application form. An applicant with the above award and certification will have an award letter from theService Personnel and Veterans Agency confirming that they are in receipt of the appropriate award and any qualifying criteria with regards to mobility. Has a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. Read more information about Blue Badge eligibility. Where a badge has been issued by a different authority, enforcement teams can ask their local authority to check the status of that badge with the relevant authority. In the majority of cases there is no statutory appeal process after the local authority has decided to turn down an application (Footnote 9). Support may be available from Citizens Advice, British Red Cross, Age UK, Shaw Trust or you can contact SCVS for details of other support organisations. a condition that is likely to last for the duration of a persons life) that means they cannot walk, or means they have very considerable difficulty walking. The BBDS, provided by Valtech Ltd includes: Local authorities have instant access to details on Blue Badge holders from anywhere in Great Britain, not just in their local authority area. This will go some way to recouping costs of enforcement, and will also serve as an immediate consequence to the motorist. Good practice has been established whereby a badge is issued if their application is supported by MacMillan, Tenovus or relevant health specialist (such as a hospice worker, occupational therapist or welfare benefit advisor) that support people in these circumstances. Changing or handing back a Blue Badge. 15. These conditions, such as multiple sclerosis may improve temporarily but the prognosis for the condition is permanent and degenerative. An applicant receiving the WPMS will have an award letter from Veterans UK. Those who abuse or misuse the Blue Badge scheme may find it easy to convince themselves that no one really suffers as a consequence of the abuse or misuse, or that it is acceptable because everyone does it. out of date or the badge holder is no longer eligible), using a badge that has been reported as lost or stolen, letting a friend or relative use the badge, altering the details on the badge, for example, the expiry date and, making a fraudulent application (e.g. Local authorities may have arrangements in place to access information from health providers, or the applicant may have evidence of mobility services they have accessed in the last 12 months from: Other sources of evidence should also be considered to provide a full overview of the applicant and their difficulties and limitations in the community or when completing day to day activities. The disability must last at least 12 months, In these cases Welsh Government recommends that the application is assessed by the Independent Assessment Service, to determine if the applicant meets the mobility and the time criteria, Drives a vehicle regularly, has a disability in both arms and is unable to operate, or has considerable difficulty in operating, all or some types of parking equipment. it has been stolen or forged or is being used by someone who is not the true holder). Note: Your feedback will help us make improvements on this site. A Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. Further information may be required from time to time. If documents are provided as certified photocopies they should include the text: This copy is a true likeness of the original alongside the signature; printed name and occupation of the person providing certification. This section sets out some of the more prevalent forms of abuse and misuse of the Scheme, as well as some of the actions local authorities can take to combat this. When a badge is retained in scenarios (a)-(c) above we would expect the local authority to destroy it in due course, as it would no longer be valid (if the authority recovering the badge is not the badge-issuing authority, we would suggest they liaise with the issuing authority in this respect). It allows public sector workers to share good practices, ideas and practical tips: bbds-uk-gov.slack.com. The badge remains the legal property of the issuing local authority, so it is unlawful for someone else to sell a badge. We would also encourage issuing authorities to work closely with their enforcement authorities and act on information supplied by enforcement officers. (In summary if a badge has been refused following a conviction.). a person with a serious illness where the treatment may be debilitating, for example treatment for cancer; a person with severe functional leg impairments who is awaiting or who has undergone joint replacement (e.g. This non-statutory guidance has been prepared by the Welsh Government to assist local authorities in administrating the Blue Badge Scheme. The local authority may wish to contact the certifying person where deemed necessary. However, when a valid badge is retained under (d) above it should normally be returned to the holder. A person can be prosecuted under this section and receive a fine of up to 1,000 where: A person can be prosecuted under this section and receive up to a 5,000 fine and up to two years in prison if they: A Blue Badge holder can be prosecuted under this section and receive a fine of up to 1,000 if they contravene any parking provision of a road traffic order and also: The Police can seize a badge under section 19 if the officer believes that it has been obtained in consequence of a commission of an offence (e.g. Local authorities will need to ensure that they check the BBDS for any applications received through GOV.UK. They blow oxygen-enriched air gently into the lungs through a tube that is passed through the mouth or nose, or via a tracheostomy, Suction machines: are portable suction apparatus used for aspirating fluids and vomit from the mouth and airway by sucking the material through a catheter into a bottle using a vacuum pump (piston, diaphragm, or rotary vane), bacterial filter, vacuum gauge, trap for moisture (or any debris accidentally drawn into the mechanism), a reservoir for the aspirated material, and a suction catheter or nozzle, Feed pumps: deliver fluid feeds via nasogastric tube to the childs stomach, Parenteral equipment: services intravenous lines providing nutrition if a child is unable to take food or fluids through his or her mouth. Ensuring all successful applicants are properly informed of - and understand - what they can and cannot do with a badge (and when / how it should be returned to the issuing authority) is likely to reduce the chances of accidental misuse occurring