Showing 5 Result(s)

4 Essential Lessons of Motherhood

One from each child, and yes, I’m counting the dog — our first baby. Happy Mother’s Day! I write this from where I woke up, in a twin bed trying to stay warm under a too small Little Mermaid blanket because my youngest stole my spot in the king bed with the 600-thread-count-bamboo-perfect-temperature situation. Let …

Our Deepest Fear is Not That We are Inadequate

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. The women I coach often come to me because they want a big life. In fact, they’ve likely enjoyed a big life until they became a mother, and now it seems in jeopardy. Or, conversely, they’ve been playing small for so long that becoming a mother …

It took me 45 years to get here.

When I left Corporate America, I was a Director at HBO, running a billion-dollar account with three children under three-years-old. It was cool, but it wasn’t exactly the life I imagined for myself. I was proud of my accomplishments, loved the prestige, and opportunities, but something was definitely missing. Who am I to want more? …