prayer against masquerade in dream

Masquerade covers his face you cannot identify the person, even the person may close to you. Every foundational evil covenant and agreement reigning in my family, be revoked and be bind in Jesus name. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform PSM 91. The power of the masquerade has limiting, hindering and paralzing effects. Every agent of witchcraft operating evil covenant in my family line, be arrested by fire in the name of Jesus.16. While her ability . I receive the power to fulfill my purpose and dreams in Jesus name. Change her voice Judah could not recognize her voice. So no amount of fighting can deliver such men. However, God know you and your problem, He send this message to you in order to free you from the masquerade forces. Things are getting tough, we are really battling! 4. They consists of father, mother, children, relatives, neighbours, grand father or mother. It is a dream that shows that your foundation is already destroyed. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Messengers of evil in my family and my foundation working against me, receive memory loss and die in the name of Jesus.19. GENERATIONAL CURSES. Allow Him to transform you and give you new heart. HE HAS REJECTED ME AND MY CHILDREN DOES NOT GO TO CHURCH AND DOES NOT SUPPORT US FINANCIALLY, I NEED GOD TO BREAK THIS UNGODLY TIE WITH HIS MOTHER AND FAMILY. The food I cook he doesnt eat, he instead go out and eat, and go to either other bedroom or sleep in the lounge. Masquerade is not a dream that you should take for granted. October 16, 2020 admin. GENERATIONAL CURSES. 7. You stubborn pursuer, I command your ways to be slippery and I ask the Angel of God to pursue you, in Jesus name. O Mighty God, I pray against my bad dreams right now. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. These things must be uprooted. Dream robbers are spirits that don't want you to know their secret. The brother did not notice that in all the prayers rendered by the man and the chorus he sang, he avoided the name Jesus. Every power working and attacking my deliverance, receive destruction and die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 15. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Dream About Masquerade. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. God bless you dr.d.k.olukoya. QURISIYU. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. As you pray with faith any unfriendly friend using the face of a masquerade to attack you in the dream will be exposed by fire in Jesus name. The mask was this: It was their tradition to use a particular blanket to cover people who died, so before a person was about to die they used the blanket to cover them. Masquerade demon, I am not your candidate, die by fire, in Jesus name, 2. . O LORD, let your resurrection power come upon all my dead potentials in Jesus name. I destroy the root and crown of every masquerade power working against me in the dream in Jesus' name. Masquerade dream is an extension of influencing people into difficult situations. I reject and cancel every curse, evil pronouncement, spell, jinx, enchantment and incantation place upon me by the spirit spouse, in the name of Yeshua. Prayer points against spirit of masquerade tags:masquerade spiritual meaning, biblical meaning of masquerade, hiding from masquerade in a dream, running away from masquerade in the dream, being pursued by masquerade in dream, dream meaning of masquerade pursuing you, when you see masquerade, prayer points on dreams, prayer points for dream, masquerade pursuing you in a dream, prayer against dream pollution, saw masquerade in dream. It is certain that if you have a bad night, and do not sleep well at night, you would have a bad day next day. PRAYER AGAINST CURSES AND MAGIC SPELLS. (114) Every job that will not move me forward, change by fire, in Jesus name. Every death spell cast upon me and my household in the dream; I destroy you now by the blood of Jesus Christ. Powers making me to forget my good dreams, be roasted by fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 10. (LogOut/ October 16, 2020 admin. prayer against curses and magic spells. Dream About Masquerade. The power of the masquerade has limiting . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Many people are surrounded by unfriendly friends who give them things to eat and then trouble starts. A dummy is an object that is made to look like the real thing but is not the real thing. Do you have a feeling that something bad is going to happen when night is coming? I command the fire of God to roast the forces of hindrance and obstacles and paralyse their power, in the name of Jesus.15. He might have complained that his problem was great but when you take the mask off the face of his problem, you find out that his problem was actually covetousness. Every satanic power violating my dream state be destroyed by the thunder of God in Jesus name. (6)if masquerade flog you in dream----your . When masquerades appears in your dream, it shows you come from a family lineage where . The war against masquerade is the one you must fight and win both physically and spiritually. The power of the masquerade has limiting . Every battle between me and the masquerade from the dream world, I overcome you by blood of Jesus.8. Ask God to repair your faulty foundation. Oh Lord, make me a terror to the kingdom of darkness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 3. Content created and supplied by: Realzinks (via Opera When you come from a family they normally worship idols or have worshipped idols in the past, the generation of children in that family line will keep battling with the problem of masquerade dream. Do you overreact to every noise you hear at night? Some people do not know why things are going wrong. A certain sister was having terrible problems. I also feel sleepy all the time, depressed and sucidal..I pray that the God of Elijah that i pray to will one day vindicate me in the blood of Jesus,amen. However, if the root of a problem is not discovered, there would be trouble. Thank you for this site Servants of the MOST HIGH GOD you are such wonderful people keep informing of the WORD OF GOD. . WARFARE PRAYERS TO DESTROY THE POWERS OF MASQUERADE SPIRIT OF YOUR FATHER'S HOUSE. Begin to