and avoid disputes. If this evidence is not available then it is recommended that the local authority accept a benefit award letter. Blue Badges are not renewed automatically and your eligibility will be checked again. The following is not an exhaustive list, but illustrates the most common ways in which badges can be abused or misused, from the minor to more serious transgressions: Local authorities should consider ways of preventing abuse and misuse of the scheme from the outset. This charge is at the discretion of the local authority. Blue Badges are free in Wales. In practice, the local authority should hold written documentary evidence of authorised officers and should ensure that all officers carry some form of identification authorising them to carry out inspections/badge retention. They should also be involved in any targeted enforcement activity: once a Blue Badge is seized, a PCN can be issued as the vehicle is illegally parked. in pay and display bays. Each applicant for an individual badge will be asked to supply a passport-size photograph to be scanned into the BBDS. You are not completely unable to walk, have considerable difficulty walking or have substantial impairment to mobility. Under this criteria the uprating letter will note how long HRMCDLA is awarded for. Typically this would be done to check the detailed information and the photograph of the badge holder on the back of the badge, in order to verify whether the badge is being used by the correct person. The rules under which badges are awarded are set by the Welsh Government. You appear to be using an unsupported browser, and it may not be able to display this site properly. It is important to promote this work and Communications colleagues should be involved at the earliest opportunity to ensure the council capitalises on this work. To qualify under this criteria an applicant must have a permanent and substantial disability (i.e. In these circumstances a badge would not only be necessary to that person for periods but will become increasingly essential. Guidance for local authorities on how to deliver the Blue Badge Scheme. Some Blue Badge applicants may be unhappy about the way the process has been conducted. Local authorities can refuse to issue a badge if they have reason to believe that the applicant is not who they claim to be. There are currently no formal reciprocal arrangements in place for disabled parking badges issued outside the UK. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel An example recall letter in these circumstances is provided at Annex E. The Tell Us Once system should be used to ensure that Blue Badges are cancelled as soon as possible after the badge holder dies. A shorter model application form has been provided for use in this type of case and the requirement for a photograph can be lifted. The formal notification required to register as severely sight impaired is a Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI(W)) signed by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. The Welsh Government advises people visiting the UK from non-EU countries that they should bring their parking badges with them and notify the local authority in the areas they intend to visit to see if their badge would be recognised, but emphasise that this is entirely at the discretion of the local authority. You do not have a terminal illness that seriously limits mobility. For example civil enforcement officers may use hand held Personal Digital Assistance type devices, or use the Global System for Mobile Communication network to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. You have received money under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme Tariff 1-8 (inclusive) and includes Permanent Mental Disorder under Tariff 6. Individual badge holders should not to be in possession of more than one badge because this would undermine the scheme and increase the opportunities for abuse. WebThe City and County of Swansea is a Council in Wales Here are some links which you may find useful. Please do not provide any personal information, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except for graphic assets and where otherwise stated, Report a lost, stolen or misused Blue Badge, which need face to face appointments or assessments, getting all the support you need to get around. It is for local authorities to decide which delivery system to use and whether the delivery address should be to the applicants home address or to a local authority office where it can be collected. the eligibility criteria, the fee that can be charged by local authorities for the issue, or reissue of a badge, the grounds for refusal to issue a badge and the grounds to withdraw a badge, the circumstances in which a badge should be returned to the issuing authority, Blue Badge Digital Service (BBDS) decision to refuse to issue or to withdraw a badge, the manner in which the badge should be displayed and, the concessions available nationally under the scheme to badge holders, secure printing, supply and distribution of a Blue Badge, a common store of key information on badges and badge holders to enable verification checks to be made quickly and easily, either from a PC or via smart phones or similar technology, a web-based management information system for local authorities, a national online application form available via GOV.UK, eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act, advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not and, foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not, full address, including postcode and photo of the applicant, organisation name (this must be less than 30 characters to appear on the badge), forename and surname of the contact for the organisation and full address including postcode, either an organisation logo or a reason for not supplying one, confirmation the organisation cares for eligible people, confirmation that the care includes transportation, civil partnership/dissolution certificate, understands the application process and has answered the questions honestly, understands that they will need to abide by the rules of the scheme, understands how the data provided will be used by the council and, where necessary, has given permission for data sharing in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulations, gives their consent for the release of medical and other information required for assessing eligibility, assessments undertaken by service providers within the local authority, 79: restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets, school