did father anthony mary leave ewtn

Dear Fr. I hope my family and l can say Hes back. Please Lord restore his health we miss you Fr. Sure do miss seeing you father Anthony, best wishes for health. I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. To be honest, Im a bit of a lapsed Catholic but when I am with my mother-in-law I always watched Mass with her and when Father Anthony was giving the Homily, I would really be glued to the screen. I hope you are feeling stronger everyday! I look & pray to see you at the EWTN Masses. Chaque jour, aprs la prire saint Mchel et le chapelet, jattends avec impatience vos admirables homelies,. Anthony from the EWTN Mass. We miss you so much Fr. I pray for a speedy recovery. Dear Father Anthony: Hope you are feeling better. And we missed your presence at the beautiful Mass today. If, his health permits, perhaps, he could celebrate Mass on EWTN on a limited basis, during special holidays. Thank you for the update on Fr. I thought we were reassigned to some new post Thanks for all you do.it does make a difference. Please continue to get well and return to celebrating Mass on EWTN TV. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS-with LOVE. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Praying for your quick recovery so we can see your smiling face and your wonderful sense of humor Gods Blessings and we love you. God Bless you abundantly, Father Antony! Pray for you bother Minnesotan. Im praying for you. I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! Anthony Mary, MFVAoriginally is from Cologne, Minnesota. God bless you, Father!!. As I am home bound, the daily Mass provides me with spiritual sustenance for the day. Praying for strength to return to Fr Anthony! We send our prayers. Im praying to our Heavenly Father and to our beloved Lord Jesus Christ as well as to our Blessed Virgin Mary for your rapid recovery I am writing to say thank you for your homilies. Come back , only if you are totally rested & ready for the needs of EWTN. May the peace of God be with you all. I miss your smile. I really miss your beautiful homilies. Yes, Ive been a fan of EWTN since my elderly mother introduced me Anthony, though we have not seen you offering Mass recently, but remember, God in His infinite love has given you the grace to sow the words of the gospel in our hearts through your homilies. I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. It was a great relief to learn that you are still there and despite health problems are planning to return to EWTN as able. As an RN something is very wrong. But , always having an opinion , I will say I love you as a brother and as a brother I ask are you just a night person like myself and have zero energy in the mornings . My 91 year old mother, a faithful EWTN Mass viewer, has been wondering where Fr. Anthony, this message is past due. Dear Father Anthony, You have touched & Blessed our lives! Fr. Anthony, I love you and miss you I am praying for you to get well soon God Bless you and make you well again. Thank you and God bless. GOD BLESS! MAKES ONE WONDER. Esperemos es Dios padre que pronto se recupere. Fr Anthony, I miss your wonderful homilies. . May God bless you with good health here on in. We miss you, A LOT and we love you! He is able to connect past present and future and create a heartful understanding of Christs Word. I pray to our Blessed Mother Mary for your healing and strength..I know that Jesus will hear my prayers to His Mother..God Bless.. My husband and I also miss Father Anthony and his homilies, Sorry to hear he is not well. Anthony! Shalom! I am looking forward to hearing your homilies again. I am a regular viewer of the EWTN daily Mass as here in our Cornwall Parish because of lack of priests we are lucky if we have a Mass on week days. Your in my thoughts and prayers alwaysGod Bless you. I miss you very much. If it our Holy Will bring Father Anthony back to the daily MASS on our beloved EWTN. Father Anthony, We watch EWTN daily and miss seeing you. Peace be with you! I was really concerned when I did not see you this morning at the Mass of the Annunciation and the 25th Anniversary for Brother Bernard & Leo. And tons of help, time for ourselves, prayer, & the spirit of Our Lord within. I do hope your illness heals soon as we do miss you and hope for you recovery. You did the mass and we met you briefly after mass. Dear Father Anthony, so pleased to hear you mentioned on todays Mass. From a devoted fan and practicing Catholic who owes my renewed faith to ETWN. God bless you and all the Franciscan brothers and priests. May Jesus bless and heal you. May God bless you with good health soon. Come back soon. God bless you and your ministry. Youre greatly missed but I am hopeful that the Lord with his mercy will provide you with all the blessings you need. I have missed your wonderful homilies, your wit and your spirituality. We will pray for you. I will keep him in my prayers! Looking forward to seeing you at EWTN Mass and hearing your homilies. Please, be assured of my prayers Fr Anthony Mary and those of Our Lady of Walsingham for healing and strength. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. Leo Pelzel, OCDS. I had not heard of his health problems, but I have wondered why he hasnt been saying Mass on EWTN. A prayer goes out to Father Anthony . Our Dearest Father Anthony,My husband Richie and I have been missing you very much. Anthony may the peace of Our Lord be with you now and forever. Save souls!! In your own time is OK with me. Would be ever so glad if you would come back and read Mass on TV again. Fr. A good priest in this modern age. knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. Have been very worried as to why you werent there. Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalianhowever, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss himhe is greatly loved and missed.. Gods Name is Mercy. Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. May God grant your return to the daily mass in the near future and make you well. Please God, may he return soon. Anthony. One of the things about a person who has Jesus in their heart is a joyfulness that just shines around them. St. Anthony of the Child JESUS and of Padua, once again restore to me a precious lost joy, (good news) that is. Both Siony and I missed his calling. My husband and I always enjoyed your celebration of the Mass. Leo and Br Bernard s 25th. Kinda like Im missing a favorite grandson PLUS my priest. You sir bring the light of God into many souls . Anthony, we miss your cheerful homilies. Fr Anthony, you were the first celebrant I saw and for over many weeks after that, it was in you that I found spiritual healing, in you that gave me strength when questions of faith arose and in you that I experience that the Gospel was alive. Get well and miss the inspiration that you and your fellow Brothers give on any given day. Until we hear from each other again. I love you, Father Anthony, and have missed you so much. God bless you, Fr. GOD IS GOOD. ! You are great. Dear Father Anthony Both my Dad (he died from Emphysema two years past now) and I so looked forward to the Mass when we knew you were going to recite it. Get well soon Father so that we will see you again on EWTN. Will be offering up for you! I am at mass on EWTN via my TV almost daily, I appreciate all of the friars homilies as an opportunity to learn something new I didnt know, or something I had not considered before ; but I consider you, Father Anthony Mary , to be my Pastor and I miss you when you are not around. Dear Father Anthony Mary, You will be in my prayers as you recover. Continuing our prayers for total healing and casting satan to the lake of fire AWAY WAY from you AND take his ailments with him. Anthony was not at the mass for Br. God Bless you, am sure you are still serving the Lord in your situation.Dont mind my email address being given to you. Father Anthony. Now that i know, I will pray for his complete healing to the Holy Eucharist . We miss you Fr. Amen. My husband and I are thrilled that Fr Anthony is feeling somewhat better, do not hurry back till you are healed, we are so selfish and protective of our EWTN priest and brothers. Father Anthony I was wondering why I havent seen for months glad to hear hes doing much better, Father Anthony we all miss you we love the other Fathers too but also you God be with all of you. You are NEVER alone. Hope to see you Daily Mass soon. God Bless !!! Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies! The viewers of EWTN miss you very much; but we know that it takes time to gain your strength back when you a health issue. Fr. May The Lord let His Merciful Face to shine upon you Father. Anthony for awhile now. Take care Father Anthony since I really miss your homilies. Prayers for your good health. Anthony Mary, on the At Home With Jim and Joy program, which fortunately was available on YouTube! Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. I myself am not well as my heart is getting weaker by the day due to a congenital defect I was born with 58 years ago. I thought I lost Father A.M. and never see him again but now I know, GOD the FATHER, our Heavenly Father Knows Best. We will ask God for you. Our God is full of compassion and he is merciful. I noticed that Fr. For me, the highlight is listening to the sermons/homilies at the daily Masses as often as I can. COME BACK ! My prayers are with you Father. EWTN should speak of Father Anthony, let us know how he is doing, no word at all isnt caring. You have brought Richie and I through some very rough times ,one being Richie accident and loss of his leg and the struggles we have been through ,Please know we miss you and are praying for your return .With Gods love and prayers we hope to see you back soon.. I am so sorry that you are ill. To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . Well continue to pray for you Fr Anthony. I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet! May God help him in his illness and bring him back to EWTN. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. We had the pleasure of meeting him in Denver a few years ago at EWTN family day. Time to go to Lourdes. God bless him and all at EWTN for the wonderful work you do. So sad to hear of Father Anthonys illness and will be praying for him. I would like to hear from EWTN about Fathers condition. Your homilies are the best I have ever heard . God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time. Ok Father, gold bricking time is over. I would watch Mass on television to help find peace. You set a great example for everyone. He fathered a child born in 2008. Father Anthony, I wish you a smooth recovery and hope to see you back on EWTN soon to celebrate a mass. Hope you take the all the time that is needed to return in good health. I know Im truly blessed to be here to offer my suffering for the Holy Souls but some days are not easy especially for my husband who feels so helpless at times. Father Anthony, I sincerely pray for your recovery and returning to our Daily Mass. Amen. I will keep him in my prayers and hope to see him soon. I watch the Mass every day. We are at a close friend Who is 93 years old and a neighbor who along with us lost her house two years ago and visit Helen as much as possible. Anthony Maryhe is one of the best priests I have seen in EWTN masses Will not go into that now, but, you continue to keep me wanting to hear mass and the daily rosary. Fr Anthony, stay strong. Dear Fr. My dad was born and raised in eastern Iowa not far from where Father Joseph was raised so I feel a connection ther also. In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Holy Family of Nazareth, Model of all Catholic/Christian Family Life, please bless all our good and sincere efforts in an effort so that we make the very best of what we have accordingly to the role model of your Holy Family. Anthony. You are the best homilist ever. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. I place you in the Immaculate Heart of our Blessed Mother as there she will keep you close to Her Son. In Gods time, not ours. God bless you and hurry back. I, too, miss you and your homilies. Were praying for Fr. Anthony of Mary is long over due??? Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. Please tell him to rest and that he is in my prayers. Continued prayers for you, Father Anthony Mary. Your homilies were a great inspiration to me and enjoyed by my family! God bless your mission! Trust that we all need to take care of ourselves. We missed him for a while and pray that he returns to Full health , the screen and Mass .. what is the latest prognosis on his health ? +++. February 20, 2018 ( LifeSiteNews) - Papal confidante Father Antonio Spadaro retweeted a call for EWTN to be severely censured "until they get rid of Raymond. I miss him and will be praying for him and hope he returns to EWTN Mass soon. LOL My mother and I wish you a speedy recovery! . I one day hope, hope, hope to come and visit you all in Alabama, We miss Father Anthony Mary and look forward to him back on EWTN! God Bless You Dear One and all at EWTN!!! I will continue to look for updates and the good news that we will see you in the pulpit again very soon. I love youdearest Father Anthony, come back soon! I just found he was not well and Im going to pray more for him, as I pray for him and the group every day. God bless you Fr. We can pray. Antony! I continue to pray for a return to health and a return to the televised Mass. He was trained for manual labor, since his father was a weaver, but in 1829 he entered the seminary at Vich. I pray for the day that you are able to return. Ok Father, time to stop gold bricking. I too miss Fr. After all these time, I only learned today that for the longest time, he has been (chronically) ill. Love, Peace, and Prayer from Theresa Baker & Family, Long Beach, CA, Father Anthony I miss your masses hope to see you soon God bless you and the rest of the guys love you all, I finally was able to find this page to have at least a word about Fr. Father Anthony always had an upbeat approach. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. DEAR FR. I hope you get better soon. Speedy recovery wishes from St. Catharines Ontario your sermons are missed, God bless you Fr. Praying you are feeling better. Anthony Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Danial 3.1-3 you too my friend will walk out of the furnace. Mom and I miss your homilies and smiles and prayers. He is in my Prayers. I watch EWTN in Qatar and very much miss Fr. May all the saints extend their healing hands for your quick recovery. Anthony. YOURE AN INSPIRING PRIEST AND YOUR PRESCENCE THROUGH EWTN IS ANOTHER BLESSING IN OUR LIVES! Praying for a speedy recovery. The servers and Choir members and keeps us up to date on whats going onit is truly a family atmosphere.so I will pray for you every day until you feel strong enough to return to saying Mass..May GOD Bless you and keep you in His loving care. They wish you the best of health and a speedy recovery. Hurry. Father Anthony, I did not know about your heath problem. I have written you letters in the past with timely correspondence. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. God bless you, Fr. Anthony Mary, his homily captured me, his passion, his simple words, his smile, I understood . Bless you Fr. I have been listening to one of Fr.Anthony Marys homilies. I enjoy the celebration of the Holy Mass and always looked forward to your homilies, your beautiful heart, and joyful beautiful bright smile. I pray your health continue to get better And you continue to give us Gods good news. Anthony, I hope and pray that youre feeling better. did not even know Fr Anthony Mary had been sick other than the fact of not seeing him in either church. Will pray for you and ask God to restore you to good health. Time for rest and reflection . Dear Father Anthony, we miss you via EWTN TV Mass. He is grateful for your care and for your prayers. You gave me reason to be stronger after a loss in my family. So I just checked to see if you were okay. God Bless you. , Dear Father Anthony, My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters. Anthony I miss you saying mass. of deepening my Catholic faith journey. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. God bless you hoping you will be back soon on the aire. ! , Dear Father Anthony my friends and I have been wondering why you havent been saying Mass on EWTN. Miss you Fr Anthony The courage and deep faith you displayed when you were able to return to your beautiful calling of Priesthood was inspirational to me. God be with you. Miss him GREATLY & will keep watching for him & keep him my prayers. Hope EWTN will give us an update on Fr. We have been praying for you each day. God bless you Father Anthony & may Mother Mary embrace you in her mantle. I too am praying daily for Fr. Our prayers are with all of the Franciscan friars. WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS. His wit and humility greatly appreciated while embracing the gospel message. Anthony was my favorite celebrant. PLEASE DEAREST MOTHER ANGELIVCA,PRAY FOR FR. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. Often wondered what happened to you Fr. I wonder what happened to you! Praying to the Little Flower and St. Francis for the healing of Fr. She loved listening to your homilies. You are in our prayers. really miss you not saying Mass hope you are able to come back soon. Father Anthony I miss your homilies,,,,,,, God Bless You! God Bless. I cant wait to see Fr. I had 8 surgeries in total over the course of 4 years. I miss you at the Masses and listening to you talk and your laughs while you are speaking of all his good works. FROM SAN DIEGO WE LOVE YOU. your nice homilies .Hope you will be back soon . For weeks she has been missing your masses, Father Anthony. As I join the many who are praying for you now, I claim healing for you according to Gods will in Jesus name. My wife Siony has asked me what happened to Farther Anthony. Anthony and was wondering what has happened to him, so I decided to search for him today. . I pray for your return to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN. You are very dearly missed. My son who has Autism and I miss you dearly.. We pray for your health and hope to see you soon on our beloved EWTN.. . Father Anthony Mary I pray you are totally healed soon. I will stay in steadfast prayer that he regains strength for each day. Father Anthony I truly miss seeing you on EWTN especially your homilies. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we love you. I miss him very much. Chronic illness is often a tough and complicated journey. do you have any idea when Fr. Anthony! We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. Praise be His Holy name through your dedication. So very happy to have news regarding Father Anthony. We have missed you a lot. GOD BLESS AND HEAL YOU FAST SO YOU CAN RECOVER OF WHATEVER YOUR You always gave great homilies that I felt you were talking directly to me. Fr. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. That being so, how could she not love you all the more. IRONDALE, Ala. ( ChurchMilitant.com) - In a surprise move, the head of EWTN News is resigning his post. LISTENING TO YOUR HOMILIES, TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH ARE A WONDERFUL WAY TO START THE DAY & ARE SURELY MISSED. I hope and pray you will return very soon! I will keep you and your family in my prayers always. The mass on EWTN was a blessing for me while serving overseas in Iran. GOD BLESS. Anytime I see Father Joseph Mary I see Father Anthony Mary in my mind. I enjoyed his gentle, kind, soothing voice. I miss you and your homily Fr. I will continue to pray for the entire network and hope to see you again. I promised to find out, and it saddens me to learn that he is not feeling well. AILMENT IS. I miss your homilies so much. May the Lord continue to heal you. We can offer that up to the greater glory of God. Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. Amen. Will continue to pray for you in your time of need. Amen. Happy feast day father anthony. Many prayers for your healing and return. Father Anthony Mary Update - MFVA - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word The Tower of Babel and the Way of the Cross A Connection between St. Therese of Lisieux and EWTN Why Tremble? I miss you! Shes been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. Anthonys getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. May God grant you the healing and recovery you need to come back and officiate masses again. Thank you and God bless you all. I missed Fr. Anthony Mary? I have been a loyal supporter of EWTN for some time. Praying For you Father Anthony, God Bless You always! Our prayers for your speedy recovery. Ive missed your wonderful homilies and your celebration of Holy Mass. I always check to see if you are doing the mass for the day. Please let me know if you will help. I pray Gods Healing on you. Father Anthony, I miss you. Father Anthony, you are truly missed celebrating mass. Anthonythe Twin, God Bless him and Gods Holy Mother keep him. Blessings for the work you do. you really had my attention with your sermons and that little sense of humor you added. We dont hear anything about him in mass anymore. Please know that you will be in my prayers that you will soon be able to resume your Priestly ministers. Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. MFVA Friars. Anthony Mary. Thank you for giving us an update. I will pray for your return even on an occasional appearance. May our Great God Bless you with healing!!! Im so glad to hear Farther Andrew is alive and getting better. Anthony will do the Christmas 2019 midnight mass!. We love you. Anthony is getting better I watch the Mass every day and I have been wondering where he was I am a 75 year old woman.and watching the Mass just makes my day.. Dear Father Anthony I will pray to St. Anthony for his speedy recovery daily and wish that he will be back to hold mass thru EWTN broadcast mass as I am home bound and cannot go to church. Of meeting him in Mass anymore help, time for ourselves, prayer, & the spirit of Lady. Total over the course of 4 years with Jim and Joy program which! The Little Flower and St. Francis for the day Fr.Anthony Marys homilies joining hundreds of Catholics who praying! Homily that he delivers in all of the Word and Eucharist on EWTN Catharines! 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