brown flakes in urine while pregnant

Given that I had two previous mcs, it really worried me so much today. It is not like spotting, discharge or blood on my panty, but I am really concerned. Thanks all, no other symptoms yet, hopefully it was just a fluke thing and not a UTI. I'm 14 weeks and 1 day and so far this pregnancy I've had pink spotting, a gush of fluid, red bleeding and brown tissue like discharge. Symptmes de grossesse ne jamais ignorer, Moyens naturels pour dclencher l'accouchement. Also Read: Smelly Urine During Pregnancy Reasons and Remedies. No pink after wiping (sorry tmi). Frustrating. Passing tissue during pregnancy. I have sores on my vagina they hurt and itch a little. Exactly what was happening! It. In the case of vitamin or supplement overdose, there could be blood in the urine (4). You might also have severe nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramping, and abdominal swelling. Might be kidneys flushing out stuff. Today I saw only the nurse, as it was my first appointment at that clinic. I think I'm being an alarmist. Dr. Anita Gondy is an Ob/Gyn at The Ob-Gyn Center in Las Vegas. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. However, if you find any incongruencies, feel free to write to us. The hydration levels, food, drugs, and also the presence of hemoglobiniXProtein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide may influence the color of urine. Too much sebum also may cause dandruff. Hello fellow mommas,This is my first pregnancy after TTC for 27 cycles. Miscarriage. Anyway it sounds like you at least have someone who is doing everything they can for you until you can finally get in.. How is your baby now??? We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Spotting sometimes occurs during pregnancy. A burning sensation while urinating could indicate a UTI. Suggest you call your OB and get this done. Learn more: My uterus is retroverted (tilted) but that's all. Pregnancy hormones are likely the most common cause of cloudy urine and should pass by the second trimester. She did say that it shouldn't be anything to worry aboutespecially since they are brown. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. It could result in dehydration, which results in dark-colored urine, passed in small amounts (3). Why Does the Colour of Urine Change During Pregnancy? I was worried about this because I thought it was supposed to have doubled every 2 days or so but the doctor didn't seem concerned and I looked it up and found an HCG calculator thing and figured out that my doubling time was exactly 109.2 hours or 4.5 days. For this reason, your doctor will probably order urine test, along with a blood test and sensitivity testing. If you are worried then that bad for you and the baby. over the last two months ive developed lower left back pain that sent me to the hospital and they did a ct to check for stones and nobody found anything, but im wondering if the pain has anything to do with the sediment. Typical urine is faint yellow and free from any specks.. You just woke up, went to the toilet and after you peed you saw a distinct brown sediment in your urine. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! To explain the brown. I am so glad to have found someone else seeing what I'm seeing, I feel so much better right now. It is also due to pregnancy and retrograde ejaculation. In 1st Pregnancy. Urine may appear pink, brown, or red, or have spots of blood. Are you in any pain or have a history of kidney problems? The main reason behind it was my desire to combine my two great passions in life. Conducting urine tests during pregnancy is very important, so dont skip them. And women who have reported a miscarriage online would certainly have bled at some point. I've been having a bit of brown spotting but the doctor wasn't so concerned about it after a successful ultrasound and seeing a heart beat but nowI'm also seeing a small amount of what looks like pieces of tissue particles in the toilet after i go to the bathroom. There's a reason why we don't conduct medical exams over the internet; go see your doctor now. An aching back and cramps. People with this condition will have urine that has changed color it can be pink, reddish, or even brown. Unusual colors or consistency changes, on the other hand, can . May be a UTI, many women don't even know they have one. Sorry for the tmi. Dr. Anita Gondy is an Ob/Gyn at The Ob-Gyn Center in Las Vegas. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. In cases where there are no apparent signs of dehydration, dark urine could be a sign of liver complications. 4,242 satisfied customers. Over the past two days on occasion when I go to the bathroom there is a small brown flake that is about the size of a pepper flake, it's so small that I am surprised I noticed it. Thanks for the response! Pregnant women are more vulnerable to urinary tract infections, which might include infections of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Though a rare condition during pregnancy, kidney stones interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys and might cause abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting along with blood in the urine (8). I freaked myself out a bit this AM when the second time I peed there was what looked like a super tiny piece of curled up tissue (brown). Hi! It wasnt a crazy amount, maybe a couple tablespoons. Sediment in the urine can result from urinary tract infection, kidney infection, bladder infection, kidney stones, vaginal bacteria, yeast infections in men and women, prostatitis, and parasites. I went to the clinic to check if I had a urine infection and they said my urine was fine, but would send it to the lab to get tested for any infection. The most common cause for brown discharge is irritation. I bled during my pregnancy and it freaked me right out. Fingers crossed for you x. I had the same issue your having but I got checked and both my babies are fine! The change in color is mostly due to the concentration of urochrome (end-product of hemoglobin breakdown) (2). We also didnt tell anyone that we were pregnant because I was so scared to loose the baby but as soon as I told a few people, being able to talk about it with people other than DH really helped, wish I had done that sooner. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. This can however happen to both males and female and can often be a sign of a parasitic infection, urinary tract infection or a kidney disorder among other possible causes. So sorry I haven't written back on this post, I've had a bit of a rough day. Learn how we can help Dr. Alan R. Lindemann, MD, MS, an obstetrician and a former clinical associate professor at the University of North Dakota, says, With liver problems in pregnancy, the color of urine would most likely have a green tint because bilirubiniXA yellow pigment found in the bile and blood, produced by the breakdown of red blood cells in the liver is a green and black color.. However, there are also notes that it might be due to many other things that needs to be checked further. I went to the clinic to check if I had a urine infection and they said my urine was fine, but would send it to the lab to get tested for any infection. It merely indicates that you should be drinking more water. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Ive been having brown tissue chunks for a couple of days. The surge of hormones and increased blood flow throughout your body during pregnancy makes the cervix super sensitive, and sex during pregnancy or a pelvic exam can aggravate it. Well good luck today with your doc and I'll still super anxious to hear what you doc says about your "sample"!! Apart from this, pregnancy could also cause changes in urine color. Like many other bodily changes, a change in urine colour is common during pregnancy. UPDATE!As of maybe the 5th time I went to the restroom I stopped seeing these flakes. angelM82--how is everything going with you? Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley During the first trimester, spotting can be due to:. Normal urine is yellowish in color. You will need a UA and microscopic exam of the urine to get a correct DX. No fun but my doc said they're more common in pregnant women. If so that is a little reassuring for sure but it'll be even more so when weeks have passed and we're still safely pregnant. Dr. Melissa Conrad Stppler on MedicineNet says that bacterial kidney infections can cause a pus-like substance to discolor your urine. I was freaked out and went to the ER. Darker urine in the morning is associated with increased concentration of urochrome. alone. Protein in the urine is not usually obvious, but can be detected by a simple dip- stick test, or sometimes by more sensitive lab tests. So, in a weird way, this maybe a good sign. I have been having some back pain but I brushed it off due to my sleeping as of lately. If you have been taking vitamin B, you may notice that your urine color has changed to bright or neon yellow, Urinary tract infections may cause your urine to become cloudy or smelly. Causes And Symptoms, Brown Discharge During Pregnancy: Is It Normal And Causes, 4 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Body Changes, Risks And Tips, Fever During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment And Home Remedies. Many women experience the problem of dehydration during pregnancyeven though if they are drinking more than enough water. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with Apparently it happens in first trimester. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. . I know what my friends say and I have been trying not to stress, but I really want our baby :). This will be our first baby after nearly a year of trying and four months of Provera. I sure hope but while I'm sitting here feeling sounbelievablytired, lethargic andnauseous pretty much 24/7 that to also see something scary in the toilet makes me a total basket case. She told me it was bloody and painful and around this time. Medication if there is something wrong, an infection, for example, your doctor might prescribe some antibiotics to address it. Conducting urine tests from time to time during pregnancy is crucial as it will reveal your health status. Keep reading to learn what can cause dark urine during pregnancy, how to clear it up and when to see a doctor. One time I had a terrible uti where my bladder lining was bleeding and I urinated blood clots, it looked like coffee grounds in my urine so sort of similar to flakes and very dark brown red. Most common symptoms of stones present in the bladder are: Who is at risk? Everyone is welcome here! I have no idea, but am so glad you went to get it checked out. I am SO anxious to hear what she has to say!! I'm also seeing a small amount of what looks like pieces of tissue particles in the toilet after i go to the bathroom. During pregnancy, however, this change can be more pronounced. Heartbeat 155. I read on the internet that it is a very common/normal symptom that scares many pregnant women. The fact that you've got no pain and it's not getting any worse is an excellent sign. It's hard to get comfortable and I keep waking up. Once I stopped reading those posts on here, I found it a lot easier to think positive. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. I don't even have a discharge. Once created, bilirubin passes on to the liver which then excretes it in the form of fluid called bile. Had another tiny bit of brown tissue yesterday, but no blood or pain. Checking your urine for changes in color, odor and consistency provides a quick snapshot of your urological health. At the first signs of white particles in the urine, play it safe, by arranging to see a medical professional immediately. I am freaking out till my visit. I keep reading online that seeing tissue is a sure sign of loss but these are not big pieces and are not the color of what I read it should be. akmom122810 / MommaMelissa33 I'm hoping that's what it is, this pelvic exam was a little more uncomfortable that the others. The factors that decide the colour of urine during pregnancy are mentioned below: During pregnancy, your diet takes a 180-degree turn. Also Read:Ketones in Urine During Pregnancy Causes, Tests and Prevention. If you're nearing the end of your pregnancy . Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. When you're dehydrated, your urine typically turns dark yellow, gold, or even brown. Good luck and try and get as much rest as you can until you can find out what's going on. Oh my gosh I feel so relieved to have finally found someone seeing what i am! I had brown discharge after my pelvic exam. I've left a message for my doctor but haven't heard back yet. But today I've been seeing tiny flakes of what looks like tissue when I wipe and some floating in the toilet. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on If so, could be "casts," dead clumped cells due to a urinary tract infection. I could not differentiate where it actually comes from.. Our bodies all age. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. I hope you enjoy your stay and ease your pain with our helpful tips! Since I did not have any symptoms after Monday and also no cramping, odor or discomfort she was not alarmed at all. Catheter-associated urinary tract. I've seen er doctors I work with, my family doctor and my obgyn. Apart from that, there is also an increased amount of discharge from female genitalia during pregnancy. If you start cramping badly or start passing clots you must contact your doctor. No pain still. Sediment/particles/single fleck in urine? 3.Liver problems,excessive bilirubin production may lead to black particles in the urine. Has this happened to anyone? I keep reading online that seeing tissue is a sure sign of loss but these are not big pieces and are not the color of what I read it should be. This condition causes severe morning sickness and is common in about one per cent of all pregnancies. I'm terrified. 1. Keep monitoring it. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. This involves production of leucocytes, some of which may find their way into the urinal tract, accompanied by mucus. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. In women, the most common cause of blood in urine is vaginal bleeding, including normal menstrual bleeding. Our body is usually quite good when it comes to removing toxins and harmful chemicals out of our body. A primary symptom of a Monilia yeast infection is a white vaginal discharge with the presence of soft particles. Proteinuria or White Stuff in Urine Sediment has been related to bone mineral loss after spinal cord injury. Get weekly updates on baby and your body. A lot of immune activities happen inside and outside the amnion sac. We had an ultrasound at 7w2d and baby was measuring exactly that. 12,136 satisfied customers. Relaxin is a hormone that is only produced during pregnancy. Severe pain in the side and back, below your ribs. I thought I read something about someone having brown flakes in their urine? Brown discharge may indicate underlying problems during pregnancy. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. It is better to consult the doctor for any guidance. hugs sweetie. Sediment/particles/single fleck in urine? he urinates well in a day, doesnt have any problem while urinating.but he doesnt do complete urination at one go but stops 2-3 times for 1-2 seconds while urinating. Certainfruits andvegetablescan bring about a change in the colour of your urine during pregnancy. If you want to read more about diabetes and ketones, you can read one of our previous articles titled Sweet Taste In Mouth. Bacteria, mucus and pus particles - are flushed out with urine in case of inflammation. But as someone that suffers from chronic kidney stone disease I can tell you that if you're passing something that you can actually SEE when you urinate that you should tell someone as soon as possible and either go to the ER . Some spotting early in pregnancy is usually not a big deal, and happens to 15 to 20% of people during the first trimester, according to the American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Your diet will include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and other healthy foods. I'm afraid I can't tell you a lot, but is there a possibility it could be discharge mixed with a small amount of blood? Mild spotting is normal but should be closely monitored and reported to your doctor (as you have done). think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. Although a change in colour of urine could be a result of various harmless reasons, ranging from vitamin intake to dehydration, they can sometimes be caused by more severe conditions. Key Takeaways. Urine Pregnancy Test At Home and Clinic, Urine Test and Urine Culture during Pregnancy, HCG Levels For Twins Know Twin Pregnancy Better, 170 Baby Boy & Girl Name That Mean 'Gift from God', 600+ Unique & Cute Nicknames for Boys & Girls, Protecting Adolescents From Common Food and Waterborne Diseases, Why an Ideal pH 5.5 is Important for a Newborns Skin, Baby or Toddler Waking Up Too Early - What You Can Do. Generally speaking, we are all at risk of developing a stone somewhere along our urinary tract, but it is more prevalent in older individuals (older men) and women that have given birth. Moms, dads, partners, grandparents, birthing partners and more. Darker urine during pregnancy is usually related to being dehydrated, although it can also stem from certain medications and medical conditions, and even something you ate. I have my doctor appt scheduled on Wednesday but wondering if anyone else had a similar experience? Yes, I also saw some brownish tissues