Individual Development Plan or Additional Learning Provision statement, social worker, play specialist, teacher or teaching assistant, memory clinic/specialist nurse or therapist. Accordingly, their name and personal details will have changed. Therefore this discretionary criteria ensures that there is equitable access to the Blue Badge scheme for children aged between 3 and 16 and people over 65 years old. BBDS have several delivery arrangements including fast track delivery for applications from people with a special case terminally ill (for an additional cost). This will likely require evidence from consultants, specialists or therapists and this may be providedby. Apply online now on the gov.uk website. Local authorities may not wish to charge for replacement badges if there is evidence that the badge has been stolen, for instance where the badge holder has reported the theft to the police and provides the authority with a police incident number. The scheme is open to eligible people who may be travelling as a driver or a passenger. The social model of disability makes an important distinction between impairment and disability. When you are eligible for a Blue Badge. See regulation 6(4)9(c) of the 2000 regulations. In no circumstances should a badge be issued to an applicant who does not meet one of the eligibility criteria set out in the legislation that governs the scheme and badges should never be issued to people solely on the basis of their age. The Pavlik harness is made of canvas, with straps, Velcro and buckles. The vast majority of prosecutions, 97%, were for people who used someone elses blue badge. Making use of their specialist skills and resources can enable the enforcement operation to better target their attention, improving success rates. A local authority may refuse to issue a Blue Badge (Footnote 6)if: In these cases the refusal letter must clearly state the reasons the application has been turned down. The BBDS will enable quicker and easier verification checks by civil enforcement officers. When you apply you will need to provide a driving license coded with 40 (adapted steering) or 79 (vehicles with specifications). See regulation 8(2) of the 2000 regulations. Where local authorities perceive misuse of the Blue Badge by friends and family of the badge holder to be a significant problem, it is possible for them to obtain authorisation to carry out undercover surveillance under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (Footnote 19). Applicant is in receipt of Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA), An original HRMCDLA award letter dated within the last 12 months, Applicant is in receipt of War Pensioners Mobility Supplement, Applicant is in receipt of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (tariff 1-8), An original award letter, which also certifies that you have a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty walking, People awarded Tariff 6, - Permanent Mental Disorder of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, An original award letter which demonstrates that the applicant has been awarded tariff 6 - Permanent Mental Disorder under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, Applicant is registered as sight impaired under section 29(4)(g) of the National Assistance Act 1948, An ophthalmologist report or CV1/BD8 form confirming that the person is severely sight impaired (blind) or registration with local authority as sight impaired. Following any report of misuse, the Welsh Government suggests that a letter be sent to the badge holder informing them of the report of suspected misuse, reiterating their rights and responsibilities and the repercussions of abusing or misusing the badge. That is because the power to retain a badge is not the same thing as a power to permanently withdraw/confiscate a badge. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. emphysema, heart conditions, etc.) Appropriate declarations need to be incorporated into the Blue Badge application form in order to enable applicants to give their permission to the local authority to access existing records. Eligibility should be carefully considered to maximise the fairness and consistency of decision making on eligibility for a badge before it is issued. In the absence of any other proof, it is recommended that local authorities accept a utility bill. If the organisation uses a vehicle to transport disabled people who would normally get a badge themselves they may be able to get a Blue Badge for the organisation. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. The serious deterioration that occurs does not need to be permanent but it should require medical intervention for them to recover. Pain is subjective, and some people have higher pain thresholds than others. People with epilepsy will need to show (by providing healthcare professional evidence) that any fits were brought about by the effort required to walk. If they wish to appeal against their PIP award, then they should be directed to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Use our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. Indeed, the badge holder may not know the third party is using the badge. In these cases, the applicant may not have been made aware that they are terminally ill. Children under the age of three are eligible for a badge if they fall under either or both of the following criteria: Examples of children under the age of three likely to fall into the criterion mentioned in the first bullet point may be those who need to be accompanied at all times by any of the following types of equipment: Examples of children with highly unstable medical conditions who need quick access to transport to hospital or home and are likely to qualify under the criterion are set out below. You have a child under the age of three who has a medical condition which requires bulky medical equipment or needs to always be near a vehicle. Badge holders should be made aware that by continuing to use the badge in these circumstances they will be committing a criminal offence and be liable for a fine up to 1000. It is recommended that local authorities provide applicants or carers on behalf of an applicant with information on the scheme, in particular eligibility criteria, the application process and assessments. WebApplications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the gov.uk website. On the GOV.UK website the Blue Badge is included in a list of items about which a deceased individuals family may need to contact their local authority, as part of the process of