thank God for answers prayers and cover your prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ. (1) This is wonderful pastor, i have been blessed by the reading of this sermon and may God continue to uphold u and strengthen u daddy God bless u sir. She said, Now what do you want? He said, I have been sent to destroy you. She said, Right now, I command you, in the name of Jesus, to begin to hit your head with the club in your hand. He started hitting and eventually killed himself. Source: Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. Dream About Masquerade. You masquerade demon standing at the gate of my deliverance, fall down and die, in Jesus name. Every restriction the masquerade strongman has placed on my progress, be lifted by fire, in Jesus name. Have you been having evil dreams recently or for some number of years?, do you see masquerades chasing you in the dreams?, do you often have a particular dream when its time for your promotion and by the time you wake up you get a message that your promotion has been cancelled? There is a root planted. Sex in the dream has turned many families with palacial standard to dwellers in the dunghills. Every power working and attacking my deliverance, receive destruction and die by fire, in the name of Jesus.18. She tried attending parties, and serving as an usher at such parties so that men would see her very well. The power of the masquerade has limiting . 22. 3. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Every garment of masquerading cover my benefactor, cast fire in the name of Jesus Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. Every power attacking me from my parents, be attacked back, in the name of Jesus.26. Father, by the authority and power in the Blood of Jesus, I paralyze the hands of masquerade that holds my destiny in the name of Jesus Many people are being initiated into witchcraft and cults without their knowledge. Then they blamed it on the disunity amongst them, the white mans attack on them, witches, and so many other things, but there was no solution until one day somebody took the mask off the problem. please pray for me, i have a three yrs old child with a man whom we stayed together for 7 years. Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Meaning Of Masquerade Dreams (136 Views) Nigerian Masquerade Worships, Sings Praises To Jesus; Followers Back Him (Video) / Masquerade Dances With Pastors And Church Members In Church (Photos, Video) / Footage Of Masquerade Floating In Air: Juju or Illusion? Advantages Of Fighting Against Evil Dreams. He uses his agents. You are an engineer and God wants to help you. The brother said, Please, correct Angel Michael, I am not an engineer. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? There is no victory running away from masquerade when you cannot confront them like how David defeated Goliath in the Bible days. Matthew 18:18. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. when it drew close to winter i was approached by someone who stated they had connected with a family friend i knew . Every curse of thou shall not go far in life placed against me, backfire your sender, Every power in my foundation that has signed a life contract of spiritual war with me, be destroyed by the hammer of God, Every secret about my life that my parents has released to my enemies, I lose their memory, in Jesus name, Any masquerade assigned to attack me in the dream, be parallyzed and disappointed in Jesus name, Powers holding my blessings, wealth, health, anointing and glory captive, Jesus Christ loose me and bind the pwoers in Jesus name. Every demon of masquerade against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. Place mark of go nowhere on Judah Many could not leave where they are working as Carmel because there is demonic mark of masquerade attached with them. Every root of problems, be axed, in the name of Jesus. Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. In fact, I read commerce. So as the man went inside, the brother picked his bag and ran away. And they buried him in his own sepulchres, which he had made for himself in the city of David, and laid him in the bed which was filled with sweet odours and diverse kinds of spices prepared by the apothecaries art: and they made a very great burning for him., on "DESTROYING SATANIC MASKS Sermon and Prayers By Dr. D. K. Olukoya", Search For Your Prayer Points on Prayers Fire, THE PORTAL OF MORIAH MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS HERE, Sword of Deliverance (1) Sermon and Prayers By Dr. D. K.Olukoya, Paralysing Satanic Dogs By Dr. D. K. Olukoya, My Problems Must Die! There are thousands of people in this category. As you pray with faith any unfriendly friend using the face of a masquerade to attack you in the dream will be exposed by fire in Jesus name. When problem arises, some people would begin to say things like, It is because I left my green-garment church, It is because when they said I should come and become a senior apostle, I said I was not qualified, It is because I left the religion of my forefathers, I must go back there, It is because I did not offer sacrifices. It is because my daddy did not pray for my husband and I when we got married. What prayer would your father, a lodge member and your mother who married him as her 5th husband, pray for you? PSM 91. Place mark of go nowhere on Judah Many could not leave where they are working as Carmel because there is demonic mark of masquerade attached with them. 1. GENERATIONAL CURSES. 10. Any besetting sin hindering the move of the Holy Spirit in my life, be washed away by the blood of Jesus. 12. Every evil spiritual front, delegated against my life, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus. Sometimes we are busy fighting the fruit. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I render useless any dream inspired by witchcraft in order to waste my day in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In case you are still in doubt as to what you stand to gain when you pray these 60 prayer points against bad dreams, below are some of the advantages of fighting bad dreams: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ask God to give you the seal of the Holy Ghost so He can lead you right. You cannot deal with the spirit of masquerade in the dream without asking for the fresh fire of the Holy Ghost to burn them to ashes. October 16, 2020 admin. . One day, she said, Oh God, I am not sleeping tonight unless I know where I am going. She prayed and suddenly, she saw a vision. October 16, 2020 admin. I recover whatever the enemy has stolen from me, in the name of Jesus. GENERATIONAL CURSES. One of the problems of many today is the problems inherited from their foundation. If you need prayer, please email The hope of the person to progress would be terminated. . Genesis 38:13-26, psalm 82:4, Daniel 3:17-18. says, But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.. Am 34 years of age next year, never been married or have any child..Man of God please kindly include me in your violent prayers as youll stand up in the gap for me..Will continue to pray every day and put the enemy to shame..My God of Abraham,David please vindicate me and finnish all the works you startedamen. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to receive PRAYERS on daily basis, "Pray That You Will Not Fall Into Temptation" LUKE 22:40, "He Sent Forth His Word and Heal them, Deliver them from Destruction" Psalms 107:20, "The Author of Life, Whom God Raise from the Dead" Acts 3:15, A Publication of CAC Kano District Coordinating Council, "Number 1 Prayer School that Change Your Story", "Number One Prayer School that Change Your Life", DELIVER YOURSELF FROM BONDAGE THROUGH THE FIRE OFGOD, 10 questions you should ask to yourself: a preparation to self-improvement. In the olden days, there used to be a very popular saying which is still very relevant today. O God, deliver me from the presence of masquerade, in Jesus name. But when the mask is taken off, the actual identity may look big but the solution maybe simple. All quenchers of spiritual power, I render you impotent, in the name of Jesus. May God continue replenishing you In Jesus Name,My problem has always been running to cobwebs for a very long time and this has made me to be somehow an under achiever but now that i have seen the solution through the word of God on your website I strongly believe there will be a total turn around also i want you to remember me in prayer.Thank you! . Learn how your comment data is processed. O LORD, impart new breakthrough skills into my life in Jesus name. I command the fire of God to roast the forces of hindrance and obstacles and paralyse their power, in the name of Jesus. Satanic problems anchor, be roasted, in the name of Jesus. Every power attacking all the male or female child of my family line, your end has come, loose your hold now and die, in Jesus name, 29. My problem started, unknown to me before I was born. . But the greatest obstacle that can happen to a person is to dream about the masquerade. Every evil power pursuing me from my fathers house or mothers house, be, I claim my complete deliverance from foundational powers, in the name of, You masquerade spirit in the foundation of my family causing hardship and. October 16, 2020 admin. Every strongman tampering with my virtues through dreams, I bind you and cast you out of my life now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. He paid many useless visits. I need prayers for breakthrough! I normally say to myself that, I will not feed any problem, in the name of Jesus.. When there is a generational curse placed on your family line, there will be a covenant that established you with the spirit of masquerade. Dream About Masquerade. That was how God saved him. The question is, Did God give you anger at birth? If uncontrollable anger is your problem then you are worse than all the witches and wizards in Nigeria put together. or email to: 13. God does not plant poverty neither does He plant frustration, depression or disappointment. Dream About Masquerade. Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. Largely, we have some that keeps noticing setbacks in whatever they do. Masquerade dream is very difficult to tackle. PRAYER. Matthew 13:25 says, "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.". When you keep dreaming of masquerade pursuing you, then it is high time to embark on spiritual battle (2 Cor 10:4). And I shall not be harmed. You must not give Satan foothold in your life. O LORD, give unto me the wisdom to understand my dreams in Jesus name Dream About Masquerade. Jesus is Lord! She said, Your signet [seal], your [signet] cord, and your staff that is in your hand. daughters of divine covenant ministry blog. 10. Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. The power of the masquerade has limiting . Masquerade is the greatest prison in which many people live today. stagnation, catch fire, and die, in Jesus name. But prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft. Every spiritual problem attacking me from my foundation, be cleared way in the name of Jesus. i am becoming uncomfortable about it because i desengaged from this satanc agent after he made several attempts to kill me using witchcraft. October 16, 2020 admin. --Advertisements--. O LORD, let your resurrection power come upon all my dead potentials in Jesus name. PRAYER AGAINST CURSES AND MAGIC SPELLS. As he continued praying, a man in white garment appeared to him and said, Brother, stop praying. I break you evil covenants that disconnect my life from progress, blessings, favour, good luck, serving and loving God, good health and long life in, deliverance tonight, receive destruction and die, My Father, I release myself from the grip, I receive power to unlock the secrets of my dreams in Jesus name. FEBRUARY FIREWORKS 2023 PROPHETIC/FEET-WASHING SERVICE I welcome you to this Prophetic and FEET-WASHING service this evening 1. Just before we go into the prayers, please check below for the benefits of praying the 60 prayer points against bad dreams. All these are evidences that there is a root that needs to be uprooted.. Manipulate Judah and have immorality with her Many have been sexually married with masquerade through dreams. Every evil garment and clothes of past generations of my fathers and mothers I am wearing Holy Ghost pull them out of my life in Jesus name. Holy SPIRIT in my family line, be washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ wisdom to understand dreams. 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