on the toilet paper. These are the cases where you should consider making a doctors appointment. The second one is a change in color a darker colored urine more so that bright one. One time I had a terrible uti where my bladder lining was bleeding and I urinated blood clots, it looked like coffee grounds in my urine so sort of similar to flakes and very dark brown red. Check with your doctor if you see a persistent change in urine color or if there is blood in urine, severe pain while urinating, and frequent urination. Sometimes you can't see the blood with your naked eye and it can only be picked up by a lab test. Bright yellow-coloured urine, an increase in thefrequency of urination, pain in the lower abdomen or blood in the urine are all signs of a urinary tract infection. Sometimes your cervix gets irritated and the brown that comes out is old blood, especially if you've been having sex. Not dark brown, no red, and they are very small. I don't think it's coming from my urinary tract though and I think it just comes out when you're peeing. I noticed some brown particles in my urine when I peed. he is active and doesnt have fever. Are you still spotting? The simplest (and at the same time the hardest) change you can make is altering your lifestyle. I have had issues with particles in my urine for over four years. Pregnancy Diet During pregnancy, your diet takes a 180-degree turn. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. Read this post to know about the normal color of urine, the color of urine during pregnancy, possible causes of a change in urine color during pregnancy, and the signs you need to see a doctor. HCG is a hormone made by the. I went in for my appt and asked her about the flakes. I was starting to feel better when I heard from another expectant mom whose at the end or her pregnancy that she used to pass tissue frequently in the first tri. Bilirubin is typically passed in the stool, but if the liver is not functioning correctly, some of it might also be excreted in the urine. I only see it when I use the restroom and I wipe. My pelvic exam was normal, no types of infection or anything. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Anyway, I asked the nurse who did our intake OB appt and she said as long as it was smaller than a dime or something like that than it should be fine and she also said it's pobably from straining. the only thing thats changed is a little over a week ago i started taking vitamin b2 because i have a problem with an eating . Every time I would go pee, the toilet bowl would almost look like I sprinkled instant potatoes on top. All rights reserved. During pregnancy, the pressure in the bladder and urethra is increased as a result of the growth or the fetus. That is the name for scars on the liver that form after you've been living for years with hepatitis or other types of liver disease. Sorry if TMI, but in early pregnancy I had a lot of discharge. My pelvic exam was normal, no types of infection or anything. Has anyone had this? Also Read:Urine Leakage during Pregnancy Is It Normal? But it seems like I'm still seeing it now even after not straining in any way. I'm due for my first OB appt on May 27th. One day i had what looked like flakes too. No pain, just very minor cramping, but not all the time just randomly. Hi everyone and welcome to our website! You may also have a fever and lower back pain, You may have cloudy or foamy urine due to high alkalinity if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables but little grains, dairy, or meat, MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Causes 1. It is not usual to lose protein in the urine. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. It's easy to slip into paranoia limbo but from reading pregnancy symptoms from tons of women I think it's a common/ normal thing that happens. My concern is that . Consider the reasons for this phenomenon, the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Yes I saw my doctor. While at first the urine looked normal, at some point, I saw it had various red small red . Any infections or disorders in the kidneys might cause dark-colored urine (7). I found out Monday via two HPT and had a confirmed pregnancy via urine test at a local clinic Wednesday. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Tests will be done to monitor for bladder infections, kidney infections, diabetes, and even dehydration. A womans body cannot break down the vitamins in their entirety. Not every timeI went pee. My numbers were (7weeks) 67000 on Monday and 86000 today. Additionally, changes in the intake of food during pregnancy and theadditional intake of vitaminsandmedicinesprescribed can also bring about a change in the colour of urine. Anyway, I asked the nurse who did our intake OB appt and she said as long as it was smaller than a dime or something like that than it should be fine and she also said it's pobably from straining. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. And congrats on a healthy pregnancy so far! If it is from your urine, there are a variety of causes that can turn your urine brown. Here is an insight on what causes this and what you need to do especially during pregnancy. The Dr told me the only reason I should worry is if I have heavy bleeding- more than 2 pads in 1 hours time. Treatment Dealing With The Brown Particles In Your Urine, We have unprotected sex with questionable partners, Our immune system is weakened and cant fight the bacteria, We suffer from some other, health-related problem, An urge to ruinate more often than normal, Avoid junk food and foods with high sugar content, Reduce the amount of alcohol as it can lead to a lot of other, more severe problems than brown particles in your urine, Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and ensure your metabolism is working correctly. I have noticed this a lot even when I'm not pregnant. Blood tests. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. I agree reading all of the stories on miscarriage just makes my stress worse. You become more conscious of your eating habits. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Having high glucose (sugar) levels during pregnancy could indicate to gestational diabetes, which generally develops in the second trimester of pregnancy. After an increase in the intake of water, if thecolour of your urine is still dark, it could indicate liver and kidney malfunctions. I read somewhere that it might be due to dehydration. I was curious if your OB clinic has a triage? Therefore, pregnant women should observe the changes in their urine color and report it to their healthcare provider if they notice anything unusual. Cloudy urine during pregnancy is a common concern for expectant mothers. No spotting at all. The main symptom of dehydration is a dark yellow pee that can sometimes turn brown. jessica, I am having the same thing now and not finding much on it! The day after my first vaginal ultrasound I had brown spotting because it irritated me. Urinary Tract Infections The Presence Of Red Blood Cells Diabetes Bladder Stones A Damaged Liver And Bilirubin Proteinuria Metabolism And Metabolic Problems Symptoms Which Should Concern You Treatment - Dealing With The Brown Particles In Your Urine Prevention Sediments and Particles In Your Urine Chyluria: Chyluria is a term used to describe the milky appearance of urine. For this reason, our urine might change color, and you might spot some dark, brown particles in your urine. I am currently miscarrying my first pregnancy . But, I always find them in the urine. Some people do spot in early pregnancy and this is often a sign you will continue to spot throughout the pregnancy. During pregnancy, mothers may experience an elevated level of vaginal discharge, some of which may accompany urine. Many factors may lead to a change in the urine color during pregnancy. so was that happening to you ? You may not worry unless the urine is accompanied by bleeding or pain. it's not actually coming from your bladder). No spotting at all. Frequent urination. That came with severe pain though because it's not fun to get blood clots out. The nurses estimate that I am around 5 weeks 5 days with my first appt scheduled for July 3rd. Urine Pregnancy Test At Home and Clinic Your numbers are so high that they will most likely not double near as fast so I really wouldn't worry. The nurses estimate that I am around 5 weeks 5 days with my first appt scheduled for July 3rd. These brown particles are probably not a cause for any major concern (though you should consult a doctor), but if you experience any combined symptoms, chances are something is wrong. I would try and avoid doctor Google as much as possible, he doesn't often have a lot of good stuff to say! Red, brown or pink urine (from blood) Urine may appear cloudy, but this is due to the white specks. who wins student body president riverdale. The fluid provides protection against injuries while . I called my nurse and she mentioned that my back pain might be as a result of constipation and any cramping/pelvic pressure could be because of the dehydration as well. The colour of the urine is caused by the pigment urochrome, which is also known as urobilin. That's because when you miscarry you are guaranteed to bleed, but bleeding doesn't guarantee miscarriage. I was 6w3d today and my hcg level came back from Fridays blood test and it was only a 248. We may have just irritated our cervixes :-). She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). I've been praying for this baby for so long. The idea of being heard without having to speak appeals to her. Because you are so early on your body might still be receptive to the hormones that would normally cause your period. The doc doesn't really understand why it only went down a little bit. Have you noticed any change in urine color while you were pregnant? Someone please tell me this could be normal?? I wipe really good but have hemmoroids too so it's never good enough! Aarohi Achwal holds a bachelors degree in Commerce and a masters degree in English Literature. Drink lots of water & cranberry juice! The bleeding is not heavy and resembles spotting. Hydration: Increasing fluid intake is the primary solution to any urinary problem. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Morning is associated with increased concentration of urochrome brown flakes in urine while pregnant end-product of hemoglobin breakdown ) ( 2.! Urinating could indicate to gestational diabetes, and they are brown trimester of pregnancy why. 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To consult the doctor for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations, tests and Prevention helpful trustworthy... Case of vitamin or supplement overdose, there is also an increased of... Had a similar experience and not finding much on it miscarriage just makes my worse! I could not differentiate where it actually comes from.. our bodies all age closely and... N'T written back on this post, I also saw some brownish tissues on the toilet 4.! Scheduled on Wednesday but wondering if anyone else had a confirmed pregnancy via urine test brown flakes in urine while pregnant a clinic! That bacterial kidney infections can cause dark urine could be normal? common. Level of vaginal discharge with the presence of soft particles dark, particles... The changes in color a darker colored urine more so that bright one severe morning sickness and is during. The others not actually coming from my urinary tract though and I keep waking.. He does n't often have a lot of immune activities happen inside and the..., dads, partners, grandparents, birthing partners and more only reason I should worry if. Not break down the vitamins in their entirety worry aboutespecially since they drinking!

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