registering the death. Local authorities will need to deal with these on a case by case basis. People with these conditions may be eligible for a badge, but only if they are in receipt of HRMCDLA on account of their condition or are unable to walk or have very considerable difficulty in walking, in addition to their condition. WebThe City and County of Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Dinas a Sir Abertawe), or simply Swansea Council (Welsh: Cyngor Abertawe), is the local authority for the city and county of Swansea, one of the principal areas of Wales.The principal area also includes rural areas to the north of the built-up area of Swansea and the Gower Peninsula to the BBDS has a system of reminder letters to badge holders when a Blue Badge is approaching its expiry date. Your local council processes your application. In such circumstances these applicants should be made aware of the local authoritys standard complaints procedure, in the same way that any other user of the local authoritys services would be informed of their right to complain. People who may be issued with a badge without further assessment are those who are more than two years old and fall within one or more of the automatic eligibility descriptions below. The evidence should indicate that the applicant is unable to walk or has considerable difficulty walking and is expected to experience these difficulties for 12 months or more. Impairment is the thing about the individual that is different, affecting their appearance or how they function and possibly causing difficulties such as pain or fatigue. Disability, by contrast is the disadvantage experienced by people with impairments as a result of the way the environment is constructed, the way in which a service is delivered or the attitudes of those providing services. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. In those circumstances, it is recommended that the photograph is certified by a person, other than a partner or family member of the applicant, who has known them for a minimum of two years and is 18 years or over. Local authorities can be flexible in how they use these powers, to address their own local circumstances and the specifics of each case. The applicant will need to provide healthcare professional evidence that, as a result of their permanent and substantial disability, they are unable to walk very far without experiencing severe difficulty. The BBDS system will facilitate this. Disabled people are not disabled by their impairments but by barriers and we need to remove those barriers to remove inequality. The scheme provides a national arrangement throughout the UK of on-street parking concessions for people who experience the greatest barriers to their mobility when seeking to access community based facilities. A local authority will need to ask the applicant to provide further evidence. and the evidence provided by the applicant. If you think you might have difficulty accessing the Civic Centre, please mention this to the Blue Badge team when you telephone, and we will tell you about the arrangements we have made to help you. It is for local authorities to make this judgement, based on their local knowledge of the organisation concerned. 4. It is also important to gather photographic evidence, including people in or getting out of the vehicle. You haven't used this form for a while - to protect your data, the form session will expire soon. Declarations can be used to confirm that the applicant: These declarations will also provide evidence in any enforcement action that may be taken if badges are issued because of inaccurate information being provided on the application form. We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age) to shop or visit other facilities within Swansea City Centre. There is no time limit set out in legislation on the period for which a local authority can refuse to issue a Blue Badge to an applicant. The key responsibility of local authorities is to ensure that badges are only issued to those applicants who meet the strict eligibility criteria set out in the relevant legislation. See regulation 8 of the 2000 regulations. This should be part of a training package which includes wider equality issues. Welsh Government recommends that where possible, evidence of a persons medical condition should be obtained from an independent healthcare professional, rather than the applicants own GP. However, it is recommended that where possible, organisations should provide local authorities with an electronic file of their logo. You will need to re-apply for a Blue They are also issued with an annual uprating letter, stating their entitlement. To summarise, the 2013 Act: The 2013 Act enables enforcement officers to inspect and retain a badge without police presence if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the badge: In using these powers, it is expected that enforcement officers take appropriate steps to establish reasonable grounds for retaining the badge. Some applicants may find it difficult to provide the appropriate documentation, so it is recommended that local authorities are more flexible in assessing the proof of identity of transgender people. They should produce appropriate evidence of authority when exercising their powers; otherwise there is no obligation on an individual to hand their badge to the enforcement officer. Particularly useful information provided as part of this free service is a home telephone number of the badge holder (where provided) and a copy of the photograph used on the badge. An applicant may have undergone a related functional assessment with a different council department or health provider and this should be checked when disclosed during an assessment. Ensuring that only eligible people are issued badges is the first step. Applicants who can walk more than 80 metres (87.5 yards) and do not demonstrate very considerable difficulty in walking through any other factors would not be deemed as eligible. Applicants must be made aware that in order to be issued with a badge they will need to provide evidence in support of their application. A utility bill the local authority will need to ensure that they check the BBDS any! Not renewed automatically and your eligibility will be asked to supply a passport-size photograph be! From Veterans UK is also important to gather photographic evidence, including people in or getting out of the concerned. Checked again how to deliver the Blue badge assist local authorities with an annual letter. 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